How to get php documentation in sublime codeintel - sublimetext

I use Sublime Text 3 & its CodeIntel plugin for my basic PHP development and I need it to show me a documentation of a function(either built-in function or from a 3rd party class) whenever I ctrl+shift+space over the function.
How do I go about this?


Sublime text autocompletion for Laravel

Are there any plugins available to get Laravel auto completion and Laravel Blade template beautification in Sublime Text 3?
I have googled it, didn't find the right one for Laravel auto complete and not even one plugin that beautify the Laravel blade template.
There is dev4dev/blade-snippets. You can install it via Package Manager:
After installing you will be able to autocomplete Blade snippets by pressing Tab.
Some examples:
List of all snippets you can find in the project's repo:
First install Sublime Code Intel plugin and then install Laravel Ide Helper.
By default Sublime Code Intel will let you autocomplete the code you write in your project e.g. extra classes, laravel's namespaces, etc but by default it will not autocomplete laravel's facades that's why Laravel Ide Helper comes to the rescure.

Google Closure Compiler JSDoc annotations in Sublime Text or Atom editor

Does Sublime Text or Atom editor have plugin for Google Closure Compiler JSDoc annotations? Especially, code completions or error checking features like in WebStorm?
For Sublime Text, try DocBlockr. From the readme:
typing # inside a docblock will show a completion list for all tags supported by JSDoc, the Google Closure Compiler, YUIDoc or PHPDoc. Extra help is provided for each of these tags by prefilling the arguments each expects.
Also take a look at sublime-google-closure-snippets.

Is there support for XML code hinting / completion in Sublime Text 2?

I am giving Sublime Text 2 a try and I was editing an XML file - that had a DOCTYPE declaration and a DTD - and there seems to be no way to get code hinting / completion when editing the XML document.
I am sure its something simple I am overlooking. I cannot imagine Sublime does not have this kind of functionality, even if provided via a plugin.
Can someone shed some light on this for me?
Sublime Text is first and foremost a text editor.
But, the reason for it's popularity is in large part due to it's extensibility.
Although you could use Sublime's api to create a specific plug-in to do this, Sublime has a few tools that are already helpful in editing xml files and other markup files on a bare install.
Hinting and completions in particular are very easy to add. It shouldn't take a more than few minutes to create a domain specific sublime-completions file for your particular xml.
You can use alt+shift+w to create an xml element, in addition alt+. will close any un-closed xml element.
You may also want to try the Sublime Tag plug-in available through Package Control
Lastly you could also bring this up in the Sublime forums as a plug-in request. There are a lot of helpful folks in the plug-in community.
You can use the 'tag' plugin from Sublime Package Control. It has auto tag closing, linting and other features. The github page for the project is here:
You can install it using Package Control without leaving your Sublime text editor.

How can I revert back the native javascript code coloring in Dreamweaver CS4?

I recently installed Adobe Dreamweaver CS4. When I tried to code in javascript, all my code is written in pink font. I checked my Preferences > Code Coloring then choose Javascript. I was surprised to see that it only recognizes 3 types of code: jQuery Identifiers, jQuery Keywords and Methods, jQuery objects. I do code jQuery, but I want to see the previous color coding from my pass Installation (Macromedia Dreamweaver version XX). What can I do to revert or add these native code types so I can set their syntax color. I'm just used to seeing these codes more color-coded. Thanks in advance!
I ask because I have the following options when I open up the JavaScript code coloring options:
JavaScript Bracket
JavaScript Client Keywords
JavaScript Comment
JavaScript Default Text
JavaScript Function Keyword
JavaScript Identifier
JavaScript Native Keywords
JavaScript Number
JavaScript Operator
JavaScript RegExp
JavaScript Reserved Keywords
JavaScript String
I just checked in CS4 and CS5 and those entries are present in both, there are no entries for jQuery. Have you installed an extension that provides jQuery support (at least code coloring)? If you have, then I'd suggest you uninstalling it and the modifications may be reverted.
If you have uninstalled the extension, or if you don't have an extension installed, and the code coloring is still awry, to get back to the original code coloring that's built into Dreamweaver, you may need to perform step 12 on this page:
For CS4 and CS5, the folder to remove will have a "language" folder that the Configuration folder is within. On my Vista system for CS5, it's at:
C:\Users[username]\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Dreamweaver CS5\en_US\configuration\

Use Laravel-filemanager without editor

I am planning to use the Laravel-filemanager laravel-filemanager in my project. In the documentation it is described to integrate with the CKEditor. But I want to use this file manager separately for a input field.
Found the library which i was searching for. UniSharp maintain a package which is a fork of tsawler/laravel-filemanager. Do not use the original package developed by tsawler, i does not maintain the package any more and not responsible enough.
It is really easy with Laravel Simple File Manager.
Example without editor
<input id="profile">
<button type="button" onclick="filemanager.selectFile('profile')">Pick</button>
You can use it for selecting the batch files/images without using an HTML editor. Read the full documentation of Laravel Simple Filemanager
Code Editor
File operation(copy,rename,upload,cut,delete,move)
artisan terminal
dark/light theme
