Sublime text autocompletion for Laravel - laravel

Are there any plugins available to get Laravel auto completion and Laravel Blade template beautification in Sublime Text 3?
I have googled it, didn't find the right one for Laravel auto complete and not even one plugin that beautify the Laravel blade template.

There is dev4dev/blade-snippets. You can install it via Package Manager:
After installing you will be able to autocomplete Blade snippets by pressing Tab.
Some examples:
List of all snippets you can find in the project's repo:

First install Sublime Code Intel plugin and then install Laravel Ide Helper.
By default Sublime Code Intel will let you autocomplete the code you write in your project e.g. extra classes, laravel's namespaces, etc but by default it will not autocomplete laravel's facades that's why Laravel Ide Helper comes to the rescure.


How to customize html in Aimeos?

First time using aimeos and I'm having difficulty locating the file with the html code.How do I access the files? e.g, using this demo link where do I find the html code responsiveble for displaying the navbar?
You can do this through the settings provided by laravel aimeos:
You can also create a theme extension (this is the recommended option) and make changes according to your needs.
You can find the documentation at this link:
Also, you can use the following tool to generate a theme extension:
This way you will be able to customize all the html, css, javascript, php without losing changes when you upgrade the laravel aimeos package.

How to replace actions with html icon on backpackforlaravel

I have created this app with backpack for laravel where the table created by using backpack:build
I need to replace the word actions with an icon from line-awesome for example toolbox
<i class="las la-toolbox"></i>
I tried to add the HTML on the language file
resources/lang/vendor/backpack/en/crud.php but it's not working
In Backpack 4.0 or 4.1, you can change the default buttons any way you see fit by publishing the view file, and making changes to the published file. If Backpack sees a file with the same name & path inside your project, it'll use that one instead of the one in the package.
For example:
if this file exists: resources/views/vendor/backpack/crud/buttons/delete.blade.php
then Backpack will load that one, instead of the normal vendor/backpack/crud/src/resources/views/crud/buttons/delete.blade.php
For reference, you can find all default Backpack buttons here, in the Backpack/CRUD package. Overwriting one is just a matter of creating a file with the same name in the directory I mentioned above.
You can publish a blade file even easier by using this command:
php artisan backpack:publish crud/buttons/delete
Then make any changes you want to it, like removing the text to only leave the icon.
In Backpack 4.2 it is possible that an easier solution will be implemented for this particular need. See this PR for more information. Backpack 4.2 will be released in spring 2021.

How to get php documentation in sublime codeintel

I use Sublime Text 3 & its CodeIntel plugin for my basic PHP development and I need it to show me a documentation of a function(either built-in function or from a 3rd party class) whenever I ctrl+shift+space over the function.
How do I go about this?

Laravel 4 Blade markup and Ide Helper in PhpStorm

I cannot manage to have the autocomplete in PhpStorm to work for the Laravel 4 blade.php files.
I've searched everywhere, but I cannot find other users with my problem. I have correctly installed this repository at but I still get a blank formatting for the blade pages.
The laravel-ide-helper package is not designed to give you autocomplete in the blade.php files. The laravel-ide-helper package is designed to give you autocomplete for the laravel facades in other PHP files.
PHPstorm does not know that code between {{ }} and {{{ }}} is PHP code so it does not know that it should provide autocomplete ability.
There is an issue on the PHPstorm Issue Tracker for syntax highlighting for the blade templating language that you should add your voice to if you wish for JetBrains to implement this feature.
As for PHPstorm 9 you just have to change the settings for blade files to recognize Laravel's tags as follows:

Add new project as an Article in joomla 1.5

I have a joomla project now currently running on.I need to add a separate php project to my joomla project as an what i tried on article;
// You can place PHP like this
include "newprojectfolder/index.php?m=projects&uname=admin&pass=passwd";
When I run stand alone new project on that joomla folder it works fine.
but when it using as a joomla article, it not shows anything...
how can i go through this?
Use Sourcerer to place any code anywhere. This module is very useful and solve TinyMCE editor problems!
view this:
Joomla uses the TinyMCE editor which doesn't support writing pure PHP. Therefore you will need to download an extension that allows you to do so. Personally, if it's just PHP you want to use in an article, then I would recommend using PHP Direct
