Laravel 5.2 Access control list - laravel

I am new to Laravel, and feeling very uncomfortable about embedding the "Entrust" plugin in Laravel 5.2.
Can any one please tell me how I can embed "Entrust" in Laravel 5.2?

If you are referring to the package on Link then you have all the neccessary documentation there


Laravel 5.8 Class 'Form' not found

I am using laravel 5.8 and trying to use Form and when I load the page it outputs the error: class Form not found. Is there a way to fix this in version 5.8 I've searched for solutions and all I can find is a fix for other versions.
I think you want to use LaravelCollective Form. If so, you have to add it with composer. Check the documentation here.

Intergrate Laravel Library in Codeigniter Project

I have one library in laravel :-
I want to integrate it in my Codeigniter project, Can anyone help me in it?
since both use composer, you can simply require it.
but since you can't use service have to call them manually (i.e. you won't get access to alias in laravel) except can do everything as in laravel project.

How to integrate getstream in laravel 5.3

How to integrate in laravel 5.3. How to integrate it with laravel eloquent? Please provide me details documentation of it.
We document the usage of the Stream-Laravel SDK here:
There are instructions there for setting up the configuration, names of your feeds, and details of how to extend your Eloquent models.
If you have a more specific integration question we're happy to answer it as well.

Has Laravel 5.2 discontinued form model binding and helpers like Form::model?

I cannot locate any official help on the Laravel 5.2 docs, and the only way to use Form::model, and Form::open in my apps using Laravel 5.2 seems to use LaravelCollective.
Any ideas on what is the current best practice for form model binding in Laravel's latest version?
Since 5.0 Laravel Collection HTML & Forms became separated package which should be installed with composer.
If you're using Form or HTML helpers, you will see an error stating
class 'Form' not found or class 'Html' not found. The Form and HTML
helpers have been deprecated in Laravel 5.0; however, there are
community-driven replacements such as those maintained by the Laravel

How to make multi account in laravel 5.2

I'm confused to make user "student","teacher",and "admin" in laravel 5.2. I don't know steps after I type php artisan make:auth. Please tell me to use it untill route.php
What you need is laravel's authorization:
Have a look at the documentation
Or if you need extended functionality, have a look at Cartalyst's Sentinel. Which integrates very nicely with laravel
