Feign Client Custom Configuration Does Not Take Effect - spring-boot

I use feign in my project. I created a custom configuration but it is overridden by default configuration. Here are the steps:
public class MyApplication {}
public class FeignConfiguration{
private final MyConfigurationProperties myConfigProperties;
public MetaDataRestClient metaDataRestClient(#Qualifier("metaDataHttpClient") okhttp3.OkHttpClient metaDataHttpClient) {
return Feign.builder()
.client(new OkHttpClient(metaDataHttpClient))
.encoder(new JacksonEncoder(XML_MAPPER))
.decoder(new JacksonDecoder(XML_MAPPER))
.contract(new SpringMvcContract())
.logger(new Slf4jLogger(MetaDataRestClient.class))
.target(MetaDataRestClient.class, myConfigProperties.getMetadata().getEndpoint());
#Bean(name = "metaDataHttpClient")
public okhttp3.OkHttpClient metaDataHttpClientWithProxy() {
return OkHttpUtil.createNewHttpClientBuilderWithProxy(myConfigProperties.getMetadata().getFeignClient().getConnectTimeout(),
#FeignClient(name = "metaDataRestClient", url = "https://myurl.net", configuration = FeignConfiguration.class)
public interface MetaDataRestClient {
#Headers("Content-Type: text/xml")
public EntityDescriptor getMetadaData();
I see that the metaDataRestClient bean is triggered on startup, but when I dig into feign library code, I see that this method is triggered twice: first time with my custom OkHttpClient, and second time with somehing called org.springframework.cloud.sleuth.instrument.web.client.feign.LazyClient. So my custom OkHttpClient is overridden by this lazy client.
Here is the related Feign library code that is being triggered twice:
public Builder client(Client client) {
this.client = client;
return this;
I do not have any feign configurationn in my application.yaml file. What could be the reason for that?


Spring Boot Injecting Implementations for Prod and Test

I'm new to spring boot and I'm trying to wrap my head around how to make dependency injection work for deployment and testing.
I have a #RestController and a supporting #Service. The service injects another class that is an interface for talking to Kafka. For the Kafka interface I have two implementations: one real and one fake. The real one I want to use in production and the fake in test.
My approach is to use two different configuration for each environment (prod and test).
public class AppTestConfiguration {
public KafkaMessagePublisher kafkaMessagePublisher() {
return new KafkaMessagePublisherFakeImpl();
public class AppConfiguration {
public KafkaMessagePublisher kafkaMessagePublisher() {
return new KafkaMessagePublisherImpl();
Then in my main application I would like to somehow load AppConfiguration.
public class DeployerServiceApiApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(DeployerServiceApiApplication.class, args);
// TODO: somehow load here...
And in my test load the fake configuration somehow
#AutoConfigureMockMvc(addFilters = false)
public class DeployerServiceApiApplicationTest {
#Autowired private MockMvc mockMvc;
// TODO: somehow load AppTestConfiguration here
public void testDeployAction() throws Exception {
ResultActions resultActions = mockMvc.perform(...);
I've spent the better part of a day trying to figure this out. What I'm trying to accomplish here is fundamental and should be straight forward yet I keep running into issues which makes me wonder if the way I'm thinking about this is all wrong.
Am not sure if i understand your question completely but from description i guess you wish to initialize bean based on environment. Please see below.
public class AppTestConfiguration {
public KafkaMessagePublisher kafkaMessagePublisher() {
return new KafkaMessagePublisherFakeImpl();
public class AppConfiguration {
public KafkaMessagePublisher kafkaMessagePublisher() {
return new KafkaMessagePublisherImpl();
and then you can pass the "-Dspring.profiles.active=prod" argument while starting you application using java command or you can also specify the profile in your test case like below.
#AutoConfigureMockMvc(addFilters = false)
public class DeployerServiceApiApplicationTest
Use spring profiles, you can annotate your test class with #ActiveProfiles("test-kafka") and your test configuration with #Profile("test-kafka").
This is pretty easy task in spring boot world
Rewrite your classes as follows:
public class AppTestConfiguration {
public KafkaMessagePublisher kafkaMessagePublisher() {
return new KafkaMessagePublisherFakeImpl();
public class AppConfiguration {
public KafkaMessagePublisher kafkaMessagePublisher() {
return new KafkaMessagePublisherImpl();
This will instruct spring boot to load the relevant configuration when the "prod"/"test" specified.
Then you can start your application in production with --spring.profiles.active=prod and in the Test you can write something like this:
public class DeployerServiceApiApplicationTest {
If you want to run all the tests with this profile and do not want to write this ActiveProfiles annotation you can create src/test/resources/application.properties and put into it: spring.active.profiles=test

Multiple rest templates in spring boot

I want to configure multiple rest template clients to access different API's. Both are having different authorization headers. I already configured one, Same way configured other rest template too, but that throws error bean 'restTemplate' defined in class path resource .class could not be registered..
public class RestTemplateConfig {
private HeaderRequestInterceptor headerRequestInterceptor;
public RestClientConfig() {}
public RestTemplate restTemplate( RestTemplateBuilder builder ) {
RestTemplate restTemplate = builder.build();
return restTemplate;
HeaderRequestInterceptor has base64 encoded authorization, so could not post that code here.
Another RestTemplate:
public class AnotherRestClientConfig {
private AnotherHeaderRequestInterceptor anotherHeaderRequestInterceptor;
public RestTemplate restTemplate( RestTemplateBuilder builder ) {
RestTemplate restTemplate = builder.build();
return restTemplate;
Could someone let me know how to configure multiple rest templates in an application.
you could use #Qualifier as mentioned by #VirtualTroll. Or create a specific client bean per api and hold the restemplate instance there.
public class ApiClient1 {
private final RestTemplate customRestTemplate;
public ApiClient1() {
this.customRestTemplate = ...
public void useApi() {

Switch bean by changing properties in Spring boot

I have one interface MyInterface, and 2 implementation beans: FirstImpl & SeconImpl. I want to switch between using these 2 implementations while program is running without restarting it, by only changing a property in application.properties file, e.g: interface.bean.default=FirstImpl change to interface.bean.default=SecondImpl.
Anyone knows how to do that with Spring boot?
You could try to use #ConditionalOnProperty:
public class MyInterfaceConfiguration {
#ConditionalOnProperty(value = "my.interfacte.impl", havingValue="firstImpl")
public MyInterface firstImpl(){
return new FirstImpl();
#ConditionalOnProperty(value = "my.interfacte.impl", havingValue="secondImpl")
public MyInterface secondImpl(){
return new SecondImpl();
and when you update your property in application.properties with actuator/refresh to:
you will have your FirstImpl instance. When you have:
you will have your SecondImpl.
#Hasan, your update only works if I customize it a little bit as below:
public class MyInterfaceConfiguration {
String impl;
public MyInterface getBean(){
if ("firstImpl".equals(impl)) {
return new FirstImpl();
} else if ("secondImpl".equals(impl)) {
return new SecondImpl();
return null;
I have to use 2 #RefreshScope at class level and bean creation method level!

Testing Hystrix fallback through Feign API: com.netflix.client.ClientException: Load balancer does not have available server for client

When testing the Hystrix fallback behavior of my Feign API, I get an error, when I expect it to succeed.
Feign interface:
This is the api to the external service.
#FeignClient(name = "book", fallback = BookAPI.BookAPIFallback.class)
public interface BookAPI {
Map<String, String> getBook();
class BookAPIFallback implements BookAPI {
public Map<String, String> getBook() {
Map<String, String> fallbackmap = new HashMap<>();
fallbackmap.put("book", "fallback book");
return fallbackmap;
Test class
This test exists just to verify fallback behavior:
#SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = NONE)
public class BookServiceClientTest {
RestTemplate restTemplate;// <---- #LoadBalanced bean
private BookServiceClient bookServiceClient;
public void setup() {
when(restTemplate.getForObject(anyString(), any()))
.thenThrow(new RuntimeException("created a mock failure"));
public void fallbackTest() {
.isEqualTo(new BookAPI.BookAPIFallback().getBook().get("book")); // <--- I thought this should work
config files
These files show configuration that might be relevant:
enabled: true
enabled: false
The Question
Everything works fine when running the apps.
But when running this test, I get the below error.
Naturally, it's a test, so I'm trying to bypass the lookup anyway.
java.lang.RuntimeException: com.netflix.client.ClientException: Load balancer does not have available server for client: book
at org.springframework.cloud.netflix.feign.ribbon.LoadBalancerFeignClient.execute(LoadBalancerFeignClient.java:71)
at feign.SynchronousMethodHandler.executeAndDecode(SynchronousMethodHandler.java:97)
What am I missing?
Application class
public class LibraryApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(LibraryApplication.class, args);
public class LibraryController {
private final BookServiceClient bookService;
public LibraryController(BookServiceClient bookServiceClient) {
this.bookService = bookServiceClient;
String getLibrary(Model model) {
model.addAttribute("msg", "Welcome to the Library");
model.addAttribute("book", bookService.getBook());
return "library";
There are no other classes.
so! I was able to recreate the issue, thanks for adding more code, had to play about with it a tad as I was unsure what the BookClientService looked like and it wouldn't make sense for it to implement the BookAPI as that would be an internal call e.g. in your application and not an external API call with Feign.
I pushed my version of what you provided here.
The issue was resolved when I renamed the second application.yml which lives in the src/test/resources folder to application-test.yml which will merge the properties.
The issue was caused by the fact the second property source, the testing one, overrides the initial application.yml and disables hystrix, because Hystrix is disabled there is no fallback to go to and it throws the root cause of what would cause the fallback, a lack of a server to call to for the Book API. Renaming it to application-test will always be loaded into spring test contexts. You could resolve it with the use of inlined properties or profiles.
I've added another test disabling feign /w hystrix within the test which re-creates the error you are recieving.

How to Create or configure Rest Template using #Bean in Spring Boot

I want to define RestTemplate as an application bean using #Bean annotation in my configuration class in a spring boot application.
I am calling 4 rest services in different places in my application flow. Currently I am creating RestTemplate every time every request. Is there a way I can define that as application bean using #Bean and inject that using #Autowired?
Main reason for this question is I can able to define RestTemplate using #Bean but when I inject it with #Autowired I am loosing all defined interceptors (Interceptors are not getting called.)
Configuration Class
#Bean(name = "appRestClient")
public RestTemplate getRestClient() {
RestTemplate restClient = new RestTemplate(
new BufferingClientHttpRequestFactory(new SimpleClientHttpRequestFactory()));
List<ClientHttpRequestInterceptor> interceptors = new ArrayList<ClientHttpRequestInterceptor>();
interceptors.add(new RestServiceLoggingInterceptor());
return restClient;
Service Class
public class MyServiceClass {
private RestTemplate appRestClient;
public String callRestService() {
// create uri, method response objects
String restResp = appRestClient.getForObject(uri, method, response);
// do something with the restResp
// return String
It seems my Interceptors are not getting called at all with this configuration. But RestTemplate is able to make a call to the REST service and get a response.
Answer for Spring boot 2.*.* version.
I am using Spring boot 2.1.2.RELEASE and I also added RestTemplate in my project in a class where mail method exists.
public RestTemplate restTemplate(RestTemplateBuilder builder) {
return builder.setConnectTimeout(Duration.ofMillis(300000))
and Used in my service or other classes like this
RestTemplate res;
and in methods
HttpEntity<String> entity = new HttpEntity<>(str, headers);
return res.exchange(url, HttpMethod.POST, entity, Object.class);
Judging form the name of the interceptor, I'm guessing you're doing some logging in it? You could of missed logging level configuration. I created a small application to check weather your configuration works, using 1.3.6.RELEASE version.
In this class I define the RestTemplate bean and the interceptor with logging.
package com.example;
// imports...
public class TestApplication {
private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TestApplication.class);
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(TestApplication.class, args);
#Bean(name = "appRestClient")
public RestTemplate getRestClient() {
RestTemplate restClient = new RestTemplate(
new BufferingClientHttpRequestFactory(new SimpleClientHttpRequestFactory()));
// Add one interceptor like in your example, except using anonymous class.
restClient.setInterceptors(Collections.singletonList((request, body, execution) -> {
return execution.execute(request, body);
return restClient;
For logging to work, I also have to set the correct debug level in application.properties.
Then I create a service where I inject this RestTemplate.
public class SomeService {
private final RestTemplate appRestClient;
public SomeService(#Qualifier("appRestClient") RestTemplate appRestClient) {
this.appRestClient = appRestClient;
public String callRestService() {
return appRestClient.getForObject("http://localhost:8080", String.class);
And also an endpoint to test this out.
public class SomeController {
private final SomeService service;
public SomeController(SomeService service) {
this.service = service;
#RequestMapping(value = "/", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String testEndpoint() {
return "hello!";
#RequestMapping(value = "/test", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String test() {
return service.callRestService();
By performing a GET request to http://localhost:8080/test I should expect to get the String hello! getting printed (the service makes a call to http://localhost:8080 which returns hello! and sends this back to me). The interceptor with logger also prints out Intercepting... in the console.
Edd's solution won't work if you're using Spring Boot 1.4.0 or later. You will have to use RestTemplateBuilder to get this working. Here is the example
public RestTemplate restTemplate(RestTemplateBuilder restTemplateBuilder){
RestTemplate template = restTemplateBuilder.requestFactory(new BufferingClientHttpRequestFactory(new SimpleClientHttpRequestFactory()))
.interceptors(logRestRequestInterceptor) //This is your custom interceptor bean
.messageConverters(new MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter())
return template;
Now you can autowire the bean into your service class
private RestTemplate simpleRestTemplate;
Hope this helps
