Icon Composer in Xcode from App Store - xcode

I downloaded xcode (4.5) from the appstore and am trying to find icon composer. When I've looked through all the subdirs in /Applications/Xcode and can't find a thing. I've looked in:
and all I see is:
Accessibility Inspector.app
Printer Simulator.app
Application Loader.app
iPhone Simulator.app
I've gone to xcode->open developer tools in the gui and see nothing. I even built the locate db on my machine and tried searching for it...nothing. Any ideas? Thanks!!

The Icon Composer was deprecated because it was unable to deal with 1024x1024 icons needed for Mac Retina resolution.
Instead they recommend using icon sets in the official documentation.

"Icon Composer" is in the "Graphics Tools" which can be downloaded separately from the ADC-Website (as all other "Tools" like "Hardware IO Tools", "Dashcode", "Audio Tools" and so on.


"Network Link Conditioner" cannot be loaded (Catalina)

Opening it from System Settings - it says it can't be loaded.
Doesnt show up in Xcode .
Any clue? I went thru everything I could find about this
In order to make it work again in Catalina you have to remove the existing Network Link Conditioner from System Preferences and then download it again from Additional Tool for your current Xcode version.
There is a Network Link Conditioner in iOS developer settings on the device...

Cannot install Xcode 10 Network Link Conditioner in macOS Mojave

I'm using the final version of Xcode 10 on macOS Mojave beta 11. I downloaded the Additional Tools for Xcode 10 package from Apple's website.
When I try to install the Network Link Conditioner Preference Pane, Settings.app displays this error:
“Network Link Conditioner” preferences is installed with macOS and can’t be replaced.
However, the preference pane is not visible inside Settings.app. I even checked under /Library/PreferencePanes - it's not there.
How can I get around this?
I ended up manually copying the .prefPane file to:
After restarting Settings.app, it finally appeared on the list and worked perfectly.
As Martijn Scheffer stated in this comment, the reason for the pane not appearing in System Preferences is that the installer incorrectly puts the file to ~/Library/PreferencePanes instead of /Library/PreferencePanes.
Download in https://developer.apple.com/download/more/ Additional Tools for Xcode 10.1
Network Link Conditioner is already installed but you can't see it on the Settings App.
This worked for me:
Press Command + Space to open spotlight
Search for Network Link Conditioner
It will appear on the result, click on it and it will open Settings
Network Link Conditioner is now visible in the Settings App. Open it
from the Settings app.
Hope this helps!
+1 to brainray, what worked for me was:
Download new Network Link Conditioner
Replace the old one in /Library/PreferencePanes
Open Network Link Conditioner directly from /Library/PreferencePanes
It now appears in my Settings app
In case the NLC is freezing when turning it on in the preferences it's important to note that it has to run as admin.
With the following command the preference app from MacOS can be started as admin:
sudo /Applications/System\ Preferences.app/Contents/MacOS/System\ Preferences
See here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/36445625/4417912
Update on the answer June 2019 Xcode 10.2
Apple has moved Network Link Conditioner Tool to additional tools for
Go to the below link
Install the dmg file, select hardware from installer
select Network Link conditioner prefpane
Double clicking the Network Link Conditioner.prefPane in the Additional_Tools_for_Xcode_x.dmg worked for me - it appeared in the Settings after asking for permission to install.

Where can i find Icon Composer on Mac?

I am trying to locate Icon Composer, which was supposedly downloaded as part of Xcode, however I can't find it, neither in applications nor with the spotlight.
Any ideas where it might be, or if I have to download it separately? If so, where from? I tried looking for it in the App Store, but nothing found.
Edit: I am using Xcode 4.4.1 if that helps.
Icon Composer isn't supported by Apple these days, and one of the reasons is that Icon Composer doesn't allow for working with Retina Displays.
The replacement is a clunky command line tool named "iconutil". It probably gets installed as part of the "Command Line tools for Xcode" download.
You need to create your icons as PNG's, put them into a folder (which will be called an .iconset) and then run the "iconutil" tool on that folder to create an ".icns" file.
This related question has a useful answer, and it points to this Apple documentation. Once you get the hang of it though, the process of creating icons becomes straightforward.
I have it for that version of Xcode in /Applications/Development. If you don't have it, run Xcode and select the menu item "Xcode->Open Developer Tool->More Developer Tools..." and look for a graphics-related download.
Philip is right but here is a clarification, Icon Composer is still available. In XCode press the XCode menu > Open Developer Tool > More Developer Tools...
In the web site that appears you need to search for "Graphics Tools" and download the dmg file with the same name (around 120 MB). It will contain the Icon Composer app previously distributed with XCode.
Here is a link to another newer github version Icon Compositor 2x - which also does 1024, so Retina resolution.
Here is the Github Repository:
In the following link for the original Icon Composer it says "Note: There is no longer a 1024x1024 size. That’s replaced by 512x512#2x."
The newer github version called Icon Compositor 2x does 1024 straight

The xcode iOS Simulator is prompting me to "choose the folder containing the iOS Simulator SDK" on open. How do I find it?

I just installed xcode for the first time and I opened the iOS simulator. When I do it is requiring me to first "Please choose the folder containing the iOS Simulator SDK" and I have no idea how to located this. Does anyone know where it is? All I went to do is start testing some mobile websites.
If you installed the latest Xcode from the app store it should have installed the sdk and set it up for you. You could try reinstalling if this is how you got it, but check my next comment first...
If you installed Xcode some other way, it may not have come with an sdk. You can check in preferences>Downloads to see if you can download it there (I don't remember if you can) or try the website: https://developer.apple.com/technologies/ios5/
I followed the advice to look in Preferences | Downloads and the installer was there. It looks like an updated Xcode doesn't include device simulators by default.

Where to find Application Loader app in Mac?

I have downloaded applicationloader_1.3.dmg and installed in the destination Macintosh HD.
The messages show The installation was successfully done. But, there is the ApplicationLoader app that doesn't appear anywhere.
How to install and get the Applicationloader app in Application->Utility folder?
I'm using Mac OSX version 10.6.8.
In more modern versions of Xcode, you'll find "Application Loader" under the "Xcode" menu (the first menu to the right of the Apple in the menu bar) and it'll be hiding in the "Open Developer Tools" submenu.
As of Xcode 11, "Application Loader is no longer included with Xcode", per the Xcode 11 Release Notes:
Xcode supports uploading apps from the Organizer window or from the command line with xcodebuild or xcrun altool. Application Loader is no longer included with Xcode. (29008875)
The Xcode Help page, Upload an app to App Store Connect, explains how to upload from the Xcode Archives Organizer.
In October 2019, Apple announced the Transporter app for macOS, now available in the Mac App Store.
With Transporter you can:
Upload your .ipa or .pkg files to App Store Connect.
View delivery progress, including validation warnings, errors, and delivery logs, so you can quickly fix any issues.
See a history of past deliveries, including date and time.
This was previously a download from iTunes Connect for qualified partners (FAQ)
Notes on Using the Command Line
I've uploaded non-Xcode builds with xcrun altool --upload-app -f path-to-build.ipa -u your-account#apple.com. It won't show any progress, but you can see the network traffic in Activity Monitor. It finishes with No errors uploading 'path-to-build.ipa'.
See xcrun altool --help for usage. If your account has 2FA enabled, first visit https://appleid.apple.com/ and generate an app password.
You can download Application Loader from Itunes Connect.
Go to https://itunesconnect.apple.com/ , sign in, and click on Manage Your Apps.
There is a Download Application Loader link at the bottom.
At the time of writing, this link is: https://itunesconnect.apple.com/apploader/ApplicationLoader_3.1.dmg
I didn't find application loader anywhere, even in spotlight. You can open it through xcode.
Go to Xcode > Open Developer Tools > Application Loader
With Xcode 11, Application Loader has been removed. The Mac App store now has an app called Transporter.
For anyone finding this now (23/09/2019) Application Loader has been removed from Xcode.
If you have built the application in Xcode you should be able to follow these instructions to upload your and distribute your project Upload an app
I am not sure what to do if you have been given a .ipa file, for example when building an Expo project, I'll update this post when i have an answer.
In the mean time more info can be found here.
Developer Apple - Whats new
application loader page:
application loader 3.1:
I have found in following way :
Go to https://itunesconnect.apple.com/ , sign in
Click "Resources and Help"
you can find it by going to xcode > open developer tool > application Loader
You can also upload an app using the Application Loader tool by using it from the terminal:
MacBook-Pro:~ denis$ altool --upload-app -f "ios-app.ipa" -u "applestore#email.com" -p "yourpassword"
To use altool from anywhere in the terminal you could add it to your
PATH env variable by typing in terminal:
MacBook-Pro:~ denis$ export PATH=$PATH:/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Applications/Application\ Loader.app/Contents/Frameworks/ITunesSoftwareService.framework/Support/
MacBook-Pro:~ denis$ source ~/.bash_profile
Now you can upload your app binary with the Transporter app.
You can download Transporter from Mac AppStore Here
Here apple mentioned its used for uploading.
Application Loader now moved to tools
It's in Applications > Xcode > Show package contents > Contents > Applications - but easier to open from Xcode!
This error had me really scared because I make my app using Adobe AIR, so once my AIR builder (FDT) tells me it has packaged it, I really have very little I can do if it fails.
I got this error when I uploaded my ipa through the Application Loader (v3.0 [620]) that I had downloaded from the link they provide when submitting the binary. I tried uploading the ipa through Xcode > Application Loader (v3.6 [1020]) and it worked fine.
I am going to write to Apple about this once my blood pressure returns to normal.
With Application Loader now gone from Xcode I had a look around to see how to upload an .ipa file, since I use UE4 and I don't touch Xcode at all during development. Turns out it's pretty hidden away, You need to go to Window, Organiser, Archives. The archive will only appear if you ticked the "Generate Xcode Archive Package" tickbox in Project Settings. Then you just click Distribute and it's just does it.
Application Loader has been removed from XCode 11, the alternative app is Transporter. you can download it from the appstore with the following link:
Now you can use Transporter app instead of Application Loader.
Download Transporter App from this link: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/transporter/id1450874784?mt=12
If anybody is still looking for the Application loader, it has been removed and replaced with Apple Transporter. Download from the mac AppStore.
