How to get San Francisco font into Xcode? - macos

I just download and installed the SF fonts. I see them in Sketch and the Font Book but not Xcode (Interface Builder). I've restarted Xcode but the SF or San Francisco fonts still do not show up in the text tool.
Does anyone know if something special is required to get them working in Xcode?
OS X 10.11.1
Xcode 7.1.1

All you have to do is to add your (.ttf) file to resources. You can drag and drop it and then a dialogue box will appear after that check the checkbox for your application and you should be set. Then add the font to Targets >> Build Phase >> Copy Bundle Resources and thats it.


OS installed fonts are not available in Storyboard dropdown

I am using xcode 10.1, recently I have updated mac os from 10.13.6 to 10.14.2 and after that the installed fonts are not available from storyboard; When I change the type to attributed text, installed fonts is showing in font box but in plain text only the system fonts are showing;
Is any way to fix this issue?
Install the fonts on your system first by double clicking it, or opening your FontBook app (double clicking should open the FontBook app)
Add font(s) to application bundle
Restart Xcode
:) hope this helps

Xcode9 WARNING ITEMS-90704, ERROR ITMS-90022

ERROR ITMS-90022: "Missing required icon file. The bundle does not
contain an app icon for iPhone / iPod Touch of exactly '120x120'
pixels, in .png format for iOS versions >= 7.0."
WARNING ITMS-90704: "Missing Marketing Icon. iOS Apps must include a
1024x1024px Marketing Icon in PNG format. Apps that do not include the
Marketing Icon cannot be submitted for App Review or Beta App Review."
I set the appropriate image (PNG format) in all fields of the xcassets file.
But one error and warning comes out.
Xcode 9.0 release version
Xcode 9 has new icon sizes. Please check the Images.xcassets file: AppIcon
In my case, it indicates a missing of AppStore Icon;
Xcode9 added a new icon in AppIcon called App Store iOS 1024pt, so add the icon missing resolved this issue.
In my case, the 90704 message said, "iOS Apps must include a 1024x1024px App Store Icon in PNG format. Without providing the icon in the Asset Catalog or via iTunes Connect, apps cannot be submitted for App Review or Beta App Review." This indicates that having the store icon as part of the store listing as I've always had it is enough. But Apple wouldn't accept my app until I also added the store icon to the app itself (in the AppIcon asset catalog).
My app has a watch extension, and I also had to add the store icon to the watch extension's asset catalog.
Don't forget to increment your build number after adding the icons, or Apple will then reject the app for having a duplicate build number.
We had this issue when tried to submit the app from macOS 10.13 High Sierra.
Everything was okay when we switched to stable macOS 10.12.6
Probably it's a bug of APFS/Xcode 9/CocoaPods...
You can archive your application by Xcode 9 and upload this archive by Xcode 8. Or you can edit Info.plist file in the archive and switch the value of field 'BuildMachineOSBuild' to 16A323. Why this? I don't know, but it works. I found this solution here:
After uploading you see only warning.
Probably Apple fixed this bug. Now my archives are uploaded correctly without any modifications.

Destination toolbar disappeared on XCode 6.4

Today in the morning I tried to compile my project to run in my device and I found the destination toolbar disappeared and I cannot choose my IOS device or IOS Simulator device as target. (I can do it in the Product/Destination Menu)
After some research I found the >> at the right on the screen and when I pushed a Scheme option appeared but it is disabled and I can't enable again.
This is what I tried with no success:
Open an old project to see if the problem was in my project
Create a new project (with Swift and Objective C but I don't think this make any difference)
Restart my computer
Hide and show the toolbar (View menu/Hide Toolbar and the View menu/Show Toolbar)
I tried all the previous options with the device connected and disconnected
I have installed the IOS Simulator 8.4 (when I run my project it runs in the last selected simulator) and XCode 6.4.
Looks like Xcode hides that menu when the window is a certain size. I have to make my window quite large before it comes back.
Not a fix as such but you can work around it using the menus: Product > Scheme and Product > Destination
You're probably running into the same issue I am. Like #BrandonWilliams said in his answer, it appears again if the Xcode window is wide enough. The underlying cause, for me at least, seems to be that in this build of Xcode (6.4) running on El Capitan beta 2 (with Xcode 7 beta installed), I am seeing duplicate simulators for iOS 8.4. And since there are two of the same version, the Schemes dropdown shows some sort of long GUID next to each one, causing the Scheme dropdown to be quite large:
I came to SO looking for an answer but realized that I had seen this issue before.
So the problem is basically that auto layout sucks (I mean it is not working properly in Xcode 6) and on El Capitan, the destination toolbar is for some reason hiding instead of collapsing properly. So when your Xcode window is narrow, the destination toolbar disappears.
But, if you expand the window far enough, it shows back up again.
In case you can't tell, in the first screenshot, the window is about 1241 pixels wide and in the second screenshot the window is 1541 pixels wide.
Go to Product then Destination and choose at which simulator or device you want to test your build.
I'm running with same problem. You can select device or change scheme using below steps:
Select Product from menu
Select Scheme or Destination
Select required Scheme option or Destination option
Alternative Solution:
The only solution is to use Xcode 7 or above. I've installed Xcode 7.1 and found Scheme/Simulator list available. Refer screenshot.
It seems that Xcode 6 or below doesn't support OS X El Capitan.
I am still seeing this problem in Xcode 7.2 on iMac with resolution 1920x1080. Resizing the XCode windows dens't help. I can have the menu bar back if I push the green button and go to full screen mode. But that's pretty annoying. This is how I finally figure out a solution that works for me. I notice that only if I open the project file that I have been working daily that the menu bar is missing. If I create a new project, the menu bar is there. And here is my solution:
Remove your project file on disc (or move it to a different folder)
Open the Welcome to Xcode window by shift+command+1
Make sure your project is no longer under this list. If it is still there, click on it and Xcode will tell you the project is not found and it will be removed.
Add the project file back and open it and I have my menu bar back (if you have moved it, simply opening it from a different file location may work I guess)
I guess the problem is that some cache value in Xcode about the project file is messed up somehow. Hope this helps.
I make my XCode screen little big and now find both options.
On XCode 9.0 beta, this worked for me: select View -> Show Toolbar from menu
right click on title bar -> select show toolbar
Fixed it by deleting the following file ~/Library/Preferences/ and restarting Xcode.
The downside is that Xcode preferences dropped to defaults obviously.

Xcode fonts disappeared, how to fix?

My Xcode fonts went missing.
When i try to edit anything via storyboard i can't choose any other font than system. The custom fonts section is not available, it shows "custom (none installed).
I tried restart, build clean but still nothing.
Other text editors like word can access my fonts properly but for now Xcode somehow isn't. What might be the problem and how to fix it?
I just tried to edit some older phone application and it allows me to use custom fonts, but when i'm editing my new apple watch then this problem appears?
Or does apple take out custom fonts capability on new Xcode build, and we cant use any custom font anymore in apple watch apps?

Icon Composer in Xcode from App Store

I downloaded xcode (4.5) from the appstore and am trying to find icon composer. When I've looked through all the subdirs in /Applications/Xcode and can't find a thing. I've looked in:
and all I see is:
I've gone to xcode->open developer tools in the gui and see nothing. I even built the locate db on my machine and tried searching for it...nothing. Any ideas? Thanks!!
The Icon Composer was deprecated because it was unable to deal with 1024x1024 icons needed for Mac Retina resolution.
Instead they recommend using icon sets in the official documentation.
"Icon Composer" is in the "Graphics Tools" which can be downloaded separately from the ADC-Website (as all other "Tools" like "Hardware IO Tools", "Dashcode", "Audio Tools" and so on.
