Xcode 7.3.1 fails when compiling sources (Cocoapods) - xcode

Im pulling my hair out over this. Ive made a duplicate of my an Xcode project and I then went and renamed the target, folders within the project, build config and basically removed every reference to the old project. I then used pod deintegrate to remove cocoa pods completely. As well as deleting the master repo.
I then did a pod install but when it gets to compiling sources it fails, and the only errors that are coming up are those from my project that are basically being caused from the missing header files.
Ive checked my framework and library paths and they both use $(inherited)
Any suggestions would really be appreciated, Ive already wasted 2 days on this.
EDIT: I've noticed that my libPod-ProjectName.a is red and isn't being created in derived data, not sure what to make of it

Is the AFHTTPREQUESTSERIALIZER available ?, it seems to be deprecated so there are no results matching. Confirm you are using the latest version and the framework is not longer deprecated. Please explain your problem with more information.
Alternatively, you can refer this link:-
Screenshot taken from above link:-


Could not read serialized diagnostics file: Invalid File: Invalid diagnostics signature

I'm getting this weird warning. I'm not sure what could cause it. A .dia file extension supposedly indicates a core digraph graphics file. I did not add one and the app has almost no ui at all.
Could not read serialized diagnostics file: error("Invalid diagnostics signature")
It appears to be an internal issue, the following steps seem to reliably resolve it for me.
Installing my uninstalled dependencies (ie: CocoaPods).
Cleaning the build folder.
Removing derived data.
Restarting Xcode
If that doesn't work restarting my computer makes this go away. 🤦
Here's the zsh script line I use (after navigating to the project's folder):
Note: Uses rm -rfs!
rm -rf ~/Library/Caches/CocoaPods; rm -rf Pods; rm -rf ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/*; pod install;
For me this issue occurred after I updated my Xcode to iOS15. The reason behind my issue was some of my swift packages were no longer up to date. Updating all my swift packages solved this issue. To do this simply do
File > Packages > Update to Latest Package Versions.
I also experienced this issue. The reason in my case was lack of storage space on my laptop so make sure to check that too.
Solution for M1 and M2 Macbook
I'm on a 2020 M1 Apple MacBook and none of these solutions worked for me.
The folder where I had the project created in was named 'Client Works' with a space in-between even throughout folder structure.
Previously folder structure: /Users/ABC/Documents/Client Works/AwesomeProject
Change folder structure to: /Users/ABC/Documents/Client_Works/AwesomeProject
Apparently that had an adverse effect on running the pod install properly. I renamed the folder to 'Client_Works' and ran pod install and everything started working.
Check the file and make sure all the document is linked to the project -> Target Memembership
If you're using a third party library, it might be where this warning or error originates. In my case, I had the same error, it was from a third party library not updated for Xcode 13. I had to go to the library on Github to check if they had an update for this error, and they had. Then, I updated the library's swift package. In my case I had to use the exact commit id at which they fixed the error.
I'm quite sure I know the issue and it is severe if you don't use version control. It happened to me twice with working on two different projects, when my disk space was around 7GB free with Xcode 13/13.1. I could not fix it manually, only removing all and cloning the repo again made it compilable again, and freeing disk space of course.
With Xcode 12 I had this issue around 4GB free space, but I could recover at least.
If you have pods in your project then make sure you are opening the .xcworkspace and not the .xcodeproj
When I removed a library from my Podfile I suddenly received a TON of these messages. The usual clean + clear derived data + restart trick unfortunately didn't seem to work for me this time.
Took me a while to figure this one out, but what did work was upgrading from Xcode 13 to Xcode 14. Doing so provided much better error messages! Turns out I needed to import Foundation, UIKit, or another framework in some of my files.

framework not found FirebaseInstanceID in Xcode

Step to reproduce.
I have added all the pod frameworks into my cordova project using XCode, after added, I don't know why the frameworks are whiten as this picture.
So I start to build the project again, the first error said framework not found FirebaseInstallation, I thought the whiten framework is not valid, so I manually add the framework from my frameworks folder which is downloaded from https://firebase.google.com/docs/ios/setup#frameworks and finally become the normal yellow icon.
I rebuild the project, this time the error is framework not found FirebaseCoreDiagnostics. Therefore, I repeat step 2 to add in the framework manually and compile again.
This time the error is also framework not found but it is FirebaseInstanceID. As you can see from my Pods folder above, there is no FirebaseInstanceID framework that I can manually add into my project. I have search online, there is no single file named FirebaseInstanceID.framework exist on the internet. Where can I download it actually?
Furthermore, is it the right way to manually add in all the pod frameworks into my project to solve the error? How can solve this kind of framework not found issue in Xcode? Thanks for any comment.
FirebaseInstanceID.framework is available in several of the folders from the download https://firebase.google.com/docs/ios/setup#frameworks, including FirebaseMessaging.

Xamarin.Forms.DefaultItems.props Not Found

So, I have been trying to fix this error I am getting over a month now, but with no success. I am currently working on a personal app project in collaboration with one other friend and surprisingly the project compiles perfectly fine on my friend's machine.
I am getting the below error:
"The imported project "C:\Users\divye\Documents\NHSF Xamarin App\packages\Xamarin.Forms.\build\netstandard1.0\Xamarin.Forms.DefaultItems.props" was not found. Confirm that the path in the declaration is correct, and that the file exists on disk".
I can't understand why my code will not compile. I have gone through lots and lots of Stack Overflow posts already and tried pretty much all the proposed solutions without any success. As a last resort I am having to post on here.
I have tried the following:
Deleted the project locally from my machine and re-cloned the git repository and then tried running the project
Cleaned the project out and tried rebuilding again
Have spoken with my friend who is also working on the project, and matched my local project set out to his
I have gone into the Xamarin.iOS and Xamarin.Android .csproject files and also manually added in the Import statement for 'Xamarin.Forms.DefaultItems.props'
I have manually checked the folder '$..\netstandard1.0\ folder path to make sure the 'Xamarin.Forms.DefaultItems.props' file physically exists in the folder and it does for both iOS and Android.
Updated all packages in Xamarin Studio for the project to make sure latest versions of the packages are being used
Downgraded the Xamarin.Forms package to see if it could be to do with a bug in the latest package but this does not seem to be the issue.
A suggested fix that worked for my friend was recreating the project to contain the ASP.NET backend for mobile packages. I have tried this as well.
I was initially getting the error on my Mac so I thought I would give it a go on my Windows machine. Same thing happens on there too.
I am stumped at the issue. It is failing to build at all. Neither iOS or Android work.
I am hoping someone from here can help.
Remove the whitespaces in the pathname of the project!

Build fails with "Command failed with a nonzero exit code"

When I try to build my app with Xcode, an error interrupts the build process:
Command CompileStoryboard failed with a nonzero exit code
Sometimes, it shows this error instead:
Command CompileSwift failed with a nonzero exit code
I have New Build System turned on.
What can I do to fix this?
Closing Xcode for me didn't have an effect. Instead, I cleaned the project using CommandShiftK.
I also found another reason: I had a storyboard reference to another storyboard which I had removed. The quick fix was deleting this.
I also facing same issue in xcode 10 and tried all the solutions provided but nothing working.
Then I deleted all the files and folders of the following folder :
and it worked like a charm.
When you stop building a project when the compiler is in the middle of something "important", this error could appear. In that case, building the project again and letting it finish normally makes this error disappear.
This is a known issue with Swift 4.2 and Xcode 10. I found an article here that fixed it for me: https://github.com/Yummypets/YPImagePicker/issues/236
In short, go to your projects build settings, and add a user defined setting named SWIFT_ENABLE_BATCH_MODE and set its value to NO.
Previously, I tried each of the methods suggested here (rebuild, exit Xcode, clean and rebuild, purge Derived Data files). None of them worked.
Once I added the user define build setting per the article, Swift then told me the true error. In my case, it was a missing }, but it could be any number of problems.
I encountered this error when I was upgrading my project from Swift 4 to 5.
I first updated all my pods to their latest versions. When I built, some pods showed this error.
The following steps resolved this issue for me:
Removed all pods from Podfile
Executed pod install to remove all installed pods
Executed pod deintegrate to remove support for CocoaPods
Deleted Podfile.lock and .xcworkspace from my project so no
CocoaPods anymore
Now my project is a pure Xcode project
Opened my project from the regular .xcodeproj file
Changed Swift Version of my project to Swift 5
Cleaned the project (cmd+shift+K)
Quitted Xcode
Restored all pods to my Podfile
Executed pod install to reintegrate CocoaPods and add my pods
Opened the project from the .xcworkspace file
Cleaned and rebuilt
Some old pods that were still using Swift 4.0
(SlideMenuControllerSwift in my case) were set to Swift 5.0, caused
many build errors in their code. I corrected it back to Swift 4.0
by opening the Pods project and selecting its target.
Cleaned again, rebuilt.
Now I have only errors in my own project code related with difference in Swift version I made. My job now is to fix them.
This error happened to me when I forgot to change entity Properties before creating NSManagedObject subclass. Solved by:
delete Entity+CoreDataClass.swift and Entity+CoreDataProperties.swift.
under "class" of the entity model inspector, change "module" to Current Product Module and "codegen" to Manual/None.
recreate the NSManagedObject.
I had the error Command LinkStoryboards failed with a nonzero exit code, and found that I was using a reference to a non-existent storyboard. I had recently changed the name of a storyboard file, so changing the reference from the 'old' name to the 'new' name solved it for me.
You may not have exactly the same error as me, but an easy way to find a more detailed explanation of the error is to:
Show the issue navigator (while the build time error is showing)
Click the error:
Then, you should see more about your error:
I hope this helps. Please, I am aware that I am answering from experience of a different error than this question was asked about, but I believe this advice should help you conquer similar problems!
For me cleaning the project (Command + Shift + K) and restarting xCode worked for me
If you have multiple targets, where two or more targets have files with the same name, check the target membership of those files in Files inspector. The error occurs when multiple instances of the equally named file have set the target membership for the same target.
Since this issue looks to have dozens of possible solutions and the root cause could be very vague, I'll throw my situation into the ring. Half of my pods were failing with some sort of CompileSwiftSource failure, but only on archive. I was still able to build for device and simulator just fine. I tried a lot (if not all) of the solutions suggested here with no luck. One of the pods had a slightly different error before the CompileSwiftSource error so I went to updating and trying to fix that single pod. It was the Cache library for iOS which hadn't been updated in a while. There was a fork that resolved the issue with updating to Xcode 10.2 that I was able to update to and after that, all of the other issues took care of themselves. So look for a single outlier in your pods if you're getting a bunch of them erroring out and start there.
Switching to the legacy build system fixed the issue for me
In my case, I was clean build folder then restart my mac then it's work.
I had the JSONwebtoken pod installed and that was causing issues. I needed to delete the CommonCrypto folder that is in the JSONWebtoken pod folder. Here is a ->link<- explaining the issue. This started happening in Xcode 10.
In my case it was about having a file named Location. after some digging I find out that it was about having two file with the same name (weird). Cause I don't, however, it's been solved by removing the file and adding another file with a different name.
filenames are used to distinguish private declarations with the same name
This can also occur when you have two swift files with the same name. For example, two ContentView.swift files
In my case, I used too complicated initializations inside a class extension. It suddenly broke my build.
class MyClass { }
extension MyClass {
static var var1 = "", var2 = "", var3 = "", var4 = "", ...., var20 = ""
class MyClass { }
extension MyClass {
static var var1 = "",
static var var2 = "",
static var var3 = ""
static var var4 = "", ....,
static var var20 = ""
In my case it was empty assets catalog, when I delete it everything was fine again.
Command CompileSwift failed with a nonzero exit code
This error happens when you are migrating your code from Xcode 9 to Xcode 10+. It due to any class name is conflicting with existing apple classes. For Example: State, Event etc.
So first change the class/structure name if any existing in your code like "State" to "StateDetail"
If Info.plist is added in target, remove tick mark from it so it will not copy app bundle (Latest Xcode10 security reason).
Select Info.plist file and uncheck under "Target Membership" in right side Identity inspector
And build code again!!!
In my case, the problem was that I assigned a .swift class to the viewController in the storyboard, while the project was Objective C.
I tried a lot of the options discussed here.
Delete and reinstall pods
Clean Build Folder
Delete Derived Data
Add SWIFT_ENABLE_BATCH_MODE and set its value to NO
Restarting Xcode and Recompiling
Restarting iMac and Recompiling
set Compilation Mode to Incremental
Changed build settings: SWIFT_COMPILATION_MODE = singlefile and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL = "-O"
Nothing worked. I'm using Xcode Version 11.0 beta (11M336w).
Finally I downloaded a fresh copy and replaced the one I had previously installed. It was the same exact version. That did the trick.
I got this error while trying to run my unit tests in a submodule. What I have done is:
Change the simulator => Clean the project => Build the project => Run unit tests.
After this, my unit tests ran without any issue.
I have the issue like that and my solution is change a little thing in Build Settings:
it work to me
Alright, I was having the same problem with Xcode 10. I usually use a storyboard for every view, that way if someone is helping it's easier to fold code in. I needed to make one of the view on one storyboard the initial view Controller.
In my case it was renaming a file to an existing file in other folder(Group) by mistake, just rename it to what it was then the error disappeared
The targets should be specified with related data such as appicon
For me the problem was that on my Podfile I didn't put use_frameworks!. I just uncomment that line, run pod install on the terminal again. And it got fixed.
It was commented since the app was entirely made on Objective-C. Since the app now uses Swift I had to make that change on the Podfile
I had the same error Restarting Xcode and Recompiling Fixed the issue for me.
I got the same error when linking separate storyboards. The error, "Command CompileSwiftSources failed with a nonzero exit code." is shown because I simply forgot to set the view controller inside the second storyboard that I am linking as 'an initial view controller'.
In my use case I had used the function "Refactor to Storyboard" in Xcode 13. It created the new refactored story board fine but failed to add it to bundle resources.
So my fix was to:
Select the target project in Xcode Navigator
Choose the build phases tab
Expand Copy Bundled Resources to see if new storyboard was added. If not, just add it to the list and rebuild.
My app was having Notification Service Extension, and was using Xcode 11. The Extension doesn't have anything to do with pods.
After 1-2 years, I have taken that project into my new m1 chip mac with Xcode 13. But the compilation was failing and showing me the error in pods.
I tried to remove and add all pods, tried clean etc all possible available answers available on internet. Almost spent 4-5 hours to make it run, but nothing worked.
Final Solution that worked:
I removed, notification service extension from the project, its target etc too. And then tried to run the app. Amazingly it worked. After that, i added that extension again(by creating new extension and putting the same code again), and everything is working perfectly fine.
I am still surprised that, was that issue with extension or with pods. But finally it worked for me.
Hopefully, this answer might resolve someone's issue and you can save enough time.

How do I get MailCore to work correctly?

I'm trying to build MailCore into my app but I keep getting
"_OBJC_CLASS_$_CTCoreAccount", referenced from:
That is the only error I'm getting and CTCoreAccount is in the project.
In order to use mail core framework, visit the link follow step by step process and you are done.
I have an answer. It is not "The Answer" but I have an answer and it worked.
Eidt: For this: After a slew of issues, I've realized that "this" particular fix is that you need to add libmailcore.a to the frameworks. It keeeps getting deleted by XCode, or you may ahve added the MailCore Framework instead.
Started a fresh project, erased everything by removing application files to trash, then deleting references. "Added" via group (unsure if it matters) all my folers/files from the project I was trying to.
Had to tell it where the pch and Info.plist were, (essentially pointing it to my old project). Re-added all frameworks, and voila, it compiled.
I'm suspecting XCode 4.5 has different framework settings as far as library paths and valid flags for linker, etc. But nothing I tried regarding that fixed it. I would love to do this more direclty, old project is on 4.3, and won't be upgrading it if this is happening. Anyway, up and running, hope others are soon too. Would like real answer myself
