framework not found FirebaseInstanceID in Xcode - xcode

Step to reproduce.
I have added all the pod frameworks into my cordova project using XCode, after added, I don't know why the frameworks are whiten as this picture.
So I start to build the project again, the first error said framework not found FirebaseInstallation, I thought the whiten framework is not valid, so I manually add the framework from my frameworks folder which is downloaded from and finally become the normal yellow icon.
I rebuild the project, this time the error is framework not found FirebaseCoreDiagnostics. Therefore, I repeat step 2 to add in the framework manually and compile again.
This time the error is also framework not found but it is FirebaseInstanceID. As you can see from my Pods folder above, there is no FirebaseInstanceID framework that I can manually add into my project. I have search online, there is no single file named FirebaseInstanceID.framework exist on the internet. Where can I download it actually?
Furthermore, is it the right way to manually add in all the pod frameworks into my project to solve the error? How can solve this kind of framework not found issue in Xcode? Thanks for any comment.

FirebaseInstanceID.framework is available in several of the folders from the download, including FirebaseMessaging.


Why RiveRuntime module is causing error every time I open Xcode project

Every time I open an existing swiftUI app which includes Rive animations it is saying no module named RiveRuntime. I have to create the project all over again to make it run.
Please give me a solution to resolve this issue.
It's because xcode is not able to fetch the framework everytime. You can download the framework and in the project settings choose the downloaded framework which works well without internet.

SpeechToTextV1 - Missing required modules SSCZLib, SSCommonCrypto

I am working on XCode 9.1 project that uses IBM Watson swift-sdk SpeechToTextV1 package. After upgrading swift-sdk to the version 0.19.0 and building XCode project the compiler error has occured: Missing required modules: 'SSCZLib', 'SSCommonCrypto' pointing to the import SpeechToTextV1 statement. swift-sdk updated via Carthage.
Cartfile content: github "watson-developer-cloud/swift-sdk".
command line update: carthage update --platform ios --no-use-binaries.
How can I include SSCZLib and SSCommonCrypto modules into XCode project?
Please help. Thanks a lot.
Use carthage update --platform iOS --no-use-binaries. It takes a while, but it works.
I'm afraid that I haven't been able to replicate the problem on my machine. I started with a new, empty Xcode project and was able to transcribe audio with the Speech to Text service.
I uploaded my app here. Can you try downloading it, adding your Speech to Text credentials, and running the app?
Please make sure that the newly compiled frameworks are the ones being used. Carthage does not place the frameworks in a custom location that is referenced in the project or workspace.
For me - in addition to building the library using --no-use-binaries flag - I also had to ensure that under my target's
Build Phases->Embed Frameworks
Build Phases->Link Binary with Libraries
SpeechToTextV1.framework is included
In addition - I found that these two files made all the difference inside the Carthage folder:
I could only get this to work after my project was directly referencing the Carthage folder. Deleting either of these two files caused the error to return.
The v0.21.0 release of the Watson Swift SDK fixes this issue. You should no longer have to add a link to the zlib folder in your project settings. However, you will need to copy Starscream.framework into your application in the same way that other frameworks are copied.
The solution was to externalize the Starscream dependency. Adding Starscream as a recursive dependency for the Swift SDK allows it to build independently with its own environment. When the Starscream library is copied into your application, it should automatically include the SSCZLib and SSCommonCrypto dependencies.
We test each SDK before it's release, but this problem slipped past us. Our test machine happens to have other software that adds SSCZLib and SSCommonCrypto to the path, making it available to the Xcode build. It wasn't until we refreshed the machine with a new macOS install that we were able to replicate the problem. And with v0.21.0, that problem has been solved.
Sorry for your trouble and thank you for your patience while we tracked down the solution!

Xcode 7.3.1 fails when compiling sources (Cocoapods)

Im pulling my hair out over this. Ive made a duplicate of my an Xcode project and I then went and renamed the target, folders within the project, build config and basically removed every reference to the old project. I then used pod deintegrate to remove cocoa pods completely. As well as deleting the master repo.
I then did a pod install but when it gets to compiling sources it fails, and the only errors that are coming up are those from my project that are basically being caused from the missing header files.
Ive checked my framework and library paths and they both use $(inherited)
Any suggestions would really be appreciated, Ive already wasted 2 days on this.
EDIT: I've noticed that my libPod-ProjectName.a is red and isn't being created in derived data, not sure what to make of it
Is the AFHTTPREQUESTSERIALIZER available ?, it seems to be deprecated so there are no results matching. Confirm you are using the latest version and the framework is not longer deprecated. Please explain your problem with more information.
Alternatively, you can refer this link:-
Screenshot taken from above link:-

How do I build frameworks in Xcode?

I'm trying to use the GData framework, so I downloaded it and it came as an Xcode project so I assumed I needed to build it. So I opened it up and and clicked run and it compiled fine, but where do I go to access the .framework it created? I'm new to frameworks and have only been using xcode for a month or two so you'll have to excuse my lack of knowledge about it.
The documentation will help you
Anyway, by default the target is GDataUnitTest, just change it to GDataFramework. Once you compile it you will find the framework in the folder of the XCode Project called target.

How do I get MailCore to work correctly?

I'm trying to build MailCore into my app but I keep getting
"_OBJC_CLASS_$_CTCoreAccount", referenced from:
That is the only error I'm getting and CTCoreAccount is in the project.
In order to use mail core framework, visit the link follow step by step process and you are done.
I have an answer. It is not "The Answer" but I have an answer and it worked.
Eidt: For this: After a slew of issues, I've realized that "this" particular fix is that you need to add libmailcore.a to the frameworks. It keeeps getting deleted by XCode, or you may ahve added the MailCore Framework instead.
Started a fresh project, erased everything by removing application files to trash, then deleting references. "Added" via group (unsure if it matters) all my folers/files from the project I was trying to.
Had to tell it where the pch and Info.plist were, (essentially pointing it to my old project). Re-added all frameworks, and voila, it compiled.
I'm suspecting XCode 4.5 has different framework settings as far as library paths and valid flags for linker, etc. But nothing I tried regarding that fixed it. I would love to do this more direclty, old project is on 4.3, and won't be upgrading it if this is happening. Anyway, up and running, hope others are soon too. Would like real answer myself
