macOS Apache's localhost is showing 403 forbidden - macos

I used to use Xampp and it takes a lot of time to start it.
I've learned that the macOS comes with in-built apache and I've uninstalled XAMPP. When I start the server with "sudo apachectl start" and get into "localhost", I get a 403 forbidden page.
I see that this questions raises similar issue but its solution is related to the changes that OP made to his system.


Laravel running on docker but cannot connect to localhost

I have been using vessel for my laravel projects on my Windows pc.
Recently I decided to install it on my macbook.
Did everything to the book, all the initializing as such.
My docker container says everything is running, but when I try to go to the webpage to https://localhost, on safari, I get a completely blank page.
I tried going to chrome and it gives me a "HTTP Error 500" but, it there are no server errors because docker is telling me everything is running.
I checked if anything is blocking me on port 80 but nothing besides docker is running.
What else could I do to debug this?

Accessing webmin through browser port :10000

Recently set up a Debian 9.1 x64 server with SSH and LAMP stack (PHP ver7.0). PHP and Apache are both installed correctly since I get their landing pages. UFW is also active.
I have now installed webmin(using apt-get) and also tried following the instructions from on a different occasion. I "sucessfully" completed the installation(s) via terminal and it directed me to goto https://MY_Domain:10000 and to log in with root.
After multiple attempts, even tried using https://MY_IP_ADDRESS:10000 I am greeted with "Safari cannot open MY_IPADDRESS because it cant connect to the server".
I have tried the following to solve my problem:
-Reinstalling webmin,
-Restarting webmin,
-Stopping my UFW firewall,
-Allowing ports 10000 ,HTTPS port (443 I think), port 22, port22 v6
-Opening webmin config and changing the port/listen line to listen to another port such as 44321,
-Opening error logs. The only "error" that appeared was something about not being able to do something with IPv6,
-Using different browsers,
I have read many forum posts of users having similar problems but none of the solutions have been effective. I have heard of IPtables but for some reason I cannot implement that solution. Im very new to server configuration therefore I'd appreciate the help.
Similar post: Unable to access Webmin through browser
Ok so I finally fixed it. To fix this, log in as root then nano to
sudo nano /etc/webmin/miniserv.conf
Turn off SSL by setting it to 0.
The restart webmin and try to connect.
Im about to research into whether this is a safe practice.
I get the same problem only after system restart. All works fine, firewall configured for webmin port and all, also tried with fireall disabled, after system restart all goes down the drain, webmin service is ufo and after uninstall and reinstall webmin the story replays. I am at my wits end. Good bye opensuse!

docker: what is the similar url in docker as compared to XAMMP/MAMP

I am using docker for the codeigniter project development. Initially, when I used MAMP or XAMMP, the login page was localhost/xyz/admin/login as the server used to run on localhost (php server). But, the docker server is running on localhost:8000 and I am trying to open localhost:8000/xyz/admin/login but it shows an error that page you requested not found. Does someone know the answer to this problem? I have also tried localhost:8000/myapp_1/xyz/admin/login , localhost:8000/myapp_1/admin/login etc. but nothing seems to work.
Thanks in advance!

Something is running on, can't open laravel's valet website

I'm messing up with django/wordpress/node, etc, and I've used MAMP and other stuff. The problem now is that, I'm trying to use Laravel's Valet. And when I try to access , it opens another website I may have created in the past, which is just an with the "it works!" sentence. I tried rebooting, shutting down mysql, trying other ports...nothing. Help?

Apache localhost/~username/ Forbidden

I am currently trying to get my apache webserver local host working so I can work on php websites on my own computer. I am running mac OSX 10.11.2.
I have tried every resource from every link I can find containing the same problem. I can access local host but when i try to access localhost/~username I get a 403 Forbidden error! Says I do not have permission. I have uncommented out all of the lines that I am told to do but I can not get it to work.
Any help is much appreciated
I can't figure out how to post my config, but I assure you I have uncommented everything I need to
