Xamarin.Forms.DefaultItems.props Not Found - xamarin

So, I have been trying to fix this error I am getting over a month now, but with no success. I am currently working on a personal app project in collaboration with one other friend and surprisingly the project compiles perfectly fine on my friend's machine.
I am getting the below error:
"The imported project "C:\Users\divye\Documents\NHSF Xamarin App\packages\Xamarin.Forms.\build\netstandard1.0\Xamarin.Forms.DefaultItems.props" was not found. Confirm that the path in the declaration is correct, and that the file exists on disk".
I can't understand why my code will not compile. I have gone through lots and lots of Stack Overflow posts already and tried pretty much all the proposed solutions without any success. As a last resort I am having to post on here.
I have tried the following:
Deleted the project locally from my machine and re-cloned the git repository and then tried running the project
Cleaned the project out and tried rebuilding again
Have spoken with my friend who is also working on the project, and matched my local project set out to his
I have gone into the Xamarin.iOS and Xamarin.Android .csproject files and also manually added in the Import statement for 'Xamarin.Forms.DefaultItems.props'
I have manually checked the folder '$..\netstandard1.0\ folder path to make sure the 'Xamarin.Forms.DefaultItems.props' file physically exists in the folder and it does for both iOS and Android.
Updated all packages in Xamarin Studio for the project to make sure latest versions of the packages are being used
Downgraded the Xamarin.Forms package to see if it could be to do with a bug in the latest package but this does not seem to be the issue.
A suggested fix that worked for my friend was recreating the project to contain the ASP.NET backend for mobile packages. I have tried this as well.
I was initially getting the error on my Mac so I thought I would give it a go on my Windows machine. Same thing happens on there too.
I am stumped at the issue. It is failing to build at all. Neither iOS or Android work.
I am hoping someone from here can help.

Remove the whitespaces in the pathname of the project!


Missing maui_colors.xml and maui_splash_image.xml

I've been developing a .NET MAUI app on my Windows 11 machine which works perfectly.
When I try to compile and run it on a Mac, running the latest version of Visual Studio for Mac - 17.3 Preview build 1038, I get two errors -- see below:
Source file 'obj/Debug/net6.0-android/resizetizer/sp/maui_splash_image.xml' could not be found (XA2001)
Source file 'obj/Debug/net6.0-android/resizetizer/sp/maui_colors.xml' could not be found (XA2001)
Any idea what's causing this and how to fix it?
P.S. I started this project from scratch on my PC so it's not a conversion from Xamarin.
Cleaning and building the Solution (not the single project) fixed it for me.
UPDATE: Rebuild also works. Sometimes you'll have to do this twice it to work.
Cleaning, and then building the solution then resulted in error code = "AMM000" on File "AndroidManifest.xml". I found virtually nothing on that code.
Ultimately, I spent a few hours creating a new project and moved my code over to the new project, line-by-line.
Not a great bug. I believe all that I did was change my icon file, but I guess I'll rename my actual icon to the sample "bot" icon that comes in the sample project and leave it at that.
I had this problem when creating the APK for my MAUI app. Cleaning and rebuilding as the other answers suggested did not work.
I solved it by creating a new MAUI project and going through the deployment process to generate the files; and then replace my actual project files (my problem was in the resizetizer folder) with the generated ones. This got rid of the error.

in Xcode12 beta the Swift package manager fails to load dependencies

Recently the SPM has started to give me errors. Was working before.
I'm trying to use the AlamofireImage library but xcode fails to resolve de dependency and doesn't give any good explanation.
Does anybody know why and how to make it work?
this was once happened to me, maybe you can try to go ahead to File > Swift Packages > Update to Latest Package Versions. Let's see if that works
I ran into a similar issue when I was trying to arrange the files inside the project folder, and when I put them back to their old position the problem was resolved and the app run successfully.
I found something that's not ideal, but works for now. In your main xCode project file, go under Project not Target and find Package Dependencies. After finding it, remove the SDK, and then right click on the name of your project and add a package. This time when adding Firebase, use Minor version. It should hopefully resolve and install.

Expo project out of sync

I am working on an Expo project with React Navigation. The code is working properly in my local environment, but my co-worker is seeing an issue where the TabNavigator tabs do not work (almost as if they are frozen).
We are working on the same code base and each cloned the code into a new location and installed all packages fresh. I'm still not seeing the issue and he is. We can't seem to get our code in sync.
Any suggestions on what to do?

Xcode 7.3.1 fails when compiling sources (Cocoapods)

Im pulling my hair out over this. Ive made a duplicate of my an Xcode project and I then went and renamed the target, folders within the project, build config and basically removed every reference to the old project. I then used pod deintegrate to remove cocoa pods completely. As well as deleting the master repo.
I then did a pod install but when it gets to compiling sources it fails, and the only errors that are coming up are those from my project that are basically being caused from the missing header files.
Ive checked my framework and library paths and they both use $(inherited)
Any suggestions would really be appreciated, Ive already wasted 2 days on this.
EDIT: I've noticed that my libPod-ProjectName.a is red and isn't being created in derived data, not sure what to make of it
Is the AFHTTPREQUESTSERIALIZER available ?, it seems to be deprecated so there are no results matching. Confirm you are using the latest version and the framework is not longer deprecated. Please explain your problem with more information.
Alternatively, you can refer this link:-
Screenshot taken from above link:-

Droid Library Thinks it's Wearable How do I make it Un-wearable?

I have a solution with 4 projects 2 PCL's, a Droid Library and a droid App. When I reference the Droid Library from my Droid Application at compile I'm getting:
Error XA5211: Embedded wear app package name differs from handheld app package name.
In both Xamarin Studio and Visual Studio.
Thing is it's not a wear app package nor do I have a handheld app package. Im just trying to reference a Library I created from an android App I created. I cant find any settings in either the csproj file the sln or the IDE that have changed that made my driod library into a wearable library (Im sure I changed something just dont know what) Its here somewhere just no idea were or what I'm looking for besides scanning for the word wear which doesn't seem to show up anywhere. I looked back through my change history and I dont see where it got messed up at.
Until last week everything was fine. Then I started trying to get the latest release of Xamarin.Forms to allow my code to compile. I changed a number of settings over a week of debugging that issue and finally got everything to work again by setting my target Platform to 6.0 and downloading the latest Android SDK.
The Libraries I'm attempting to reference that cause the issue I have on GitHub # https://github.com/Indiponics/IndiXam-Lib in case anyone cares to look at the csproj file etc.
The solution is easy. Open the .csproj file of your Android app and find the project reference you need to work. It might look like this:
<ProjectReference Include="..\MyWearApp\MyWearApp.csproj">
The problem is with the extension part. Simply remove the IsAppExtension line and any other than Project and Name. It should work now.
I think we lost an entire man-week on this issue!
