Intergrate Laravel Library in Codeigniter Project - laravel

I have one library in laravel :-
I want to integrate it in my Codeigniter project, Can anyone help me in it?

since both use composer, you can simply require it.
but since you can't use service have to call them manually (i.e. you won't get access to alias in laravel) except can do everything as in laravel project.


Laravel Debugbar with laravel api routes

I have a Laravel API.
The front end application is completely separate from Laravel.
All Laravel routes are located in routes/api.php
Is there any way to make the Laravel Debugbar work in this case?
barryvdh/laravel-debugbar needs to be installed on your Laravel project (actually all debuggers need to be present within the project to audit every request) and get its files served to the frontend to work (edit repsonses with Middleware/InjectDebugbar.php).
I won't say that it is impossible to get its insights on a separate front, who knows if you are ready to fork the project and communicate with the debug bar APIs.
For a simpler alternatives you can use:
laravel/telescope docs repo
Clockwork browser extension website repo
spatie/laravel-ray(paid) website docs

Two different versions of Vue in Laravel?

I built my application using Vue3, now deploying it to Laravel.
However, I would like to make an administration panel for it, but I do not want to waste time creating a new template for it, but I want to use a ready-made template from the Internet. However, I have a problem because the all of available templates are based on the older version of VueJS 2.X.
What can I do? Can I somehow use two versions of VueJS with Laravel?
To create a Vue app, we need to use a special createApp function instead of ... will still install Vue 2.x and npm i vue#next will install Vue 3.

How to use Vue with Lumen?

I have created a RESTful API with lumen and tested it with postman. It works fine. Now I wanna develop the front end for it with Vue. What is the best way to go about it? Do I need to create a separate directory for Vue or is there a way to use it in the same lumen project directory? I have tried installing composer require laravel/ui which works fine. But then when I run php artisan ui vue it says "ui not defined". Help me out here.
I would suggest to use something like this starter kit. Down the line it will save your time.

Include Vue in a Codeigniter project

I have a very broad project, developed in codeigniter, I want to integrate Vue and I do not know how to do it.
Is it better to create a new project based on Vue and try to migrate things?
Modify my JS of my current project and replace it with Vue?
What do you recommend?
i have sucessfully use vue to replace codeigniter view layer, i use laravel mixin to compile vue SFC then include built file to the codeigniter view template
FrontEnd frameworks has nothing to do backend frameworks. They communicate via http-request responses.
You may use backend of your choice and render the content on the page.
However, if you want to integrate vue with existing project (which is already working), I recommend new project based on Vue and migrate back end code on need basis

how to use laravel illuminate in a custom project

I have a static site with a lot of pages. Now I got a new requirement. Client need a Client Area, I am thinking to use laravel Database Eloquent, Session, Form/html, Session and want to use them as alias like use in laravel/lumen. The problem is that I want static pages same as it is with .html extension, is there any solution? I want some packages with aliases to speed up.
I spent a complete day on Configuring Input and Eloquent but I wasn't able to setup to other packages. But I don't know how to set aliases and service providers. Any idea?
I need Laravel Some packages
I don't need others packages and need aliases same as laravel used in (config/app)
yes you can use laravel components outside laravel project please read the article :
