TFastLineSeries class not found error in TeeChart Standard 2014 RAD XE5? - teechart

We are using TFastlineSeries from TeeChart VCL. The program compiles without any error. However, when we execute the project, 'class TFastLineSeries not found' messagebox is displayed.
We are using Embarcadero C++Builder XE5 and TeeChart Standard 2014 RAD XE5.
A similar issue had occurred in TeeChart for XE4 and Steema Software released a work around. When I search their site and elsewhere, I don't find this issue in XE5.
Can someone tell me what could be wrong?

I've rebuilt the fix with XE5 and the TeeChart Lite version shipped with the IDE.
The zip here includes the compiled package and the headers for C++.
Note there's also a free update for the TeeChart Lite version shipped with XE5 here.


TeeChart 2014 Where is TQRChart for Quickreports 5 in XE6?

Can anyone help with this?
I have installed QR5 for XE6 but don't see any references of TQRReport for XE6 Builder C++ on the Teechart website.
We've just published the TeeChart Standard 2014 packages for QuickReport 5 in C++Builder XE6 here.

cocos2d building in WIN7 vs2013

I'm a learner of cocos2d-x,which is a open-source game engine.
but at the very beginning when I want to open the file I downloaded on cocos,
I suffered these problem
D:\game studio\cocos2d-x-3.0rc0\cocos\audio\proj.win32\CocosDenshion.vcxproj : error : 未能完成操作。不支持此接口 (unable to do this operation,this interface is not supported)
and the rest 16 ones.
Cocos2D-X version: cocos2d-x v3.0r
IDE: Visual Studio 2013
Dependencies: python 2.7
I was told that my .net framework might be reinstalled to solve this problem
I tried but in vain
help me~
Cocos2d-x v3 supports Visual Studio 2012, see:

qt 5.2.0 windows 7 missing dlls (program crashes)

Trying to run a Windows 7, Qt 5.2.0 program and it crashes immediately.
I have the mingw48_32 version, and 32 bit version of Qt 5.2.0.
I dont have Visual Studio, although I did download and install some of the
2010 VS SDK and .Net framework stuff, still no luck.
Ive tried searching for these things to no avail. If it is somewhere on my machine
I have yet to find them.
After running dependency walker it shows the following missing DLL's:
I really appreciate any help on getting past this! Already spent a couple days
trying to figure it out.
The same thing happened to me today. I found the problem. My program was loading a DLL with wrong version. This can occur when from the PATH or in the folder of the program is found incompatible library, which have references to these "missing" libraries. In the documentation of Windows is explained in what priority folders are searched for DLLs.
I had the same problem. I realized that I have been copy the wrong dll files. They had the same name that the old version (qt 5.0 to qt 5.5.1). So, I just copy the right files and was done.
If qt project depends on multimedia plugin:
in .pro file add
I get similar errors when I compile a C++ program under Windows 10 with Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 and try to install it under Windows 7. The solution: compile the C++ program under Windows 7.

FSharp.Core for Windows Phone 7.1 and F# 3.0

The F# 2.0 distribution had a version of FSharp.Core compiled for WindowsPhone 7.1/Silverlight 4, but F# 3.0 doesn't, and the portable version only supports Silverlight 5 or Windows Phone 8. Has anyone been able to compile a version of FSharp.Core for F# 3.0 targeting Silverlight 4 or Windows Phone 7.1 from source? What are the defines required?
On the fsharp compiler github repo, there's a target named portable-net4+sl4+wp71+win8, but in reality that's portable class library Profile47, which supposedly only support .NET 4.5, Silverlight 5.0 and Windows Store apps. It's the same as what's installed with VS2012. If you try to use it with a WP 7.1 project, it will fail at runtime complaining about missing IStructuralEquatable. It should really be named portable-net45+sl5+win8. There's a wp7 target also in the proj files, but it's currently not compiling
I managed to compile it, but since I don't normally use F#, I don't know how to test it. Have you followed the instructions for compiling? Just type the following commands in the VS Developer Prompt
cd src
msbuild fsharp-proto-build.proj
msbuild fsharp-library-build.proj
msbuild fsharp-compiler-build.proj
msbuild fsharp-library-build.proj /p:TargetFramework=portable-net4+sl4+wp71+win8
Note that I did it with Visual Studio 2012 Professional. If you want, I can send you compiled dll and you can try it.
Got both the wp7 target and Portable88 target compiling from F# source after a couple of changes
Still need to thoroughly test at runtime, though

could not load file or assembly 'system.core version=

I was trying to use ReactiveUI in a WPF application that makes use of Prism. I installed the packages with NuGet, but simply adding the references led to the exception specified in the title during the initialization of the ModuleCatalog.
As Pierre Arnaud pointed out, the problem is Microsoft.Bcl.Async not being able to resolve System.Core version
We moved to Visual Studio 2012 since i first posted this question. The same problem persists and i can't even install the fix suggested by Pierre since i have installed .Net 4.5 now. The project is still targeting .Net 4.0.
Please install KB2468871, which solves the issue related to Microsoft.Bcl.Async not being able to resolve System.Core version
See also Issue 8 in the async targeting pack knowledge base.
Here are the direct download links for the fixes, for the x86 and x64 environments:
This isn't happening for me. Is it possible that NuGet has added the SL5 DLLs as a reference to your project?
