Add new project as an Article in joomla 1.5 - joomla

I have a joomla project now currently running on.I need to add a separate php project to my joomla project as an what i tried on article;
// You can place PHP like this
include "newprojectfolder/index.php?m=projects&uname=admin&pass=passwd";
When I run stand alone new project on that joomla folder it works fine.
but when it using as a joomla article, it not shows anything...
how can i go through this?

Use Sourcerer to place any code anywhere. This module is very useful and solve TinyMCE editor problems!
view this:

Joomla uses the TinyMCE editor which doesn't support writing pure PHP. Therefore you will need to download an extension that allows you to do so. Personally, if it's just PHP you want to use in an article, then I would recommend using PHP Direct


How to customize html in Aimeos?

First time using aimeos and I'm having difficulty locating the file with the html code.How do I access the files? e.g, using this demo link where do I find the html code responsiveble for displaying the navbar?
You can do this through the settings provided by laravel aimeos:
You can also create a theme extension (this is the recommended option) and make changes according to your needs.
You can find the documentation at this link:
Also, you can use the following tool to generate a theme extension:
This way you will be able to customize all the html, css, javascript, php without losing changes when you upgrade the laravel aimeos package.

Joomla cannot unset mod_languages/css/template.css

Joomla 3.x
The following code is not working
thank you
The code is correct and I tested it, it's working fine.
Possibly you are running it in a plugin event after the head is rendered, or you have cached the page and the code is not really running.
In either case, try to put it at the component level, clear cache, and it should work
to identify the component: turn SEF off, and look at the URL it shows as option=com_componentname;
to identify the module, simply rename the modules folder, and update the site; if it works, it's a module.
For plugins, rename the plugins/system and plugins/content first, then drill down until you spot it.
Alternatively, but much slower, you can turn modules and plugins on and off from the backend, until you find the culprit.
A variation which I've used with success in the past:
Here's an alternate method using a module override which should work for you.
if it doesn't already exist, create a new directory titled html in your template's folder, ie: /templates/your-template/html/
inside this, create an new mod_languages folder, ie /templates/your-template/html/mod_languages/
copy the file from joomla-site-root/modules/mod_languages/tmp/default.php to the folder above, ie /templates/your-template/html/mod_languages/default.php
open this file with a text editor and around line 12 look for the line where JHtml is loading the mod_languages CSS, and comment it out.
// JHtml::_('stylesheet', 'mod_languages/template.css', array(), true);
That's it, hopefully, this will do the trick for you.
Overriding Joomla core output using this method is safe and you won't loose your work with future Joomla updates.
More info about Joomla overrides:!_core
Good luck!

Joomla! 3.0: core module edition not working

I'm trying to edit the default core module named mod_weblinks to change how the list of weblinks within a category is shown.
The problem comes when I change the default.php file in modules/mod_weblinks/tmpl/ and I get no results when hit f5.
I also tried to copy and odify this file in template/my_template/html/mod_weblinks/ but same result.
I uninstalled and installed this module from joomla! control admin panel.
Any suggestion?
Ok, I found it, the problem is that I was modifying a module but using a component so I have change the code of the component (which is a bit more complex)

JOOMLA, Best way to make alternate layouts for articles?

I can't find a answer for this, I want to know what is the best way to have an alternative layouts for articles in Joomla.
If I understand you correctly you are looking for a way to create additional Alternative Layouts for articles. Under parameter tab "Article Options":
If that is the case, its very close to the other provided answers here. Its just that you got to rename the copied default.php file to something else. If you rename it to custom.php it will end up with the text "custom" like the image above.
Here goes my shot for a step by step:
Find the default layout file(s). You could use the ones provided by the com_content component. They can be found at components/com_content/views/article/tmpl. Copy both default.php and default_links.php.
Now you need to rename and copy the file(s) into a template. The target template can be any of the installed templates. Using beez_20 the new path for the copied file(s) should be templates/beez_20/html/com_content/article/custom.php and templates/beez_20/html/com_content/article/custom_links.php.
Goto to edit article using the backend. Expand the Article Options tab and find Alternative Layout. Select your new layout.
Your template might already provide a article override. If so, you might want to use the files of that template instead (instead of the ones in step 1). So if you are using beez_20, you could copy templates/beez_20/html/com_content/article/default.php and templates/beez_20/html/com_content/article/default_links.php.
Helpful links:
Using Joomla’s Template and Layout Override
Layout overrides in Joomla 1.6
The best way to do this would either to install another content component - such as k2 which is highly customizable. Or any other content component on JED.
Alternatively you could create a template override on the existing Joomla Template. This is preferable to editing the files directly in com_content component as the template overrides will never be overwritten whereas the core files will be in any Joomla Updates. I should add, hopefully unnecessarily that this requires Joomla 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 2.5 or 3.0 (although this is still in beta as of present). So make sure you're not using 1.0.
To create an alternative layout for the built in articles component the best way to do it is probably to create a template over-ride.
See this article on on "How to override the output from the Joomla! core"
Creating an alternative for an article layout is pretty straight forward. You can achieve this by using the core layout override with your published template(s).
First you want to get/copy the core article layout file:
Then place it into your published template:
If the template you are using doesn't have the html folder, then you will have to create that folder and each folder to make that path correct.
Once you have this in place, all you need to do is make changes to that default.php file you have just place in the template and that is it!

Use Laravel-filemanager without editor

I am planning to use the Laravel-filemanager laravel-filemanager in my project. In the documentation it is described to integrate with the CKEditor. But I want to use this file manager separately for a input field.
Found the library which i was searching for. UniSharp maintain a package which is a fork of tsawler/laravel-filemanager. Do not use the original package developed by tsawler, i does not maintain the package any more and not responsible enough.
It is really easy with Laravel Simple File Manager.
Example without editor
<input id="profile">
<button type="button" onclick="filemanager.selectFile('profile')">Pick</button>
You can use it for selecting the batch files/images without using an HTML editor. Read the full documentation of Laravel Simple Filemanager
Code Editor
File operation(copy,rename,upload,cut,delete,move)
artisan terminal
dark/light theme
