How to install CKeditor on MediaWiki - ckeditor

I've installed
-Wysiwyg 1.5.6_0 [B551+09.02.2017], CKEditor 4.5.9 (revision a35abfe),
unto my server whose versions are
I've followed the instructions by
uploading the WYSIWYG folder into the extensions
replaced WikiEditor/modules/ext.wikiEditor.toolbar.js in the appropriate folder
Made sure the Preferences are correct
added all code that starts with "#02.07.16-> ,#Enable WYSIWYG- extension, MW >= 1.25....." to my LocalSettings.php without any changes
checked the versions and found that it was installed
When i want to edit the page, i dont see the WYSIWYG, is there something wrong with the installation steps?


How to install new downloaded backend theme in odoo 9

I have downloaded a theme from odoo backend theme market named artarad_theme_v9. I tried to install the theme and failed to install.
Now when I googled, I got the response to update apps module after changing to developer mode. I did that too.
Where should I keep the downloaded folder? Will the theme also be shown in the app list itself?
You need to keep your theme folder inside the addons folder. Then you update the App list, search for your theme in the apps list, install it.

CKBuilder is not including some plugins that I choose

I go to CKEditor Builder and customize it´s full version adding some plugins, specifically (Upload Image, Image Browser and Auto Save)
FileBrowser is supposed to be a preset addon.
When i click to build it, it generates a zip file.
Looking into this zipfile i can´t see some of the correspondent folders inside plugin folder, like: "imagebrowser", "uploadimage".
Even the "filebrowser" that is a preset plugin for this version and "widget", "popup", "lineutils" and some of other necessary folder aren´t there.
PS: The "autosave" plugin installs correctly.
Whats going on? Does anyone knows whats wrong? I´ve tried other plugins combinations to check if the folders are included. I´ve restarted the computer, cleared browser cache, changed computers...nothing worked :(
I need Filebrowser, UploadImage e ImageBrowser.
If I install it manually it seens to work. But i´m having some troubles trying to configure it.
CKBuilder takes the plugins that you request and tries to merge all the plugin.js files to improve performance, so it's normal that you don't see many folders in the zip.

Problems uninstalling SEO Boss extension in Joomla 2.5

I have created a website named and installed SEO Boss extension. Somehow it was not working so I tried to remove it using my administrator mode from my website but it shows a message:
JFolder: :delete: Path is not a folder. Path: /home/content/54/9492054/html/components/com_seoboss
Component Uninstall: Can't uninstall. Please remove manually
Then I tried to uninstall directly from server but it's not showing there too. My problem is when I try to install it again - it's showing me that the file is already installed and when I checked in the extension area >
manage catagory I found that SEO Boss extension is still there. But now I'm unable to get the options to remove it - the status column becomes blank!
To properly uninstall it (so you can install it again) you need to also remove the component reference inside the table called #__extensions
Search the element field for anything containing "com_seoboss" and delete it.
Then you should be able to install it again.
You should also look for this and delete it - /home/content/54/9492054/html/administrator/components/com_seoboss
I am not too sure what you mean by 'i tried to uninstall directly from the server'.
Anyway, I have had a similar issue to you when I was trying to uninstall virtuemart from a website. What worked for me was to:
manually delete all the component folders (using an FTP client like Filezilla )
manually delete all component tables from the database (using phpMyAdmin)
If you try this solution, make sure you backup your database first.
Hope this helps.

Remove a magento theme - Rollback to default

This is my first time working with Magento and here is what happend: I spent two days reading the documentation and tweaking the settings to fit my needs. I then installed this theme:
The problem is that the theme didn't work the way I was expecting and now I'd like to rollback to the default theme and completely remove everything added by this theme to my installation.
Unfortunately, I didn't backup the installation and database before I installed the new theme and I have no idea where to start.
Thanks in advance.
1. Switching back to default theme
Go to the admin area and then system > configuration > design
Change "Current Package Name" to 'default' and make sure all inputs under the "Themes" section are empty. This will return you to the default theme.
2. Completely remove everything added by this theme
I take it from your question that you are not using any form of source control. Might be an idea to look into this for the future :)
Magento 1.7 has introduced backup and rollback features so you may also want to check that out.
If this is the case, backup everything before you start removing files and directories as described below
Anyway, to completely remove all files and directories added when you installed the module, unfortunately it will simply be a case of manually finding the files and directories deleting.
The easiest way to do this will be to find the original source code you received when you purchased the theme and removing the corresponding files from your site. When removing directories be careful to only remove those specific to the theme - It will have been sent to you structured so that you can easily drag straight in to your web root - so will contain some other directories required by Magento, simply to give it the correct hierarchy.
At the very least there will be files and folders specific to the theme located in the following directories:
and also most likely some more in the following:
I know the result for this can be different for everyone, but in case someone else comes across my specific case, it was the N98 folder under app/code/community/N98 that caused the problem. Particularly their CustomerGroupCheckout plugin as shown here:
Removing the N98 folder brought back the configuration page.

magento theme install

I have a rather simple question.
I want to install a new magento theme. In the documentation it says to overwrite the default 'app' and 'skin' folders with the theme's 'app' and 'skin' folders.
"8. Upload the "app" and "skin" folders from the template themeXX folder to your Magento root
folder (accept the replacement)"
However, when I am doing that, it prompts me to download magento again thru the magento installation wizard.
To me, it sounds more reasonable to just copy the contents of the 'app' and 'skin' folders of the new theme into the default 'app' and 'skin' folders of the magento framework as they contain some other folders that probably should remain intact.
Any suggestions please?
Did you first install the default Magento in the folder where you want to run it? You will need a running installation of Magento before you can go ahead and install a team.
If it keeps promting you check that you're on the right address in the address bar of your browser. To install magento you would have been redirected to [magento]/downloader/
As a last resort you could open up index.php and remove the code redirecting you the downloader folder, but at this point you might be better off re-installing Magento (remove everything in the directory and follow the install steps again) since something probably went wrong.
After you've installed Magento check if you see the default store interface and can access the admin areas before installing anything else (including a theme)!
There's absolutely no need to overwrite the app and skin folders. In fact, if you do so, you could easily overwrite just about all of Magento's functionality and break your system.
That would be why you're getting a new installation prompt.
What's the theme you are installing, and what's the link to the page where they give that information?
Generally a theme will be packaged will a folder structure that looks like this:
and so on.
This content needs to be merged as you said.
Many of these folders already exist, for instance app/code/, app/design/frontend/base/, skin/css/, skin/js/
Just copy any new files or folders.
#george i know it's been a while since anything has been said on here, but i just want people to know for future reference that you only have to add to the app/design/frontend/default/[theme name] and skin/frontend/default/[theme name] folders like sg3s stated. i lost about 4 hours to this tonight b/c i bought a theme and they didn't specify that you only need to add to the folders not overwrite them.
