How to get Spring REST to lead all endpoints with /v1/ after the domain and port? - spring

How do I make a Spring REST service assign a value after the domain and port, but before the mapped endpoint? For example: http://{domain}/v1/...?
public class HomeController {
public ResponseEntity getNumber() {
return ResponseEntity.ok(1);
curl http://localhost:8080/v1/home/number ~ 1
Also, is there a name for what I'm trying to achieve?

Assuming you're using Spring Data Rest, you can configure it in the RepositoryRestConfiguration #Configuration class like so:
public class SDRConfig extends RepositoryRestMvcConfiguration {
public RepositoryRestConfiguration config() {
RepositoryRestConfiguration config = super.config();
return config;
Alternatively, with Spring Boot I believe it's


Spring Boot actuator trigger method when endpoint called

I am using this spring boot actuator endpoint "actuator/health/readiness". How can I run some methods when this endpoint is hit?
If I create my own controller with the same endpoint naming what will happen?
Works in spring 2.7.2
public class CustomReadinessStateHealthIndicator extends ReadinessStateHealthIndicator {
public CustomReadinessStateHealthIndicator(ApplicationAvailability availability) {
public Health getHealth(boolean includeDetails) {
return super.getHealth(includeDetails);
#AutoConfiguration(before = {AvailabilityHealthContributorAutoConfiguration.class})
public class Configuration {
#ConditionalOnMissingBean(name = "readinessStateHealthIndicator")
public ReadinessStateHealthIndicator customReadiness(ApplicationAvailability applicationAvailability) {
return new CustomReadinessStateHealthIndicator(applicationAvailability);

Feign Client Custom Configuration Does Not Take Effect

I use feign in my project. I created a custom configuration but it is overridden by default configuration. Here are the steps:
public class MyApplication {}
public class FeignConfiguration{
private final MyConfigurationProperties myConfigProperties;
public MetaDataRestClient metaDataRestClient(#Qualifier("metaDataHttpClient") okhttp3.OkHttpClient metaDataHttpClient) {
return Feign.builder()
.client(new OkHttpClient(metaDataHttpClient))
.encoder(new JacksonEncoder(XML_MAPPER))
.decoder(new JacksonDecoder(XML_MAPPER))
.contract(new SpringMvcContract())
.logger(new Slf4jLogger(MetaDataRestClient.class))
.target(MetaDataRestClient.class, myConfigProperties.getMetadata().getEndpoint());
#Bean(name = "metaDataHttpClient")
public okhttp3.OkHttpClient metaDataHttpClientWithProxy() {
return OkHttpUtil.createNewHttpClientBuilderWithProxy(myConfigProperties.getMetadata().getFeignClient().getConnectTimeout(),
#FeignClient(name = "metaDataRestClient", url = "", configuration = FeignConfiguration.class)
public interface MetaDataRestClient {
#Headers("Content-Type: text/xml")
public EntityDescriptor getMetadaData();
I see that the metaDataRestClient bean is triggered on startup, but when I dig into feign library code, I see that this method is triggered twice: first time with my custom OkHttpClient, and second time with somehing called So my custom OkHttpClient is overridden by this lazy client.
Here is the related Feign library code that is being triggered twice:
public Builder client(Client client) {
this.client = client;
return this;
I do not have any feign configurationn in my application.yaml file. What could be the reason for that?

RSocket with Webflux router

I have an application with Spring boot webflux and exposing endpoints as below.
public class BusinessServiceConfiguration {
private final RequestHandler reqHandler;
public RouterFunction<ServerResponse> createUser() {
return route(POST("/api/v1/user/create").and(contentType(APPLICATION_JSON)), reqHandler::createUser);
Came across RSocket and it is promising. Planning to move to RSocket down the line.
Exposing end point with RSocket,
public class RSocketController {
private final RequestService reqService;
public Mono<String> createuser() {
return reqService.createUser .....
Here, the way we expose API is totally different b/w Webflux and RSocket and it need some effort.
Is there anyway to just add RSocket without changing the way we expose end points?

AutoConfigure RestController Spring Boot

I have tried to find documentation on how to manually configure a RestController (i.e in a Configuation class). That means without using the RestController annotation. Considering all the other annotations, like mapping, pathvariables etc. is at all possible?
A controller is essentially a component with a request mapping. See RequestMappingHandlerMapping.
protected boolean isHandler(Class<?> beanType) {
return (AnnotatedElementUtils.hasAnnotation(beanType, Controller.class) ||
AnnotatedElementUtils.hasAnnotation(beanType, RequestMapping.class));
If you want to instantiate a "rest controller" through configuration, you can probably do so via the following:
public class MyConfiguration {
public MyController() {
return new MyController();
public class MyController {
public String someEndpoint() {
return "some payload";
But I don't think you'll be able to configure the request mappings (path variables, etc) in the configuration though; at least I haven't seen an example nor figured out how.

Using #FeignClient with OAuth2Authentication in Javaclient

I would like to use a #FeignClient in a simple spring boot application (CommandLineRunner) to call a microservice endpoint. How can I provide an OAuth2Authentication to call a protected endpoint like helloUser() ?
#FeignClient(name = "sampleService", contextId = "greetingService")
public interface GreetingService {
String helloAnonymous();
#Secured({ Role.USER })
String helloUser();
#Secured({ Role.ADMIN })
String helloAdmin();
You can use Feign RequestInterceptor to pass the auth header downstream:
public class FeignRequestInterceptor implements RequestInterceptor {
public final void apply(RequestTemplate template) {
template.header("Authorization", "foo token");
This way all the feign calls will be provisioned with an auth header.
