How to make multi account in laravel 5.2 - laravel

I'm confused to make user "student","teacher",and "admin" in laravel 5.2. I don't know steps after I type php artisan make:auth. Please tell me to use it untill route.php

What you need is laravel's authorization:
Have a look at the documentation
Or if you need extended functionality, have a look at Cartalyst's Sentinel. Which integrates very nicely with laravel


How to access laravel api from vuejs frontend?

I have built a laravel api, I have placed the backend inside a laravel folder in the cpanel and the built vuejs frontend inside public_html, now u can see I am using both api.php and web.php, my frontend is working fine when I visit but what's the url to my api endpoints since when I try something like it doesn't work it just hits the routes I set using vue router?
Please I need help here I am a beginner, and thanks in advance.
Laravel apis have default middleware to establish security. Make sure you send tokens. In my opinion, test it in postman first.
If you have a 404 error , this link can help you
Sometimes it is possible that there is a problem with the route cache, so it is better to delete the route cache and create it again
php artisan route:clear
php artisan route:cache

How to use Vue with Lumen?

I have created a RESTful API with lumen and tested it with postman. It works fine. Now I wanna develop the front end for it with Vue. What is the best way to go about it? Do I need to create a separate directory for Vue or is there a way to use it in the same lumen project directory? I have tried installing composer require laravel/ui which works fine. But then when I run php artisan ui vue it says "ui not defined". Help me out here.
I would suggest to use something like this starter kit. Down the line it will save your time.

Does soft deletes works on lumen framework? Limitations of Lumen?

I just wanted to know soft deletes on laravel is also works with lumen framework?
what are the limitations of lumen framework compared to laravel?
we are going to start a project with micro-services concept and considering about lumen framework.
Yes, SoftDeletes are supported in Lumen.
The limitations are:
Configuration is different (not everything is out the box)
The routing is very basic
Missing useful artisan commands and helpers
some additional Laravel packages won't work
missing sub-domain routing, no optional parameters in routes
So basically you are using a stripped down version of Laravel and you are missing flexibility.

Customizing the paginator view in Laravel 5.2

I've been reading the docs and set up a basic app.
Every issue I've had before I've been able to solve by looking in the docs and occasionally using Google, however I can't figure this one out.
I'm using Laravel version 5.2.43 and the Paginator works fine.
I use it in my view like this,
But now I would like to customize the look of the paginator.
So I tried running this command
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=laravel-pagination
In the hopes of simply being able to customize that view instead of creating a new one all over but that command didn't work, it just said
Nothing to publish for tag [laravel-pagination]
So, instead I did this.
{{ $data->links('folder.viewName') }}
But this command gives me this error,
Argument 1 passed to Illuminate\Pagination\LengthAwarePaginator::links() must be an instance of Illuminate\Contracts\Pagination\Presenter, string given
So I'm not sure what's going on. The pagination works but I can't set the view myself.
Any thoughts on what's going on here?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I believe you can't do this in Laravel 5.2 without "hacking" the framework. Fortunately, Laravel 5.3 is released this week and it features custom pagination views
Custom pagination in Laravel 5.3
So it turns out I've been reading the 5.3 documentation for Laravel all this time. Which explains a lot of things...
So when 5.3 comes out we can do
Until then, I've done it the manual way of using the instances inside the paginator object.

Laravel 5.2 Access control list

I am new to Laravel, and feeling very uncomfortable about embedding the "Entrust" plugin in Laravel 5.2.
Can any one please tell me how I can embed "Entrust" in Laravel 5.2?
If you are referring to the package on Link then you have all the neccessary documentation there
