Forge/DigitalOcean - This site can’t be reached - laravel

This is my first experience with Forge. So I created DigitalOcean account, had Bitbucket from before, made repository. Added .env to environment variables in Forge.
On server IP adress getting
This site can’t be reached
Reloading the page
Checking the connection
Checking the proxy and the firewall
What am I missing?

Somehow when server was installed it did not install nginx, and all what was necessary. In Forge was listed what was installed and that was clearly missing. So I decided to destroy it and install new server. New one works like it should.


Shopify CLI - How to start a local server without ngrok?

My organization blocks ngrok, so every time I run the Shopify serve command, it fails with a connection error.
So is there any way to just start the Shopify local server? that way I can use cloudfared to tunnel the local server to a subdomain.
When I search on google I found no answer to this question.
I had success running the server without the ngrok.
Here are my steps:
Prepare a cloud server, install Nginx.
config domain settings, and forward the request to your local port.
If you are using a router, only router has a public IP, so you need to forward the request to your pc. You could config it in the router.
then you need to update .env file, update host value
Go, app settings. put your URL to the whitelist.
use npm run dev to start your project.
I also set HTTPS in nginx. Due to ngrok server is far away from my location. so after using this way. the starting time is much faster.
Start the server by
npm run dev
instead of,
shopify app serve

Rebooted EC2 Instance Now WebServer is Down

So I rebooted an EC2 instance. When I went to pull that website up that links to that instance it is now down with a 521 error saying the website is down. We used Nginx as a web server.
I haven't tried much as I am not familiar with this issue. I do know that I should be trying to restart nginx I just do not know in what directory.
If everything was working fine for you then you can simply bring up the ngnix on ec2 machine using below command :
sudo service nginx restart
Config file for NGINX was not pointing to the correct website. I guess someone changed the file and me rebooting it enabled the changes. Just went into config file and changed the site back to the one I was using rebooted and bingo.

Zerigo DNS on Heroku error after app removed and recreated

im having a problem with Heroku and Zerigo DNS.
Im using Zerigo to make DNS work on heroku, the problem began when i delete the app to rebuild all my web site.
Once i delete and rebuild i couldn't install Zerigo DNS to the new app. The problem is even worse because my domain still works!
As you guys can see, when you access, you are redirect to a web site. This site is hosted on heroku using Zerigo DNS.
But i dont install Zerigo to this new app, because it keeps giving me this message:
! could not create zone; already registered on Zerigo to a different account?
Can someone help solve this?

Set up a simple go server in a webhost

I wanted to set up a simple go server in a webhost. I acquired a domain and hosted it using Bluehost. Now, going through the Go tutorial, I went through this example and it works fine on my machine. Now, instead, I want to make the HelloWorldServer work when I call or some other port.
What I did was ssh to my server at bluehost, install go there, then compile the server and run. But then I try to access and it is not found. I also tried to change "localhost:4000" to just ":4000". any ideas how to make it work ?
Any help or pointers are appreciated. (some more details: it is a shared-hosting account)
This is due to the firewall on your BlueHost server not having ports (including 4000) open on a shared hosting account, Firewall Port Restrictions
If you want to do some simple (and not so simple) web hosting, why don't you look at Google App Engine

Can gitlab be installed with Cherokee web server?

I've looked all over and can't figure out if you could use Cherokee instead of Apache or Nginx for gitlab. I'd rather not run multiple webservers (and imagine that they could conflict anyway). I'm giving this a shot on Ubuntu Server 12.10.
For the record, I've already installed gitlab with this guide up to the Nginx section (with all default settings other than passwords, email addresses, and hostname). I'd like to install gitlab at and I would prefer for the local server files to be located at /var/www/, as I keep all of my domains under /var/www/.
Since you already have all of the Ruby config done, you just need to hook cherokee
up for hosting RoR by following this guide
My only problem turned out to be an issue with Ruby. Once that was resolved, I set up gitlab to use a port (though sockets should work too). Everything seems to work pretty well, except for an issue with pushing over HTTPS, but that might have something to do with my local Eclipse/eGit install.
So yes, gitlab will work with Cherokee.
