RSocket with Webflux router - spring-boot

I have an application with Spring boot webflux and exposing endpoints as below.
public class BusinessServiceConfiguration {
private final RequestHandler reqHandler;
public RouterFunction<ServerResponse> createUser() {
return route(POST("/api/v1/user/create").and(contentType(APPLICATION_JSON)), reqHandler::createUser);
Came across RSocket and it is promising. Planning to move to RSocket down the line.
Exposing end point with RSocket,
public class RSocketController {
private final RequestService reqService;
public Mono<String> createuser() {
return reqService.createUser .....
Here, the way we expose API is totally different b/w Webflux and RSocket and it need some effort.
Is there anyway to just add RSocket without changing the way we expose end points?


How do you add reactive interceptors to Spring Boot annotated controllers?

I've set up rsocket metrics using rsocket-micrometer on the CLIENT side, by configuring the RSocketConnector with interceptors, like this (Kotlin):
rSocketReqesterBuilder.rsocketConnector { configureConnector(it) }
// ...
private fun configureConnector(rSocketConnector: RSocketConnector) {
rSocketConnector.interceptors { iRegistry ->
// This gives us the rsocket.* counter metrics, like rsocket.frame
iRegistry.forResponder(MicrometerRSocketInterceptor(registry, *localTags.toArray()))
iRegistry.forRequester(MicrometerRSocketInterceptor(registry, *localTags.toArray()))
iRegistry.forConnection(MicrometerDuplexConnectionInterceptor(registry, *localTags.toArray()))
But on the SERVER side, I'm using an annotated (#MessageMapping) Spring Boot RSocket Controller, like this (Java):
public Flux<TransformResponse> replace(Flux<String> texts) ...
Here, I'm not explicitly in control of the connector.
How do I add interceptors on the server side?
public class RSocketConfig implements RSocketServerCustomizer {
private final MeterRegistry registry;
public RSocketConfig(MeterRegistry registry) {
this.registry = registry;
public void customize(RSocketServer rSocketServer) {
iRegistry -> {"Adding RSocket interceptors...");
iRegistry.forResponder(new MicrometerRSocketInterceptor(registry, tags));
iRegistry.forRequester(new MicrometerRSocketInterceptor(registry, tags));
iRegistry.forConnection(new MicrometerDuplexConnectionInterceptor(registry, tags));

Multiple rest templates in spring boot

I want to configure multiple rest template clients to access different API's. Both are having different authorization headers. I already configured one, Same way configured other rest template too, but that throws error bean 'restTemplate' defined in class path resource .class could not be registered..
public class RestTemplateConfig {
private HeaderRequestInterceptor headerRequestInterceptor;
public RestClientConfig() {}
public RestTemplate restTemplate( RestTemplateBuilder builder ) {
RestTemplate restTemplate =;
return restTemplate;
HeaderRequestInterceptor has base64 encoded authorization, so could not post that code here.
Another RestTemplate:
public class AnotherRestClientConfig {
private AnotherHeaderRequestInterceptor anotherHeaderRequestInterceptor;
public RestTemplate restTemplate( RestTemplateBuilder builder ) {
RestTemplate restTemplate =;
return restTemplate;
Could someone let me know how to configure multiple rest templates in an application.
you could use #Qualifier as mentioned by #VirtualTroll. Or create a specific client bean per api and hold the restemplate instance there.
public class ApiClient1 {
private final RestTemplate customRestTemplate;
public ApiClient1() {
this.customRestTemplate = ...
public void useApi() {

Grpc Spring Boot Starter

I am trying to integrate a grpcService to my spring boot application. In this service class i have a jpaRepository which is #Autowired. When i run the server this repository is not injected( is null when i'm trying to use it).
public class MedicationPlanService extends medicationPlanGrpc.medicationPlanImplBase {
private MedicationPlanRepository medicationPlanRepository;
public void hello(MedicationPlan.HelloRequest request, StreamObserver<MedicationPlan.HelloResponse> responseObserver) {
List<MedicationPlan> medicationPlans = medicationPlanRepository.findAll();
MedicationPlan.HelloResponse.Builder response = MedicationPlan.HelloResponse.newBuilder();
public class GrpcServerStartConfiguration {
public void startGrpcServer() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
Server server = ServerBuilder.forPort(9091).addService(new MedicationPlanService()).build();
System.out.println("gRPC server started");
When i try to use the medicationPlanRepository i realized that it is null.
Thanks in advance :).
Because you're creating MedicationPlanService with "new", it becomes a simple object, not a bean. And things such as DI don't work in this way.
Initialize these 2 classes correctly (via #ComponentScan or #Bean in #Configuration class). Then inject MedicationPlanService into GrpcServerStartConfiguration. The latter you can mark as #Configuration for better understaning btw.

Spring Cloud Gateway pass bean to custom filter

We are attempting to use Spring Cloud Gateway to setup a microservice based architecture. Currently, we have defined a route programatically:
public class GatewayApplication {
// to be passed to and used by custom filter
RestTemplate restTemplate;
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
public RouteLocator customRouteLocator(RouteLocatorBuilder builder) {
return builder.routes()
.route("status", r -> r
.filters(f -> f.rewritePath("/status", "/v2/status")
.filter(new AuthorizationFilter(restTemplate).apply(new Config(""))))
The above would route an incoming request /status via GET to another endpoint. We would like to apply a custom filter, which we have implemented in AuthorizationFilter. This filter, as the name implies, is another microservice which will either allow or deny an incoming request based on credentials and permissions.
Currently, the pattern we are following, which works, is to inject a Spring RestTemplate into the gateway class above, and then to pass this RestTemplate to the constructor of the filter.
However, how can this be done if we wanted to switch to using a YAML file for defining all the routes? Presumably in both cases Spring would be constructing a new filter for each incoming request. But in the case of YAML, how can we pass something in the construtor? If this cannot be done, is there any other way to inject a RestTemplate, or any other resource into a custom Spring gateway filter?
You can register your own custom GatewayFilterFactory. This allows you to provide a custom configuration, and within that configuration, you can use SpEL to reference a bean.
For example:
public class AuthenticationGatewayFilterFactory extends AbstractGatewayFilterFactory<AuthenticationGatewayFilterFactory.Config> {
public AuthenticationGatewayFilterFactory() {
public GatewayFilter apply(Config config) {
// TODO: Implement
public static class Config {
private RestTemplate restTemplate;
// TODO: Getters + Setters
Now you can use SpEL to properly reference a RestTemplate bean:
- id: status
uri: http://localhost:8081/
- name: Authentication
restTemplate: "#{#nameOfRestTemplateBean}"
- Path=/status
Alternatively, you could inject a RestTemplate bean within your gateway filter. For example:
public class AuthenticationGatewayFilterFactory extends AbstractGatewayFilterFactory<AuthenticationGatewayFilterFactory.Config> {
private RestTemplate restTemplate;
public AuthenticationGatewayFilterFactory(RestTemplate restTemplate) {
this.restTemplate = restTemplate;
public GatewayFilter apply(Config config) {
// TODO: Implement
public static class Config {
// TODO: Implement
The code/configuration necessary to do the inject is less complex, but it also makes it more difficult if you ever decide to put AuthenticationGatewayFilterFactory in a separate library, as the "consumers" of this library won't have any control over which RestTemplate is being injected.

How to get Spring REST to lead all endpoints with /v1/ after the domain and port?

How do I make a Spring REST service assign a value after the domain and port, but before the mapped endpoint? For example: http://{domain}/v1/...?
public class HomeController {
public ResponseEntity getNumber() {
return ResponseEntity.ok(1);
curl http://localhost:8080/v1/home/number ~ 1
Also, is there a name for what I'm trying to achieve?
Assuming you're using Spring Data Rest, you can configure it in the RepositoryRestConfiguration #Configuration class like so:
public class SDRConfig extends RepositoryRestMvcConfiguration {
public RepositoryRestConfiguration config() {
RepositoryRestConfiguration config = super.config();
return config;
Alternatively, with Spring Boot I believe it's
