How to add attribute default value to pre existing products? - magento

How to add attribute default value to pre existing products?
I created a Global Text area attribute and i added a default value into the text field. The problem that im running into is that the default value that i added is not showing up in the products that i created before i created this attribute.
The text field shows up in the previously created listings, but the default information is not showing up..
YES, this attribute has been added into a attribute set.
I have cleared all the cache
Unique Value No
Values Required yes
Input Validation for Store Owner none
Apply To all products
Use in Quick Search no
Use in Advanced Search no
Comparable on Front-end no
Use In Layered Navigation no
Use In Search Results Layered Navigation no
Use for Promo Rule Conditions no
Position 0
Enable WYSIWYG yes
Visible on Product View Page on Front-end yes
Used in Product Listing no
Used for Sorting in Product Listing no
Any suggestions?

Like i said at the beginning, i have already added the attribute set. Anyways, i found a solution to the problem..
Inside manage products, there is a action called “Update Attributes”. Select all the products that you want to update and then select Update Attributes and add all the new information in.


How we can add attributes for old product in Magento?

I have Magento portal and I want to filter option through the attributes. So is there any possibility to add the attributes for old product which already in portal?
Yes, sure can add attributes for existing attributes.
go to catalog > Manage attributes > create new attribute and than go for Attribute set and drag the new attribute to attribute set.
than you can give attribute values for each products manually or for all products once using "update attributes" option.
than you can display the attributes under layered navigation.
feel free to ask any doubts
For the older product I have added the attributes and include in the default attribute set. So it will be by default add for all the products only you have to select for each product.
Please find the relevant image:

Magento attribute default order on config products

Anyone knows how Magento sorts attributes order in config products frontend?
I.e.: I have two attribute "size" and "color" applied to 2000 configurable products.
On frontend it show first size then color: I want to change this default order without updating all products..
Already tried changing attribute name and attribute order field in db: nothing..
You need to given sort order to product attribute
Please refer snapshot
The only way I could manage to work is to change the attribute id: in fact seems that Magento default attributes order is by attribute ID.
For others looking for a solution (You can do this in magento admin)
Go to the configurable product, go to the tab where u connect it to simpel products.
In the box labeled "Super product attributes configuration" you can drag and drop the position of the attribute (if you have more than 1)

Allow to add configurable product without selecting attribute

I have set up a few config products with the options to change the colour. At the moment I have a table which shows all the options so you can add more than one option at once but It is also showing colour swatchs which are shown by the attribute.
The problem is that if a colour swatch is not clicked then you can't add to cart, so I need some way of making Magento allow users to add to cart without selecting the attribute.
I have changed the attribute colour to Values Required: No but this hasn't fixed the issue?
If you are trying to pre-select an attribute option as #slayer-birden suggested, there is an extension which allow us to select a default option when we configure the associated products - set preconfigured values on product edit page
I didn't personaly tried it yet, but looks like it will do the trick.

Magento cant associate simple to configurable product

I created a configurable product and went to the associated products tab and used the quick create product feature to create a bunch of products based on my configurations. However non of these products appear in the list of associated products.
I noticed that the attributes I created don't even show up on the edit product page, on either the simple, or the configurable product.
I started first by creating 3 new attributes for a configurable product I want to add, I setup the options for each one and created a new attribute set based on default that included the new attributes I created.
When I create a new simple product or configurable product, you cannot see the attributes I have created. I have tried with the attributes in the general tab as well as on their own tab. But they are never visible when you try to edit the product.
I'm suspecting the reason I can't associate the products is due to this strange problem
I'm using 1.4.2
[edited to add my work flow/screen grabs]
It took a while but finally figured it out. When I created my attributes, in Attribute Properties where it says "Apply To:" I had only assigned it to configurable products, but you must also assign to simple products as well. (or just apply to all)
Keep in mind you will have to recreate your original configurable product before it will work.
Assuming you have created attributes with options and attribute set.
Can you please createConfigurable product again
Manage products -> Add Product select your default attribute set and Configurable product option.
The next window will be to choose the attributes that you have have created.
Lets say that there are three attributes color, fragrance, and volume as three different attributes and you pick fragrance here to associate the Configurables to the simples which you will be creating.
After you successfully created the Configurable product.
Create simple products based on the same attribute set default
you must be able to see all the attributes you created(color, fragrance, and volume).
Please pick any option for the Fragrance attribute.
Go to the Manage Products ->select to edit the Configurable product you have just created.
Go to the "Associated Products" tab and select "Any" from the drop down on the extreme left.
You must be able to see the Simple which you have created now
you must also be able to see the parent-child linking attribute "fragrance" present above the grid of products.
Make sure the simple is in "In stock" before you see whether they appear in front end.
Its not necessary for the attribute to appear in the Configurable product edit page.
Follow the above steps, hope it will guide you.
Please let me know if you unable to follow any of the above steps.
You can also read the below link, which is very useful to create a config product.
I had the same issue.
A possible workaround is to add the attributes in the single products and after they become available through the configurable product at "Apply To:".

Adding additional information on product page in magento

I want to add information in the additional information tab of the product page, but can't figure out from where it picks the data.
Check out the product attributes in the backend. You can configure existing and/or new product attributes and make them (optionally) show up in this section. Make sure the attributes have "Visible on Product View Page on Front-end" set to Yes.
1)First create the attribute as per your requirement
2)Assign this to default attribute set then save.
3)go to attribute and make visible(from drop down) your recently created attribute.
4)fill some value in the attribute(you created) for your selected product .
5)Again go to the attributes select your attribute then select yes or no to " Visible on Product View Page on Front-end " and "Used in Product Listing" depending your need.
If you need more help please inform..
