OS installed fonts are not available in Storyboard dropdown - xcode

I am using xcode 10.1, recently I have updated mac os from 10.13.6 to 10.14.2 and after that the installed fonts are not available from storyboard; When I change the type to attributed text, installed fonts is showing in font box but in plain text only the system fonts are showing;
Is any way to fix this issue?

Install the fonts on your system first by double clicking it, or opening your FontBook app (double clicking should open the FontBook app)
Add font(s) to application bundle
Restart Xcode
:) hope this helps


Netbeans: Customize Toolbars in Mac Sierra 10.12.4 Not Working

I am trying to customize my toolbar in Netbeans on a MacBook Pro running Sierra 10.12.4.
I can 'add a custom toolbar' and name it, but when I try to drag and drop the desired icons into the bar, they don't get added, don't even register as hovering behavior when attempting it.
Works fine on my PC but not on my Mac.
Is this a bug or am I missing a step, or it just doesn't work on Mac?

Aptana crashes on Mac OS Sierra

Aptana studio used to work fine on OS X El Capitan but after updating to Sierra it doesn't work anymore... Can anybody help me fix this? I keep getting a crash log every time screenshot uploaded I open the app. Something I've noticed is that the aptana icon in the applications is a folder and not just a normal app icon. Earlier as I remember it was just a normal app icon on El Capitan. I use aptana on a daily basis as a university student so its vital for me for this to work.
Edit: I have tried a lot of methods including reinstalling java but still it doesn't work. Only way to make it work is to open up the application package and open the terminal executable aptana3. It runs perfectly then but if I launch from the usual app drawer icon it crashes.
This security measure can correct it from System Preferences -> Security and Privacy -> General tab.
By default, Sierra, the option “Allow applications downloaded from does not appear Anywhere “. But with a simple instruction from the command line so we can correct.
Go to the folder Applications -> Utilities -> Terminal
In Terminal, enter or copy…
sudo spctl --master-disable
Type your password (it will not appear, however it is present) and press Enter
Click the lock and enter your Administrator password to make changes.
After changing this option, and can install any software, so if compatible with OS 10.12.
Open finder and navigate to "Applications -> Aptana"
Right click on the Aptana executable and click show contents
Navigate to "Content -> MacOS"
Double click click on AptanaStudio3
You will get a popup saying you need legacy Java SE 6
Click "More Info..." button and download and install it (very slow download, just wait it out)
Once installed double click the AptanaStudio icon in step 4 and Aptana Studio 3 will open
You will need to use that as the shortcut as the Aptana icon from installation will still not work.
Good luck.
I have same problem and solved with some workaround.
First download and install java for mac: https://support.apple.com/downloads/DL1572/en_US/javaforosx.dmg
If this not work or you reinstalled aptana after upgrading to sierra I advice to find a old copy of aptana directory and put it to application directory.
I had the same problems on MacOS Sierra; crashing on load, or the JVM error if I launch from within the package contents.
I didn't find any solution to this directly, but instead I installed the latest version of Eclipse first, then installed Aptana from Eclipse. That seems to be working.
In order to use Aptan on El Capitan, first you must install the legacy java 6 version for mac:
The only thing is that you won't be able to access it like a normal application on your mac.
To open Aptana you must run:
Applications -> Aptana(right click to "Show package contents") -> Contents -> MacOS -> AptanaStudio3

How to get San Francisco font into Xcode?

I just download and installed the SF fonts. I see them in Sketch and the Font Book but not Xcode (Interface Builder). I've restarted Xcode but the SF or San Francisco fonts still do not show up in the text tool.
Does anyone know if something special is required to get them working in Xcode?
OS X 10.11.1
Xcode 7.1.1
All you have to do is to add your (.ttf) file to resources. You can drag and drop it and then a dialogue box will appear after that check the checkbox for your application and you should be set. Then add the font to Targets >> Build Phase >> Copy Bundle Resources and thats it.

Xcode fonts disappeared, how to fix?

My Xcode fonts went missing.
When i try to edit anything via storyboard i can't choose any other font than system. The custom fonts section is not available, it shows "custom (none installed).
I tried restart, build clean but still nothing.
Other text editors like word can access my fonts properly but for now Xcode somehow isn't. What might be the problem and how to fix it?
I just tried to edit some older phone application and it allows me to use custom fonts, but when i'm editing my new apple watch then this problem appears?
Or does apple take out custom fonts capability on new Xcode build, and we cant use any custom font anymore in apple watch apps?

OSX - Get a selector with list of systems fonts

In my new app, I need the user to be able to click a selector, and pick any of their system fonts. How is this possible?
+[UIFont familyNames] returns an array of names of installed fonts.
Edit: Oops, I was in iOS mode. Here's the Mac OS version:
[[NSFontManager sharedFontManager] availableFontFamilies]
