How to integrate getstream in laravel 5.3 - laravel-5

How to integrate in laravel 5.3. How to integrate it with laravel eloquent? Please provide me details documentation of it.

We document the usage of the Stream-Laravel SDK here:
There are instructions there for setting up the configuration, names of your feeds, and details of how to extend your Eloquent models.
If you have a more specific integration question we're happy to answer it as well.


How to integrate remita in laravel application?

How to Integrate API remita in laravel? I want to do api integration remita in laravel for my project. Please anyone say some good ideas. I am tried to implementation, but I am failed.
$ "femonofsky/remita": "~1.0"
I used in Laravel 6.2.8.

Laravel 5.2 & Angular 2 CRUD Example

I am new to Angular2 & want to integrate it into my existing Laravel App built with Laravel 5.2, I have searched for an efficient example with the same but no luck, Can any one help me with it?
I would like to have a basic CRUD example with Laravel 5.2 & Angular2[not the beta version].
Thanks in advance!
The best practice would be to use Laravel and Angular decoupled as separate applications with the Angular front end just consuming the Laravel exposed services. You can achieve that by checking examples and tutorials dedicated for each in part (interfacing via JSON/XML/etc.).
Here are some repositories to exemplify such integration:

Can I use scout with laravel 5.1

Given Laravel scout was introcuced with laravel 5.3 can I use it with laravel 5.1?
The docs at doesn't state anything about this.
Yes you can include it in laravel 5.x as well , Using this blog
Blog Link
Also you can check Other Elastic Search plugin which are being used in laravel much before Scout
No It's not possible as laravel/scout required
illuminate/contracts: ~5.3
illuminate/database: ~5.3
illuminate/support: ~5.3
which is only available in laravel >=5.3

Replace laravel ORM to Spot

I'm trying to get ride of Eloquent in order to use Spot ORM in my Laravel 5.1 application. The thing is I have no idea how to do that..
I have tried to find a provider package for Spot on Laravel but the only repository I found is (for Silex framework).
Maybe it is possible to begin with this provider and adapt it to the laravel framework? I am trying to find it, so if someone knows please can you help?
Thanks !
Looking closer to the official github repository I found out there were already a laravel provider inside the provider directory

Laravel 5.2 Access control list

I am new to Laravel, and feeling very uncomfortable about embedding the "Entrust" plugin in Laravel 5.2.
Can any one please tell me how I can embed "Entrust" in Laravel 5.2?
If you are referring to the package on Link then you have all the neccessary documentation there
