CKBuilder is not including some plugins that I choose - ckeditor

I go to CKEditor Builder and customize it´s full version adding some plugins, specifically (Upload Image, Image Browser and Auto Save)
FileBrowser is supposed to be a preset addon.
When i click to build it, it generates a zip file.
Looking into this zipfile i can´t see some of the correspondent folders inside plugin folder, like: "imagebrowser", "uploadimage".
Even the "filebrowser" that is a preset plugin for this version and "widget", "popup", "lineutils" and some of other necessary folder aren´t there.
PS: The "autosave" plugin installs correctly.
Whats going on? Does anyone knows whats wrong? I´ve tried other plugins combinations to check if the folders are included. I´ve restarted the computer, cleared browser cache, changed computers...nothing worked :(
I need Filebrowser, UploadImage e ImageBrowser.
If I install it manually it seens to work. But i´m having some troubles trying to configure it.

CKBuilder takes the plugins that you request and tries to merge all the plugin.js files to improve performance, so it's normal that you don't see many folders in the zip.


Creating custom builds of Mozilla Firefox

I am trying to build my own version of Firefox with slight UI changes and by adding some addons(extensions) to the build.
I have downloaded the source code from repo. Where would I start to achieve this?
Which all codes hold the UI structuring? Where do I put my addon xpi files?
PS: I tried to read the Mozilla documentation. Its either kinda outdated or I am not really getting it? A detailed insight would be much appreciated.
To do this, simply place the extensions in the distribution/extensions
directory in the application's distribution directory.
Here are the extension
Flags In firefox
Do more with themes
For Editing you may need XUL
Go here and customize every component you need

How to install CKeditor on MediaWiki

I've installed
-Wysiwyg 1.5.6_0 [B551+09.02.2017], CKEditor 4.5.9 (revision a35abfe),
unto my server whose versions are
I've followed the instructions by
uploading the WYSIWYG folder into the extensions
replaced WikiEditor/modules/ext.wikiEditor.toolbar.js in the appropriate folder
Made sure the Preferences are correct
added all code that starts with "#02.07.16-> ,#Enable WYSIWYG- extension, MW >= 1.25....." to my LocalSettings.php without any changes
checked the versions and found that it was installed
When i want to edit the page, i dont see the WYSIWYG, is there something wrong with the installation steps?

PTC Creo PZV file view in browser?

i have one app installed which is using arbortext ptc isoview /creo plugin to show files, so i wanted to make app to take snapshot of it in my IE, but cant find the way to load pzv file, if you just drag and drop it, does not work, i also tryed loadin via html, but seems my params are wrong?
solved, by ripping 3 java scripts and displaying full screen pvz file in webbrowser and then taking snapshot

How to manually set the script path of ckeditor

Usually we just need to unzip the package from the ckeditor website to a dictionary and use it like CKEDITOR.replace('editor1');. But my problem is the ckeditor cannot correctly recognize the path to the plugin and other files, makes the editor fail to load.
Is there any way to manually set the path to its files?
I have tried to set the CKEDITOR.basePath, the editor loaded successfully, but the plugin don't works, exception
[CKEDITOR.dialog.openDialog] Dialog "paste" failed when loading definition.
The problem still remains
I know this is old, but setting CKEDITOR.plugins.basePath should fix your problem.

Start firefox extension using folder

I'm new to Firefox extension development. I have gone through some basic tutorial. When I do as shown in the tutorial by placing the folder into profile folder/extensions folder, or in profile folder it made no change in the extension installation after restart.
Then, I have gone through this tutorial as well. I tried using the pointer object also. This also not working for me.
Firefox version I'm using is 14.0.1,
And When I try to install ESPN Crickinfo (you could be able find extension on-line) extension, It also not working. I couldn't open the options page of this extension even.
Any suggestions on this problem???
Try using a fresh profile
