Addressing Size Regarding Bytes - byte

Just to make sure, does every single address contain one byte? So say you had theoretical addresses FFF0 and FFFF: there are 16 values between these two addresses, which means between them they contain 16 bytes, or 8 x 16 bits? Every individual address is linked to a single byte?

Just to make sure, does every single address contain one byte?
...which means between them they contain 16 bytes, or 8 x 16 bits?
Every individual address is linked to a single byte?
Yes to all three questions.
Which is why the limitation with 32-bit addressing, you can only access 2^32 bytes == 4,294,967,296 bytes == 4 GiB. Each addressable memory location gives access to 1 byte.
If we could access 2 bytes with one address, then that limit would have been 8 GiB. And the architecture of modern chips and all software would have to be modified to determine whether they want both bytes or just the first or the second. So you'd need, say, 1 more bit to determine that. Guess what, if you had 33-bit machines, that's what we'd get...max address-able space of 8 GiB. Which is still effectively 1-byte-containing addresses. Workarounds do exist but that's not related to your questions.
* GiB = Binary GigaBytes.
Note that this is not related to "types" where a char is 1 byte and an int is 4 bytes. Programming languages compensate for that when trying to access the value of a stored variable/data stored at a location(s). And they are actually calculated as total bits rather than total bytes. So an int is considered as 32 bits rather than 4 bytes. When C fetches an int's value from memory, it will fetch all 4 bytes even though the address of the int refers to just one, the address of the first byte.

Yes. Addresses map to bytes 1 to 1, even if they expect you to work with a word size of two or four bytes at a time.


What percentage of the bits used for data in a 32kB (32,768 byte) direct-mapped write-back cache with a 64 byte cache line?

Encountered this problem and the solution said
"32 bit address bits, 64 byte line means we have 6 bits for the word address in the line that aren't in the tag, 32,768 bytes in the cache at 64 byte lines is 512 total lines, which means we have 12 bits of address for the cache index, write back means we need a dirty bit, and we always need a valid bit. So each line has 64*8=512 data bits, 32-6- 12=14 tag bits, and 2 flag bits: data/total bits = 512/(512+14+2)=512/528."
When I tried to solve the problem I got 32kB/64byte=512 lines in total, i.e. 2^9=512. In addition, a 64 byte cache line size, 1 word=4 bytes, is 64/4=16 words per line i.e. 2^4.
To my understanding the total amount of bits in a cache is given by total amount of entries/lines in the caches*(tag address + data)-> 2^9*((32-9-4+2)+16*32). Thus, the amount of data bits per cache line is 512 (16 words *32 bits per word), and the tag is 32-9-4+2=21 (the 9 is the cache index for direct mapped cache, the 4 is to address each word and the 2 is the valid bit and dirty bit)
Effectively, the answer should be 512/533 and not 512/528.
512 lines = 9 bits not 12 as they claim, so you are right on this point.
However, they are right that 64 byte lines gives 6 bits for the block offset — though it is a byte offset, not word as they say.
So, 32-6-9=17 tag bits, then plus the 2 for dirty & valid.
FYI, there's nothing in the above problem that indicates a conversion from bytes to words. While it is true that there will be 16 x 32-bit words per line (i.e. 64 bytes per line) it is irrelevant: we should presume that the 32-bit address is a byte address unless otherwise stated. (It would be unusual to state cache size in bytes for a word (not byte) addressable machine; it would also be unusual for a 32-bit machine to be word addressable — some teaching architectures like LC-3 are word addressable, however, they are 16-bits; other word addressable machines have odd sizes like 12 or 18 or 36 bit words — though those pre-date caches!)

How to determine the number of redundant address bits?

A memory module has a data bus that is 128 bits wide. If module holds 4GB (2^31 bytes), how many address bits are redundant?
I believe there is some sort of formula (if not a formula a logical procedure) which we can use to find out the address bus then from there we can find out the redundant number of address bits. I don't have a basic idea of how these things are related: address bus, bus width, data bus.etc.
Each line on one of those parallel buses represents one bit of information. This is why the number of lines that comprise the bus is also referred to its width in bits.
The address bus is used to send the address to be read from or written to to the memory module. Because each line can 'transport' only one bit multiple lines are used in parallel.
For example, to be able to address 256 different locations in the memory, (at least) 8 lines are required for the address bus (because 2^8 = 256). Those 4 billion memory locations will therefor need 32 bus lines on the address bus, the address bus is 32 bits wide.
Note that I used the word "memory location" above, because the address sent to the memory module may refer to bytes or to some other unit of storage, like "words" (2 bytes) or "double-words" (4 bytes) or something else.
How big the minumum unit of storage that can be directly addressed is depends on the memory module and its internal organisation.
A memory module with a bus width of 128 bits for the data bus can send or receive 128 bits = 16 bytes at the same time. For this kind of memory the smallest addressable unit may be 128 bits, so that it could be accessed only in blocks of 16 bytes, which are usually aligned on multiples of this block size.
In that case, the first block of 16 bytes would be addressed by address 0 and would occupy the first 16 bytes of memory. Then at address 1 would be the next block, starting at byte #16. Address 2 gives 16 bytes from byte #32, and so on.
So, if each address on the address bus is used to address 16 bytes at the same time, less addresses will be needed to access the whole memory as compared to byte-wise addressing.
To be able to address each byte of those 4GB individually, the address bus needs to be 32 bits wide (2^32 bytes= 4GB). If, however, only whole blocks of 16 bytes can be addresses individually, one will only need (2^32)/16 different addressed to address the whole memory. 16 = 2^4, so (2^32)/(2^4) = 2^28. -> 28 bits would be needed to address each whole block of 16 bytes (=128 bits) and the width of the address bus could potentially be reduced to 28 lines.

Why are 32 bits equal to 4 gigabytes but not 4 gigabits?

Let’s say we have a 32-bit address, so each bit can be either 1 or 0.
So the total number of combinations is equal to 2^32.
So we can represent 2^32 addresses (without unit).
But why do people say a 32-bit address can represent 2^32 byte addresses (why “byte” addresses)?
I already read Why does a 32-bit OS support 4 GB of RAM?
Won’t it become 2^32 * 8 bits addresses? Why can people simply add “byte” at the end?
Because memory is byte-addressable rather than bit-addressable.
The address 0x100 refers to a single byte and the address 0x101 refers the following byte.
Each address points to a byte. In memory, it is not the single bits that are addressed but instead bytes.
So, 32bits will give you an addressable space of 2^32 items, each item being a full byte. Yes, it could have been made so that each address points to a specific bit, but no, they made each address point to a byte.

I don't understand something in memory addressing

I have a very simple (n00b) question.
A 20-bit external address bus gave a 1 MB physical address space (2^20
= 1,048,576).(Wikipedia)
Why 1 MByte?
2^20 = 1,048,576 bit = 1Mbit = 128KByte not 1MB
I misunderstood something.
When you have 20 bits you can address up to 2^20. This is your range, not the number of bits.
I.e. if you have 8 bits your range is up to 255 (unsigned) not 2^8 bits.
So with 20 bits you can address up to 2^20 bytes i.e. 1MB
I.e. with 20 bits you can represent addresses from 0 up to 2^20 = 1,048,576. I.e. you can reference up to 1MB of memory.
1 << 20 addresses, that is 1,048,576 bytes addressable. Hence, 1 MB physical address space.
Because the smallest addressable unit of memory (in general - some architectures have small bit-addressable pieces of memory) is the byte, not the bit. That is, each address refers to a byte, rather than to a bit.
Why, you ask? Direct access to individual bits is almost never needed - and if you need it, you can still load the surrounding byte and get the bit with bit masks and shifts. Increasing the bits per address allows you to address more memory with the same address range.
Note that a byte doesn't have to be 8 bit, strictly speaking, though it's ubiquitous by now. But regardless of the byte size, you're grouping bits together to be able to handle larger quantities of them.

Why 16-bit address with 12-bit offset results in 4KB page size?

I'm reading the "Modern Operating System" book. And I'm confused about the "Page Size".
In the book, the author says,
The incoming 16-bit virtual address is
split into a 4-bit page number and
12-bit offset. With 4 bits for the
page number, we can have 16 pages, and
with 12 bits for the offset, we can
address all 4096 bytes within a
Why 4096 bytes? With 12 bits, we can address 4096 entries within a page, correct. But, one entry is an address (in this case, address size = 16 bits). So I think we can address 4096(entry) * 16(bit) = 4096(entry) * 2(byte) = 8KB, but why the book says that we can address 4096 (bytes) ?
Thanks in advance! :)
This is assuming byte-addressed memory (which almost every machine made in the past 30 years uses), so each address refers to a byte, not an entry or address or any other larger value. To hold a 16-bit value, you'll need two consecutive addresses (two bytes).
More than 30 years ago, there used to be machines which were word addressed, which worked like you surmise. But such machines had a tough time dealing with byte-oriented data (such as ASCII characters), and so have fallen out of favor. Nowadays, things like byte addressability, 8-bit bytes and twos-complement integers are pretty much just assumed.
The 12 bits are an offset within a page. The offset is in bytes, not addresses. 2^12 is 4096.
Because with 12 bit, we can address 2^12=4096 slots. Each slot represents an address which size is 1 byte in byte-addressable memory. Hence the total size is 4096*1=4096 bytes = 4KB.
What you are calculating is the page size, i.e. the size of a page in the page table in the memory. As we use 12 bits for the offset, each frame in the physical memory is 2^12=4096K. However, each page in the page table occupies 2^12 entries x 2 bytes = 8K in the memory.
okay so you have 16 bit virtual address let see what does it mean .It means you have 2**16 =65536 bytes.
4 bit page number that means there are 16 pages as 2^4=16
Now You Name The Pages As page1,page2...page16.
Now We are left with 12bits let us see how many address can 12 bits represent 2**12=4096 bytes
65536 bytes could also be achieved by dividing it into 16 pages containing 4096 bytes each as 4096*16=65536
