Implementation angular plugin to nativescript-vue - nativescript

I am newbie with nativescipt-vue. I need to connect identity server with nativescript-vue. I found a plugin in this repo. But its developer gives only angular example. Can I use this plugin with nativescript-vue. Do you have any suggestion? Thank you in advance.

Good news: Most of 'things' developed on the top of NativeScript are interoperable, meaning that you can swap frameworks as desired.
Bad news: There is some problems of doing so. I've looked into the repository that you reported on the question and I saw that you have to deal with some Interfaces there.
export class AuthComponent implements OnInit { //...
Dealing with interfaces in NativeScript is a little bit confusing since you have to deal with classes in both NativeScript and Java in the same script.
The lack of documented behavior of this keyword, for example, can lead to some undesired behaviors. I am dealing with this problem right now. So, be careful.
Please provide us some parts of the code that you want to transpile to NativeScript-Vue.
Also, I highly recommend you to study how NativeScript works before understanding how NativeScript-Vue works. You are probably accessing the NS docs way more than NativeScript-Vue docs in a near future (assuming that you are already familiar with Vue).


How to use blueprintjs without Typescript?

I am new to React and I just stumbled to amazing Blueprint components. However, I am unable to use it and I am confused by the installation guide. Its quite different from what I am used so far.
Can anyone explain me how to use Blueprint without Typescript?
You can simply ignore the Typescript parts. Since you are writing a React app, it needs to be compiled through Babel anyways.
I never used Typescript before and also just started to use blueprint a few days ago and was able to use the JSX components completely without any Typescript knowledge.
Just start using it like any other React components you write - or use DIVs with the blueprint CSS classes directly when necessary. Its up to you.

Looking for guidance in using standard Polymer Core and Paper components (and associated events) in Dart Editor

First of all many thanks for the incredible source of information that you are providing to people like me.
I am visiting this site very often and most often finding the answer I need, but this is this is the first time I post a question, so please accept my apologies if I don't fully conform to rules.
Here is my issue:
I am "playing" with Dart Editor and Polymer to try to understand if I could use these technologies in my job moving forward
I was able to import the Polymer Core and Paper components in Dart Editor and to install polymer.dart
I was able to create a simple web page with a "core-selector" and to add some Dart code to handle a click on this component
I can't find how to listen using Dart code for component-specific event ("core-activate" & "core-select" here) and how to read component-specific attributes ("selected" & "multi" here)
I don't seem to be able to find good examples showing how to use "standard" polymer components in a web app created Dart Editor
I could find material on how to create my own polymer components using polymer.dart but I would just like to use standard components
I understand both Polymer and Dart are young but I can't imagine the clever brains at Google not having a solution or plans on this.
Regards and many thanks again.
The problem is not that Polymer and Dart are young. Dart is quite mature, Polymer is not even beta but also not so young anymore. The problem are the core- and paper-elements. They are very new and developed in JavaScript and the Polymer.dart team just created a code generator that wraps the JS core- and paper-elements in Polymer.dart elements. This process is only available since a few days and there are several issues which are yet to be solved.
I think you should provide a concrete example in your question of what you can't get working. Basically Polymer.dart core- and paper-elements work exactly as other Polymer.dart elements. So it's hard to know what to explain.

Build an app with marionettejs with requirejs?

I have used backbone boilerplate on the past
I want to use marionette on my next project and I have found this
My question is if it's a good idea to go with the marionette boilerplate or start form scratch.
As an aside, I'd like to suggest you give Yeoman a shot for scaffolding your first Marionette app. Yeoman works via what are called "generators", and provide much more than the the above Boilerplate MVC can offer you (Chai and Sinon for testing, Bower for client-side package management, etc...). Plus, Addy Osmani, who runs backbone-boilerplates is one of the heads of the project. Check out generator-marionette here.
I haven't used BoilerPlate, but glancing through it, it certainly seems like a valid approach to writing Marionette apps. If you're just getting started it will certainly help you see how the various pieces are supposed to be used. One gripe I've got is the folder structure. I prefer to break my applications down into modules, and then add models, collections, views, etc under each module. But this will certainly get you up and running quick, and there's nothing stopping you from customizing it to suit your needs.
I agree with others here: it is a useless limitation to imitate a folder structure that follows the 'old mvc model for server-side code'. You will remain more flexible further down the road if you think of your application strictly as completely self-containing modules, i.e. they contain their own controller/router/views/collections/templates etc. You can have a separate folder structure for shared code that is not a module, although anything can be made a module :)
Regarding boilerplate code and generators: i think in the beginning you should actually NOT do it, because you won't understand what you're doing. But that's just my personal opinion.

How to integrate Firefox Sync?

Firefox 4 comes soon (ok, next year ;)) and there is a Firefox plugin to sync your bookmarks etc. with Firefox 3.whatever .
I would like to know if anyone has a comprehensive, up-to-date tutorial to integrate Firefox Sync into your own plugin? Or any idea regarding this?
I mainly followed this official "tutorial" and also this blog post, but the information seems to be slightly outdated.
For example, the object is not called Weave anymore but Engines and the weave.engines. preference became services.sync.engines.. I played a little with all the mentioned options, but it does not seems to work (and my plugin does not show up in list where you can select what to sync).
I assume that the Tracker and Store classes are fine, the main problem is to register the engine...
The ClientAPI tutorial you mention is definitely the way to go. I updated it recently so if something's not working, please let us know so I can fix it in the docs. Wladimir's blogpost is definitely quite old and contains some outdated information. We will also make changes to some parts of the API in the upcoming beta releases, so be prepared for some flux...
The Weave namespace is still the canonical way to access Sync related APIs from UI code. It exposes components such as Weave.Service and Weave.Engines. You can import it via Components.utils.import("resource://services-sync/main.js"). If you want to implement your own engine, you'll have to import the actual underlying modules, though (all listed in the ClientAPI tutorial). The tutorial also describes how to register your custom engine implementation. Once it's registered, it won't automatically show up in the preferences UI, though. I suggest building your own UI that flips the services.sync.engine.YOURENGINE pref in your add-on's preferences.
Out of curiosity, what kind of data are you trying to sync?

A good place to find frameworks with Interface Builder plug-ins…

Someone on here recently recommended BWToolkit, and it really impressed me, so I started googling for more IB plug-ins. I've found a couple on random blogs, but haven't been able to find any kind of repository/aggregator for them. Anyone know where I can find more of these?
I just created a page on CocoaDev to list them [edit: question originally just said “Interface Builder plug-ins”, did not mention Cocoa frameworks], with the two I know of listed.
Well that's a good start. I guess that wiki page is the de-facto repository, for now. Seems like there's not much out there.
You are not looking for Interface Builder plug-ins. You think you are, but you aren't. BWToolkit, the example you use in your question, is not an Inteface Builder plug-in. Brandon bills it as an Interface Builder plug-in but it is actually a framework and a plug-in. The framework contains the actual controls. The plug-in contains the integration with Interface Builder.
So really, what you are looking for are frameworks that contain or provide Interface Builder plug-ins. I have changed your question to reflect that, so it is more likely to be found by people using Google to search for similar things in the future.
I know what I am looking for. Not all frameworks contain IB plugins. I am looking for a specific subset of frameworks, those which contain IB plugins. An IB-plugin without a framework is useless, therefore the framework part is assumed. I am NOT looking for regular old frameworks, so stop trying to change my question to that. Your additions only seem to be confusing people.
I have reported your post, hopefully moderators will be able to stop your obnoxious behavior.
"Without a framework, what would you have to plug in to IB?"
Your words, not mine. Anyways, I'm done arguing this with you. Just remember that I can roll back for every time that you edit.
It's clear you have a lot of experience in this field, but instead of offering answers you decided to nitpick where there are no nits to pick.
Additionally, you have not "changed the question to refelct that," you have changed the question to a completely different question. I would have though that after four rollbacks you would relaize that you're doing more harm than good. Just stop, okay?
Of course, Chris Hanson is absolutely correct when he says that an Interface Builder plugin is useless without an accompanying framework. Interface Builder merely provides a graphical way to manage objects in a framework; without the framework itself, Interface Builder has nothing to manage.
However, I do think that there is a completely valid sort of Interface Builder plugin that wouldn't necessitate the installation of an accompanying framework, and that would be one that provides Interface Builder integration features for objects in Cocoa/Cocoa Touch which would otherwise appear as just generic objects.
For those of you who come to this page Google, please recognise the difference between Interface Builder plugins and frameworks: even the examples mentioned above work on frameworks (they could be Foundation, AppKit, UIKIt, etc.)
