Apache localhost/~username/ Forbidden - macos

I am currently trying to get my apache webserver local host working so I can work on php websites on my own computer. I am running mac OSX 10.11.2.
I have tried every resource from every link I can find containing the same problem. I can access local host but when i try to access localhost/~username I get a 403 Forbidden error! Says I do not have permission. I have uncommented out all of the lines that I am told to do but I can not get it to work.
Any help is much appreciated
I can't figure out how to post my config, but I assure you I have uncommented everything I need to


I can access my heroku free subdomain site via a browser, but I can't ping to it in the terminal

I have this site at heroku that I am trying to ping. It says
Ping request could not find host https://doc-hero.herokuapp.com/. Please check the name and try again.
even though I can still open the site on a browser. I thought it was an issue with heroku so I hosted it again on pythonanywhere but it still won't ping.
I'm sure there is a simple explanation for this but I tried Google and still no luck.
Is there a way I can get it to ping?
You might be wondering why I want it to do that when I can still browse to it. Well, it's because I need it to be visible to Open AI so that it can access some documents over there.
remove https:// prefix. ping is a different protocol and requires DNS only not protocol prefix.
heroku server still will probably not answer ping request as it is not required to.

macOS Apache's localhost is showing 403 forbidden

I used to use Xampp and it takes a lot of time to start it.
I've learned that the macOS comes with in-built apache and I've uninstalled XAMPP. When I start the server with "sudo apachectl start" and get into "localhost", I get a 403 forbidden page.
I see that this questions raises similar issue but its solution is related to the changes that OP made to his system.

Laravel Sub-subdomain

I've been trying to get my head around this all day. I understand how to create and manage single level subdomains in laravel, such as subdomain.domain.com
However, I'm trying to add a second level subdomain, for example: subsubdomain.subdomain.domain.com
I can get Homestead working fine with single level subdomains, but whenever I add the extra subdomain, I get a connection refused - unable to connect error in chrome.
There's nothing in the nginx error log either.
This is what I've done:
Open `~/.homestead/Homestead.yaml
Add the domain subsubdomain.subdomain.domain.com in addition to subdomain.domain.com
Save and exit, then run vagrant reload --provision
I can see the new sub-subdomain added to the hosts file, as well as a conf file created in the vagrant box
When I try to access subdomain.domain.com it works fine, when I try to access subsubdomain.subdomain.domain.com it fails with refused to connect.
I have no idea what to try next, there's nothing in the nginx error log, Homestead is up and running because I can access the single level subdomain completely fine. The only one that isn't working is the second level subdomain.
Any info on what I might be doing wrong, or anything else that might be helpful to debug would be greatly appreciated.
I've managed to connect to the server if I add the port :8000 to the address: subsubdomain.subdomain.domain.com doesn't work, but subsubdomain.subdomain.domain.com:8000 works

Forge/DigitalOcean - This site can’t be reached

This is my first experience with Forge. So I created DigitalOcean account, had Bitbucket from before, made repository. Added .env to environment variables in Forge.
On server IP adress getting
This site can’t be reached
Reloading the page
Checking the connection
Checking the proxy and the firewall
What am I missing?
Somehow when server was installed it did not install nginx, and all what was necessary. In Forge was listed what was installed and that was clearly missing. So I decided to destroy it and install new server. New one works like it should.

Access forbidden for OSX Apache from external device

I've been stuck on this for days. After upgrading to Yosemite, I can no longer access my Apache webserver from any device on my home network, except for the device running it (my MBP). I get a 403 Forbidden when accessing from my PS4, smartphone, or any other device.
A lot of people seem to have similar problems when trying to access it from localhost, but that works fine for me. It's external access that is being denied.
To test, I changed my httpd.conf to "Require all allowed" for my entire filesystem, but then I got a "File not found" error on those external devices. So this makes me think it's not a firewall issue. What could it be?
