Xcode fonts disappeared, how to fix? - xcode

My Xcode fonts went missing.
When i try to edit anything via storyboard i can't choose any other font than system. The custom fonts section is not available, it shows "custom (none installed).
I tried restart, build clean but still nothing.
Other text editors like word can access my fonts properly but for now Xcode somehow isn't. What might be the problem and how to fix it?
I just tried to edit some older phone application and it allows me to use custom fonts, but when i'm editing my new apple watch then this problem appears?
Or does apple take out custom fonts capability on new Xcode build, and we cant use any custom font anymore in apple watch apps?


Missing Marketing Icon iTunes Connect

I have uploaded a couple of applications to the app store with ease. Sometimes I noticed this warning in xCode when I uploaded my app:
Missing Marketing Icon. iOS Apps must include a 1024x1024px Marketing Icon in PNG format. Apps that do not include the Marketing Icon cannot be submitted for App Review or Beta App Review.
But that was not impeding me to send my app for review in iTunes connect... until now.
I have found a few questions about this but none of those have helped me solving my problem. For example, following advise given here I tried adding my icon width xCode in the AppIcon.iconset file but it doesn't work if I do it after packaging my app with appcelerator (I guess that is the normal outcome). But if I do it and the package again, the icon disappears from the file (I think this is because appcelerator generates those files on its own).
How do I add that icon so appcelerator won't remove it when I package?
Or how do I add it to appcelerator so it generates the iconset including my marketing Icon??
I believe I have followed the guidelines completely (My icon is a .png file, its size is 1024x1024 and has no alpha channels nor transparencies) maybe the naming is not correct but I have not found any specific naming for this case.
Use the latest SDK (6.2.2.GA). It was fixed in 6.2.1.GA (https://github.com/appcelerator/titanium_mobile/pull/9451).
If you can't use it you could add the changes in the PR to your _build.js file

Xcode 8 automatic build when editing

I'm using both Xcode 8 and 8.1 beta (8T61a) and when I write anything, even a single space, Xcode builds automatically the entire project, It's very annoying and make my Mac really slow I disabled "Live build" option in General setting, but nothing changes
Does someone else have this strange issue ?
You need to disable "Automatically Refresh Views" from the Editor section.It is happening because, as soon as you type anything, XCode refreshes the views as they might change due to any changes in code.
Follow this link Xcode 8 automatic build when any change

How to get San Francisco font into Xcode?

I just download and installed the SF fonts. I see them in Sketch and the Font Book but not Xcode (Interface Builder). I've restarted Xcode but the SF or San Francisco fonts still do not show up in the text tool.
Does anyone know if something special is required to get them working in Xcode?
OS X 10.11.1
Xcode 7.1.1
All you have to do is to add your (.ttf) file to resources. You can drag and drop it and then a dialogue box will appear after that check the checkbox for your application and you should be set. Then add the font to Targets >> Build Phase >> Copy Bundle Resources and thats it.

Invalid Bundle Error - "requires launch storyboard"

I keep getting this error when I try to submit my app to the store using Xcode:
ERROR ITMS-90475: "Invalid Bundle. iPad Multitasking support requires launch storyboard in bundle 'com.companyname.appname.'"
Anyone know what this error really means?
This is because you need to specify how your app is supposed to handle multitasking on iPad.
If you don't want to handle multitasking right now, you can simply disable it by going to the "General" tab of your target:
I solved the problem in this way, see here:
If you must opt out of Slide Over and Split View, do so explicitly by adding the UIRequiresFullScreen key to your Xcode project’s Info.plist file and apply the Boolean value YES.
You need to add a Launch Screen (Xcode > File > New).
Under iOS > User Interface you select "Launch Screen" to add it to the project.
For the iPad you need to support all 4 orientations.
Select in Xcode your target file, and under the General Tab, go to the "App icons and Launch Images".
Here you select the Launch Screen file you created.
When you launch the app you'll see the launch (bitmap) images are not used, but the Launch Screen Storyboard.
You can either do it as André showed or directly add:
On your .plist file.
If you are using Cordova, you might want to use the cordova-ios-requires-fullscreen plugin (see How to disable iOS9 multitasking through Ionic/Cordova?)
Update: you can also use the cordova-plugin-ipad-multitasking, which seems to also prevent another issue (ITMS-90474)
Update: this should now be fixed using Cordova tools 5.4 without the need for these plugins.
In Xcode 14.2, setting the launch storyboard should be as simple as selecting the required storyboard as Launch Screen File in the "General" settings for the target. This not only avoids spelling mistakes, it also ensures that the storyboard is included in the bundle. However, I found that uploading to the App Store failed as per the OP if support for multiple windows is included (that is, if requires full screen is not checked).
If the storyboard has been configured in this way then the problem may be because the name of the storyboard includes a .storyboard extension, which it's not supposed to (see also post by Muhammad Ibrahim). This can be fixed without checking the box for requires full screen:
In Xcode, go to your build target and select the General tab.
In the section "App Icons and Launch Screen", check if a Storyboard file is selected and if it has a .storyboard extension.
If so -> tap the name of the storyboard to edit it, take off the .storyboard extension and press return.
That's it! The name of the storyboard will no longer show, but the problem will be fixed.
IF you ONLY want to set RequiresFullScreen For iPhone, and support iPad Multitasking, try this:
LaunchScreenIPad.storyboard is the name of LaunchScreen for iPad.
iPhone will still use Launch Images Source pictures.
Apple Document Ref: Creating Platform- and Device-Specific Keys
If you want to support split views in iPad, in your info.plist file, set just "LaunchScreen" as the value for key "UILaunchStoryboardName", instead of "LaunchScreen.Storyboard" and you need to support all 4 orientations for iPad.

Default App Icon not appearing in iOS Simulator

I have searched quite a lot for an answer to this problem. If I have a general application, HelloWorld, and create an interface and then go to test it, then click on the Home button, not even the default grey/white icon is there like it's supposed to be. Anyone have any ideas why? I've even tried specifying a custom icon in the Info.plist file, but still nothing...
I've got the latest version of Xcode and the SDK as well. (3.25 - 4.2)
I solved it. Apparently, in order for it to put the icon there, I have to run it from within XCode, and not Interface Builder.
