Polymer Designer tool compatibility on the latest version of polymer? - polymer-designer-tool

Hi I am a newbie on learning polymer structure and managing api : is the polymer designer tool compatible with the latest version of polymer?

No, the Polymer Designer currently uses the pre-1.0 syntax, which is not forward compatible. It seems the project source was updated to a newer Polymer version, but the app deployment hasn't been touched:
justinfagnani commented on Nov 20, 2015:
This is true, the live site is very old now, but I've been resisting taking it down so that people still have access to their old projects. Maybe it's not that important though, as they still have them in gists.


What's the best way to migrate from preview version of .NET Core to the latest version?

I have a site built in .NET Core 1.0 Preview 2. It's using the deprecated xproj file. I need to migrate the project to the lastest .NET Core 3.1.
Would it be simpler to try and go through all the migration steps listed below for each new version one at a time or would it be easier to try creating a new site in 3.1 and trying to just move my code over?
If the better answer is go through each migration one at a time, there are there any good walkthroughs on migrating from the preview version to .NET Core 1.0?

When I am using Github how can I create a version 1.1 of my application while I still maintain a version 1.0?

I have an application that I am working on. It's the Master Branch. Now I would like to continue fixing bugs with that but at the same time work on the next version.
On my front-end I am using Visual Studio Community on the Mac OS.
Can someone explain to me how I can start on another version and work on that and then sometimes switch between versions to maintain the current app?

How to install Umbraco on VS2015?

I'm following the guide oninstalltion Umbraco here. It seems that they don't mention VS2015but I followed as closely I could by installing it into an empty MVC 5 project.
However, as I install UmbracoCMS via NuGet, I see this error (and a bunch of alikes, all nagging about DNX 5 being not supported).
NU1002 The dependency Microsoft.AspNet.WebHelpers 3.2.3 in project PocUmbraco does not support framework DNXCore,Version=v5.0.
c:\users\chamster\documents\visual studio 2015\Projects\PocUmbraco\src\PocUmbraco\project.json
I'm very unclear what to do about it. I've googled but didn't find anything helpful, likely due to ignorance and limited experience with Umbraco.
You actually installed into a ASP.NET 5 project (which has MVC6).
You should not use the ASP.NET 5 template, but something like 4.5.2 or 4.6. DotnetCore is not supported by Umbraco. Not sure about ASP.NET 5, but according to this, it does not sound very supported to me:
Also, leave out azure if you just want to get a POC running.
Then after you created your empty ASP.NET project, install nuget package UmbracoCms, and hit that F5 button and go from there :-)

IBM FileNet Content Manager Upgrade 4.5 to 5.2

We are upgrading IBM Filenet Content Manager 4.5.1.
what version of Filenet and distribution recommended install. Is it the IBM filnet content manager version 5.1 or 5.2, based on stability ?
I am bit concerned beacuse of so many customizations and workflows running on our existing 4.5.1 system.
I'd recommend going to FileNet Content Platform Engine 5.2. I've recently completed an upgrade from 4.5 to 5.2, and no changes to any existing workflows or client code were required. There have been some additions to the API, but no breaking changes.
The latest fix pack, released a few weeks ago, is I can't think of any advantage to going to 5.1 instead of 5.2.
I agree with cmaitchison. We have recently completed a 5.2 upgrade an it is straightforward. Even though the previous custom applications would work, it is better to re-compile using the latest libraries and the version of JRE your application server would use.

Should I upgrade AjaxControlKit dlls I downloaded in May 2010?

I am running vs2008 aspnet 3.5 and the ajax dll files I am using were downloaded in May 2010.
Is there a newer ajax release that I should be using for new development?
All my old stuff is working ok.
I am going to add that I am trying to get autocompleteextender to work and i cant get it wired up.
It sounds like you are referring to the ajax control toolkit project which is hosted on codeplex
If so then yes there's been a release since May 2010. The most recent one is from November 2011 and can be downloaded here
As to whether or not you should update ... that's a question best left for you to answer. If everything is working fine and you don't find anything compelling in the new release then you're not obligated to update. Though your release is almost 2 years old now, there's likely been changes since then you would benefit from. It's at least worth your time to read up on the changes and see how they would apply to you.
