IBM FileNet Content Manager Upgrade 4.5 to 5.2 - filenet-p8

We are upgrading IBM Filenet Content Manager 4.5.1.
what version of Filenet and distribution recommended install. Is it the IBM filnet content manager version 5.1 or 5.2, based on stability ?
I am bit concerned beacuse of so many customizations and workflows running on our existing 4.5.1 system.

I'd recommend going to FileNet Content Platform Engine 5.2. I've recently completed an upgrade from 4.5 to 5.2, and no changes to any existing workflows or client code were required. There have been some additions to the API, but no breaking changes.
The latest fix pack, released a few weeks ago, is I can't think of any advantage to going to 5.1 instead of 5.2.

I agree with cmaitchison. We have recently completed a 5.2 upgrade an it is straightforward. Even though the previous custom applications would work, it is better to re-compile using the latest libraries and the version of JRE your application server would use.


What's the best way to migrate from preview version of .NET Core to the latest version?

I have a site built in .NET Core 1.0 Preview 2. It's using the deprecated xproj file. I need to migrate the project to the lastest .NET Core 3.1.
Would it be simpler to try and go through all the migration steps listed below for each new version one at a time or would it be easier to try creating a new site in 3.1 and trying to just move my code over?
If the better answer is go through each migration one at a time, there are there any good walkthroughs on migrating from the preview version to .NET Core 1.0?

How to upgrade core 2.1.1 to core 2.2.3

The official documentation does not work.
Do I need VS 2017 Preview?! Or to restart my pc every time I install "Latest stable 2.2.3" SDK's? Perhaps its not so stable? Should I try 2.2.1 lol
VS 2015 will work up for up to .NET Core 1.1 (now EOL). VS 2017 will work for up to .NET Core 2.2. .NET Core 3.0+ requires VS 2019.
It's not clear what your exact issue is, but the process is basically this:
Download the appropriate .NET Core SDK version. Be careful because the SDK version is somewhat independent of the .NET Core version. Pay attention to specifically what version of .NET Core the SDK supports, not the version number of the SDK itself.
Edit your project file and change the target to the new .NET Core version. This will be the minor version, not patch releates. In other words, for any .NET Core 2.2.X, you'd use netcoreapp2.2 as your target.
That's it. After you save, any NuGet dependencies of your project, such as Microsoft.AspNetCore.App will update to the latest version within that target, i.e. 2.2.X. However, note that some packages may not always have new versions. Most of the major parts of ASP.NET Core, for example, change enough with each version that the NuGet packages get bumped as well. However, it is possible that you may still use a 2.1.X package if nothing changed in that for 2.2. In any case, you'll be able to see in Visual Studio if it's fully updated or not.

Upgrade SonarQube from version 5.6.4 to 6.7.2

I want to upgrade SonarQube and I haven't done this before so I have few question. Please could you help me with them?
How can I find which edition is installed on my server?
How can I find if the installed version is licensed or not?
How can I upgrade from 5.6.4 to 6.7 LTS? Do you have upgrade guide for the same?
You can always find which version is installed by logging into the SonarQube web app and looking at the footer of the page or by going to Administration / System / System Info. If you for some reason can't log in to the web app, and installation folder name does not contain the version number as it does by default, look in the "lib" folder for a file that looks like "sonar-application-6.3.1.jar". That will tell you the version number as well.
Here are the general steps for upgrading, from the Upgrade the Server docs:
Download and unzip the SonarQube distribution of your edition in a
fresh directory, let's say $NEW_SONARQUBE_HOME
Manually install the
non-default plugins that are compatible with your version of
SonarQube. Use the Compatibility Matrix to ensure that the versions
you install are compatible with your server version. Note that the
most recent versions of all SonarSource code analyzers available in
your edition are installed by default. Simply copying plugins from
the old server to the new is not recommended; incompatible or
duplicate plugins could cause startup errors.
Update the contents of and wrapper.conf files (in
$NEW_SONARQUBE_HOME/conf) with the settings of the related files in
the $OLD_SONARQUBE_HOME/conf directory (web server URL, database,
ldap settings, etc.). Do not copy-paste the old files. If you are
using the Oracle DB, copy its JDBC driver into
Stop your old
SonarQube Server
Start your new SonarQube Server
Browse to
http://yourSonarQubeServerURL/setup and follow the setup
Analyze your projects (and compute your
Views|Portofolios|Application if you own the Enterprise Edition
product) to get fresh data
Before embarking on this, you will want to check out the intermediate upgrade notes for each version in order: 6.0, 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 6.5, 6.6, and 6.7.
Note that upgrade notes for versions after 6.7 are hosted at the new documentation site.

How to install DNN Upgrade Package 07.00.05 - I have DotNetNuke Community Edition 06.00.00 (2982) hosted on iHostASP.Net

I am more of a DNN end user and not a DNN developer.
When I bought my DNN hosting package from iHostASP.Net about 2 years ago, version 6.0 was the current version for the community edition and set it up for me. I did not make much use of the website until now and I am planning to relaunch my website.
I see that 7.00.05 is the latest community and if I got to the DNN website from the upgrade prompt from my DNN instance, I am taken to
from where all I can do is download a zip file.
How do I have this upgrade package installed? What I have on is a website setup, so I don't have full access to the server itself. All I can access is the Helm Control panel for my website.
I have host access to my website, but can't see how I can have the zip file uploaded or installed in my DNN instance.
Any pointers would be appreciated. Does anyone know of any breaking changes in this upgrade from 6.0.0 to 7.0.05? I am not using any outside module other than what is supplied out of the box in a default DNN community edition.
Thank in advance.
Suggested upgrade path recommends upgrading first to the latest DNN 6, and then to the latest DNN 7. At the moment, this means first upgrading to 06.02.07, and then to 07.00.05.
This is just a recommendation, though. If you get upgrade errors, or the site doesn't work as expected, I would try again with the suggested upgrade path.
DNN system requirements have changed substantially between versions 6 and 7. Support for Windows 2003 servers has been dropped, but I doubt IHostASP.NET has used these for a while.
You likely have FTP access with IHostASP, if so, you can watch this video for how to perform an upgrade
You should also check out the Wiki
Be absolutely sure to back everything up first though, if you don't know how, ask your hosting provider what backup options they provide.

How can we migrate existing web applications from .net 2.0 to 4.0 in installshield project

We have a number of Installshield projects that install and configure IIS applications. We have shipped several versions of the different applications (over 7 versions of 3 applications) and would now like to upgrade to use .net 4.0 instead of 2.0 & 3.5.
After modifying the "Internet Information Services" settings to change the ASP.NET Version on the web sites/application to 4.0.30319 and the .Net Framework version to v4.0 under the application pool, the installer correctly creates an application with the 4.0 version in IIS 6 and below, and in IIS 7 and above it correctly sets the pool to use v4.0, but upgrades do not work for any targets.
The upgrades install OK, but the .Net version of the virtual directory or application pool remain unchanged. Changing it manually works of course, but this would lead to increased support issues.
I have tried changing the upgrade to be a major upgrade, with no success, I am currently working on a custom action to change the .Net version after installation, but I don't have much experience with this feature of Installshield.
Has anyone experienced this issue? Are there any preferred ways of achieving this? (custom actions, or a .Net installer class, WIX is not an option)
Without spending hours to dig into it... one quick solution would be to rename the app pools in your new installer and let a major upgrade create the new and remove the old. After all, if you are changing from .NET 2.0 to 4.0, in a sense you are creating a component that is not backwards compatible and thus should be a new component.
