Vim Command T on Mac not working - ruby

I've compiled vim73 manually on Mac OS X Lion using xcode and ruby1.9.3 on rvm. I've compiled the C extension for command-t. When I press leader+t the command-t is opening, it is showing some files, but when I type some chars it doesn't search.
What is the problem?

This isn't a direct answer but FWIW I had (prematurely I'm sure) given up on Command-T + Lion until I got into using the Janus MacVim distro which does sucessfully pull it down, build and integrate it.

I have the same behaviour on my Mac. It works as soon as I :cd into a different directory. For some reason it does not work under ~/


Terminal not working in Aptana IDE with OSX

This Terminal Emulator is not functional because no 'bash' shell could be found.
Please correct the problem and restart the ID
This is a brand new OSX laptop with 10.13.6, and I've been trying to replicate the setup with aptana 3. I'm not sure what I'm missing to be getting this error... previous threads with similar errors all seem to be dealing with windows environments
I had the same issue on macOS Mojave 10.14 with AptanaStudio 3.7.2 and could fix it based on the suggestion here (which is for linux)
So assuming your sits in /Applications the fix would be chmod +x /Applications/

Xamarin.Android.Support.v7.CardView Error despite being installed on Mac OSX

I could only find the work around on Windows, not Mac
In order to fix this error, it is said to delete any Android.Support.* folders in
What folder should I look at if I am using Mac OSX?
I wrote most of this documentation awhile back that you can find here:
For macOS you can use /Users/username/.local/share/Xamarin

Downloading Geany for El Capitan

I just started using OSX, I am somewhat more familiar with Ubuntu and Fedora. I am trying to install Geany and I was successful in doing so but it isn't recognizing the command. I used homebrew to install it and it is showing that it is available in my applications as but I can't seem to find the icon.
There is a native Geany build for MacOS X available to download from the webpage.
To start Geany on MacOS on default the easiest way is to use Cmd + Space and type Geany. For more questions about MacOS I however recommend to check

Mavericks - Trying to install XQuartz X11 for Inkscape, "image not found"

So I'm trying to install Inkscape onto my Mac, which is running on Mavericks. Upon trying to open, i'm told that I need to install X11 and am forwarded to this site Downloaded the file, when trying to open i'm told that the image can't be found. How can I get X11 + Inkscape running?! Thanks for your help in advance!
When Inkscape asks
Where is X11?
I had to go to Applications -> Utilities -> X11
The reason you think it did not work is because the first time Inkscape opens, it takes up to a minute and a half. It just seems to sit there, doing nothing, but it will open for sure. Once it opens, close it completely via XQuartz, then re-open it and it will open in 2-3 seconds. Use this direct link for the latest version of XQuartz 2.7.11.
Works just fine for Mavericks 10.9.5, no worries. If not, update to OS X 10.9.5 via AppStore.
Install the X11 2.7.4 from here. I had to restart after this install, but it worked like a charm. MATLAB took forever to open the first round, but it eventually did and now everything seems OK.
For the record, I'm running 10.9.1 on a 2009 MacbookPro. Had the same problem after I upgraded to Mavricks and could not install X11, the 2.7.5 Package.

Install Ruby support for VIM on Mac OS X

Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) has VIM pre-installed (version 7.2), which is great.
It also has Ruby pre-installed (version 1.8.7) which is great too.
However, I want Ruby autocompletion in VIM. Looking up the VIM version (vim --version) shows -ruby (i.e. ruby support isn't enabled).
How to enable ruby for my VIM installation?
While it's possible to build and install your own Vim to replace the pre-installed version, I don't recommend it. It's far easier to just use MacVim instead:
MacVim is a very Mac-friendly version of Vim, and it's got Ruby support already built in. It can be used as both a GUI and Terminal application. (Check out :help macvim-start from within MacVim for details.)
+1 for MacVim - I also use it and love it.
But if you want a fresh vim compiled with ruby support, you can build one from scratch on OSX by following this article:
Only took me about 5 minutes to do...
