Laravel 4 Blade markup and Ide Helper in PhpStorm - laravel

I cannot manage to have the autocomplete in PhpStorm to work for the Laravel 4 blade.php files.
I've searched everywhere, but I cannot find other users with my problem. I have correctly installed this repository at but I still get a blank formatting for the blade pages.

The laravel-ide-helper package is not designed to give you autocomplete in the blade.php files. The laravel-ide-helper package is designed to give you autocomplete for the laravel facades in other PHP files.
PHPstorm does not know that code between {{ }} and {{{ }}} is PHP code so it does not know that it should provide autocomplete ability.
There is an issue on the PHPstorm Issue Tracker for syntax highlighting for the blade templating language that you should add your voice to if you wish for JetBrains to implement this feature.

As for PHPstorm 9 you just have to change the settings for blade files to recognize Laravel's tags as follows:


Why isn't Backpack using CSS?

Installed Backpack on a fresh Laravel install. Maybe I'm missing something but is it normal for the views Backpack adds to have no CSS? It's pure HTML with no formatting. I've watched videos of people installing it and they show the webpage properly formatted.
You are correct, if properly inatalled Backpack does come with CSS and JS. To get it, you should follow the installation steps in the documentation.
One important step that you might have missed is “php artisan backpack:install”, which will also publish the needed CSS and JS.

How to customize html in Aimeos?

First time using aimeos and I'm having difficulty locating the file with the html code.How do I access the files? e.g, using this demo link where do I find the html code responsiveble for displaying the navbar?
You can do this through the settings provided by laravel aimeos:
You can also create a theme extension (this is the recommended option) and make changes according to your needs.
You can find the documentation at this link:
Also, you can use the following tool to generate a theme extension:
This way you will be able to customize all the html, css, javascript, php without losing changes when you upgrade the laravel aimeos package.

Problem with auto-complete and syntax in *blade.php files with Laravel plugin in PhpStorm

I have strange problem with syntax and autocomplete in blade files. Yesterday it's worked normally, I didn't update any plugins or PhpStorm, I have newest versions.
After closing PhpStorm and launching it again couple of hours later, blade files stopped working. At the beginning HTML not worked too, but I changed some configuration in Editor > File Types and syntax for HTML came back (next I removed every changes and it still working for HTML code).
I had turn on Laravel Plugin and Blade Syntax in plugins. Syntax for directives don't had colors and auto-complete not working, tags {{}} etc. not working too. I fully removed PhpStorm, used Invalidate caches and this not helped me with that problem.
Under this post you can see how it looks like, directives should have purple color syntax, php code not working.
Could someone help me with that problem? I will be very appreciated. (I tried find some information in the google, but with no effect.)
Screen with code
Whole IDE
Before broke
New photo without material design theme

Can you make Sublime linter work with Laravel blade?

I use in all my projects is there a linter that works in blade.php pages?
Or how can I make it to work with blade.php pages?
Thanks a lot!
Install Laravel Blade Highlighter package
And add to SublimeLinter settings:
"syntax_map": {
"blade": "html"
From my experience I use this package in Sublime Text 3, and it works like a charm:
But I'm not sure if it will work on Sublime linter. Guess you have to try it out.

Sublime text autocompletion for Laravel

Are there any plugins available to get Laravel auto completion and Laravel Blade template beautification in Sublime Text 3?
I have googled it, didn't find the right one for Laravel auto complete and not even one plugin that beautify the Laravel blade template.
There is dev4dev/blade-snippets. You can install it via Package Manager:
After installing you will be able to autocomplete Blade snippets by pressing Tab.
Some examples:
List of all snippets you can find in the project's repo:
First install Sublime Code Intel plugin and then install Laravel Ide Helper.
By default Sublime Code Intel will let you autocomplete the code you write in your project e.g. extra classes, laravel's namespaces, etc but by default it will not autocomplete laravel's facades that's why Laravel Ide Helper comes to the rescure.
