Access forbidden for OSX Apache from external device - macos

I've been stuck on this for days. After upgrading to Yosemite, I can no longer access my Apache webserver from any device on my home network, except for the device running it (my MBP). I get a 403 Forbidden when accessing from my PS4, smartphone, or any other device.
A lot of people seem to have similar problems when trying to access it from localhost, but that works fine for me. It's external access that is being denied.
To test, I changed my httpd.conf to "Require all allowed" for my entire filesystem, but then I got a "File not found" error on those external devices. So this makes me think it's not a firewall issue. What could it be?


Connecting to localhost on mac with an ipad

I would like to connect an ipad to localhost:5000 on my macbook. The purpose is that I would like to test how my website looks on the ipad. I followed the steps I found on numerous websites, meaning
I got the name (or ip address) of the macbook with
ipconfig getifaddr $(route -n get default|awk '/interface/ { print $2 }')
which gave So this is the internal ip address within the network created by my rooter. My ipad is also within that network.
I turned off the firewall on the mac. I did not think that is necessary, but I did it anyway.
I went to System Preferences -> Sharing -> enabled Remote Management (here one can find the computer name, but it doesn't make a difference whether I use the ip address or the computer name)
Now I should be able to connect to the localhost on the mac with
but this does not work. I get the message
This web page is not available
I use a Mac book running High Sierra, 10.13.6. Any idea what I might do wrong?
EDIT: Still no luck with this, but I got something working with
ngrok http 5000
see This works for what I need...
As long as the devices are on the same network, that should work. If they are not, you would have to enable port forwarding.
Try restarting both devices, then rechecking the IP address.
Make sure the server is running with no errors.
Also verify that you can access the page from the MacBook itself.
Aside from that, I don't know why it would not be working.

Browser can't access Virtual Machine development website in Windows 10

Not sure what is going on here. Some months ago it worked and now it doesn't. I have a Windows 10 environment running a virtual machine for testing websites using Vagrant. The config in Vagrant is fine and sets up the IP address ( as a private network. In the Windows Hosts file I have the development domain setup as well. For example:
After 'vagrant up' all looks fine. A ping of both the IP and development domain works and a 'curl' of the development domain returns the correct html.
But when I put the development domain into a browser I immediately get an 'Unable to connect' error. The error comes instantly so it is getting to the server but then something is rejecting it.
Does anyone have any clues please?
After the best part of a week trying all sorts of things I found the answer. The domain '.dev' is now a legitimate global domain and Firefox and Chrome now force anything '' to HTTPS which then throws back an error that it can't connect.

Apache localhost/~username/ Forbidden

I am currently trying to get my apache webserver local host working so I can work on php websites on my own computer. I am running mac OSX 10.11.2.
I have tried every resource from every link I can find containing the same problem. I can access local host but when i try to access localhost/~username I get a 403 Forbidden error! Says I do not have permission. I have uncommented out all of the lines that I am told to do but I can not get it to work.
Any help is much appreciated
I can't figure out how to post my config, but I assure you I have uncommented everything I need to

Access to Web Host Denied

I can't seem to access the website of my web host, as well as the websites that are hosted there when I use my desktop (Mac OS X). However it works when I access my host and my websites using my iPhone. And I can view all other websites irrespective of my desktop or smartphone.
It just happened, seemingly out of the blue. I booted my Mac and wanted to check my Emails, but there was no connection.
The alert says:
There may be a problem with the mail server or network. Verify the settings for account “Fabrizio Fracassi” or try again. The server returned the error: The connection to the server “” on port 110 timed out.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
Many thanks for your time!

IIS 7 Access Denied for local IP but not Localhost

I've just started to experience this error. I'm developing MVC apps and using visual studio to deploy to my inetpub/wwwroot directory.
When i publish and hit the site at http://localhost the site works as expected.
When i hit the site using my IP address i get the following error
Unable to display page It has not been possible to display the page
you requested for the following reason: Access Denied Contact your
system administrator if you continue to experience difficulties.
I get this error on all browsers. I'm running IIS7 on Windows 7.
Any suggestions?
As I pointed out in my comment above:
Using your network IP means you'll be going out and back in again. Is your router configured to allow access to your machine on port 80?
It's likely that your company router isn't allowing access to your machine on port 80.
