What's the best way to implements multi language into the app? - nativescript

I am developing my app (for android and ios) using nativescript and I have a question, my app will be used for many users around the world so I want to add the support for "chose the language" according the user.
What is the best way to support many language for my string values into the app? I tried to found some example about that but I can't find any information about the stuff.
Thanks in advance

I believe Dan Tamas is working on a plugin for this at the moment.

This might be not the best way but I hope it could help if you are in urgent.
I have implemented multi-language successfully in my app by using Jed which is the Javascript implementation of GNU gettext .
Things to do are:
Install npm package jed + po2json
Prepare PO files and compile to json
Implements to XML pages by getting the source property from view-model
You can find more detail here:
How to internationalize app in NativeScript


How to share from an app to Xamarin macOS

I'm looking to add the availability to my application to receive content through share option from Note native apple application. I want my application appear in the list below.
Thanks, Robin.
You need to add the new project with the share extension and reference it in the main project.
One more critical part is that you need to declare in extension's info.plist which content you want to import.
Also of note, you indicated by the tag that you use Xamarin.Forms. It might be complicated to use Xamarin.Forms for the user interface in the Mac share extension. I would believe it is possible, but I don't think anyone did that and published info on how to do it.

Implementation angular plugin to nativescript-vue

I am newbie with nativescipt-vue. I need to connect identity server with nativescript-vue. I found a plugin in this repo. But its developer gives only angular example. Can I use this plugin with nativescript-vue. Do you have any suggestion? Thank you in advance.
Good news: Most of 'things' developed on the top of NativeScript are interoperable, meaning that you can swap frameworks as desired.
Bad news: There is some problems of doing so. I've looked into the repository that you reported on the question and I saw that you have to deal with some Interfaces there.
export class AuthComponent implements OnInit { //...
Dealing with interfaces in NativeScript is a little bit confusing since you have to deal with classes in both NativeScript and Java in the same script.
The lack of documented behavior of this keyword, for example, can lead to some undesired behaviors. I am dealing with this problem right now. So, be careful.
Please provide us some parts of the code that you want to transpile to NativeScript-Vue.
Also, I highly recommend you to study how NativeScript works before understanding how NativeScript-Vue works. You are probably accessing the NS docs way more than NativeScript-Vue docs in a near future (assuming that you are already familiar with Vue).

Design and print PDF in Xamarin.Forms

I am working on a Xamarin.Forms project.
I have to create an ID card from the details provided, in a certain format and print the same.
How can this be done?
Has anyone tried something like this?
Disclaimer: I have NOT tried the following solution myself.
There is no out-of-the-box support in Xamarin.Forms for printing PDF.
The best practice, in terms of safety and native-performance, would be to use Dependency Injection by defining an interface in the portable (CPL or .NET Standard) project and implementing the actual printing code in the native projects you wish to target.
The following are the APIs for their respective platforms:
For Android: https://developer.xamarin.com/api/type/Android.Print.Pdf.PrintedPdfDocument/
For iOS: https://developer.xamarin.com/api/type/MonoTouch.UIKit.UIPrintInteractionController/
More of the same:
Hope it helps. Cheers!

Wanting to make an Xposed module

So I'm wanting to make an xposed module but cannot find any good video tutorials out there let alone an updated one also I know C# Decently and hardly any Java... Any help to help me get started would be appreciated. Thanks
You will need Java to create any Xposed modules. Android itself is based on (primarily) Java, so you will need Java knowledge to make Xposed modules.
That said, C# and Java are extremely similar languages, and you can quickly pick up the other if you know one.
As for Tutorials, Rovo89 (the creator of Xposed) has a simple tutorial here at https://github.com/rovo89/XposedBridge/wiki/Development-tutorial. This tutorial is almost completely upto-date, and you can use this to create your first module.
You will find another detailed tutorial here - https://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2709324. Keep in mind that this link is very old, so wherever there are any conflicts, go by Rovo89's tutorial.
After going through the beginner tutorial mentioned by Akhil, you will want to look at the API docs http://api.xposed.info/reference/packages.html and read through source code of some huge modules like GravityBox to get an idea of how the Framework is used. For teaching purpose mod some app which is open source and then move on to closed source app by reverse engineering them. For reverse engineering I use ByteCodeViewer.

Electronic Signature & Joomla

I am using Joomla 3 and need to create some online forms for a client (I am using the RSFormPro extension which is great).
However one feature that this extension does not include is the ability for the applicant to add their signature. Does anybody know how I could incorporate such a feature?
Ideally, I would like to use something like https://github.com/brinley/jSignature
If anybody has done this or has experience in jSignature please let me know.
Thanks in advance
I have used a 3rd party service called RightSignature http://rightsignature.com and then just embedded their forms into the site.
Here is a working example on a Joomla site: http://www.harrellrealty.us/forms/harrell-guarantor-form
Breezing forms has this feature built in and is a Joomla! component. It's REALLY powerful.
Here's a demo: https://crosstec.org/breezingformsdemo/index.php/breezingforms-demos/bootstrap-based-forms/new-digital-signatures.html
