Should I upgrade AjaxControlKit dlls I downloaded in May 2010? - ajax

I am running vs2008 aspnet 3.5 and the ajax dll files I am using were downloaded in May 2010.
Is there a newer ajax release that I should be using for new development?
All my old stuff is working ok.
I am going to add that I am trying to get autocompleteextender to work and i cant get it wired up.

It sounds like you are referring to the ajax control toolkit project which is hosted on codeplex
If so then yes there's been a release since May 2010. The most recent one is from November 2011 and can be downloaded here
As to whether or not you should update ... that's a question best left for you to answer. If everything is working fine and you don't find anything compelling in the new release then you're not obligated to update. Though your release is almost 2 years old now, there's likely been changes since then you would benefit from. It's at least worth your time to read up on the changes and see how they would apply to you.


How do I install an older release of Visual Studio 2017?

I brought up a new VS2017 dev environment at work yesterday, which means I got the recently released version 15.3. I'm getting an internal compiler error on a VC++ project that nobody else in the organization is getting; everyone else is still on 15.2. To test my theory that the 15.3 update may have broken something, I want to install VS2017 15.2 (or even 15.1 or 15.0). But I can't figure out how to do that. When I run the 15.0 or 15.1 bootstrapper, it still tries to install 15.3.
I've already gone over this guide for creating offline installations but it doesn't say anything about getting an older release. I found a guide here that shows how to use a specific release with VS2015, but I can't find anything for VS2017.
My work gave me an MSDN account (Visual Studio Professional), which offers older bootstrapper downloads, but does not offer full offline installation downloads for older releases.
How do I install VS2017 15.2 (or 15.1, or 15.0) when 15.3 has already been deployed by Microsoft?
There is support for downloading a prior version, but evidently you have to contact support for the link. None of the links on any of the pages I could find within the site referenced it.
Installing an earlier release of Visual Studio 2017
Be sure to take the time to read the "[no]support policy" regarding "earlier" releases. Essentially, the day they released version 15.4, version 15.3.5 was no longer supported.
On another note, I have noticed many people seem to respond (here and on other similar postings) along the lines of "Why on earth would you want to reinstall the same version you were working with instead of the latest release?". Note that I am para-phrasing that to clarify the sentiments commonly expressed.
The reason is because TEAMS of developers need to be on the SAME version of the tool set. They have deadlines and cannot afford to drop everything and switch everybody to a new version of the tools that may or may not work correctly for them. Even if the developers were willing to take that hit to their productivity, usually their managers are not. This is why taking away the option to install the previous version the very same day you make a new release available is an unacceptable practice for Enterprise or Professional grade development software.
Another common reason is that when bugs have to be fixed in software, you often need to use the same, or very close to same, version of the tools to rebuild it after fixing the bug. The costs of regression testing after forcing a non-trivial upgrade on an entire software product or suite is unacceptable to most organizations. Upgrading may not even be an option due to contractual obligations.
It seems that based on this article that Microsoft do not offer a mechanism to download any version of Visual Studio 2017.
The site offers bootstrap downloaders for 15.0 and 15.3 only. Intermediate versions such as 15.1 and 15.2 are not available as of September 2017.
I have a modest sized engineering team that would quite like to stay with 15.2 even for new starts and this is quite frustrating as we didn't capture an offline install of anything other than 15.0!
Apparently its possible to install a older version in parallel to a newer one. I just downloaded 15.6.7 from and started the install - it didnt touch my existing installation 15.9.19
But the probably better solution is just to install the toolset which is available separately for each VC2017 release. See this intersting article:

DotNetNuke - Best Way to Move From Professional to Community Edition

What is the best process of moving a 200+ MB DotNetNuke site from Professional to Community edition? I am asking the Stackoverflow community since DotNetNuke's standard line is "there is no supported option to switch from PE to CE", or to contact their customer support. However DNN support told a fellow team member tell us that it was not possible to go from Professional to Community, so that was a waste of time.
Based on research there are a couple possibilities for doing this:
Create a new Community Install and then module by module going through and moving it piecemeal. Here -
Make backups of the Professional and then install the Community Edition over it, and then go through the web.config and verify that each piece is correct. Here -
Which one has the most success of converting DotNetNuke Professional Edition to Community Edition? Also, if you know of a better method please share. Thank you for your time.
Looking back at this question the only real way to convert a complicated site is to basically rebuild it which I did successfully. And if you are trying to switch from an older version of Professional to a newer version of Community even more so. I would also like to note that going to Community was the correct decision since none of the extra functionality we even used, and their support was never helpful anyway.
I don't think there's a built-in downgrade feature from Professional to Community Edition. As it was noted here in this question, DNN professional and DNN Community Edition share the same codebase. In other words, DNN Pro is DNN CE with some extra built-in extensions such as document manager, impersonate user, different caching, etc. That means 99.9% of modules and skins will run fine in either edition.
Option 1: Seems tedious but would surely work.
Option 2: I would make a backup copy of the site on a development machine and try to do it there before attempting it on the production server. Please post the results for this if you try it.
Good luck.
Option 1 would work, but I'm not sure about Option 2.
I've heard that this is not supported by DNN, but if you open a support ticket, they can walk you through the process.
This is what I found in their support forum:
If you have troubles with this, I've found DNN on Social Media (G+ and their forums) are more responsive. Sometimes a little prodding is needed.
Late to the party on this one - another option might be to do a portal/site export and then import it into a CE version. It has its own problems with modules that do not support this but if you are HTML content heavy then you can do it.

Should I install visual studio 12

I'm doing a project with a couple of other guys who have vs10, will it hurt if just I upgrade to vs12. Will it hurt when we all check in on svn? Will everything still be compatible as far as wpf, mvc, etc.. goes. Should I be aware of anything about the new visual studio 2012?
I personally would keep a similar environment to everyone else working on the project - either all go 2012 or all stay 2010.
Not to say that there are or are not known issues with working between the two environments, but why introduce possible problems when you're going to work with the lowest possible common denominator anyways?
Using VS2012 and VS2010 seems to work flawlessly, so far. I installed it a month ago when it became available on MSDN. I've worked on several problems since then without any compatibility issues. Rather worryingly though, we've come across an issue where a linq to entities query works fine on a machine without .net 4.5, but fails on a machine with .net 4.5, despite the project targeting .net 4.0. A colleague is looking at this at the moment, so I don't have any more details

Should I start using VS2010 Beta 2 for development work now?

Should I start using VS2010 Beta 2 for development work now?
What reasons are there for and against?
You can take two angles with this; using Visual Studio to build your solutions in a .NET 3.5 or earlier OR using it to build applications in .NET 4. Firstly, familiarise yourself with what’s new in both the IDE and the framework (I’ve got a quick, illustrated overview here and there's heaps of other info on the web) and see what you’re actually going to be able to take advantage of in your situation. Secondly, be aware of your target environment; If you’re publishing to shared hosting or client machines you need to consider whether the .NET 4 approach is wise while it's in beta.
I’ve previously built solutions on the last couple of generations of Visual Studio and .NET whilst in beta 2. You’ve got a go-live license so you can actually productionise solutions and both previous generations have been very stable without any significantbugs or changes from beta 2 to alpha versions.
If you can address the issues above, I say go for it!
Only if you're interested in trying it out. Don't use it for real work as it. It's a beta, which means that significant bugs may still be lying around in the code.
We started using VS*2008* Beta 2, when it came out, as our main dev environment - but targeted .NET Framework 2.0 only initially. This was mainly because VS2005 was such a dog. As to whether you want to start targeting .NET 4.0 now is your decision - but I can't see the harm in using it for targeting .NET 2.0 - 3.5.
I think we'll stick with VS 2008 for our main dev environment until at least a 2010-compatible version of CodeRush/Refactor Pro comes out.
I say whats wrong with 2008? You could use 2010 to build for 3.5 framework if you really wanted to, but I'd seriously leave it, it might be more trouble than its worth..who knows?
I have it installed and I've had a play with it and I've even installed resharper beta that works with 2010. But this is only to give the new tools a test run.
The company I work for are really good at keeping up with the latest tools, for example we have already rolled out windows 7 to some developer machines, but we wouldn't go as far as using a beta IDE in a production environment.

What happened to NUnit?

Why isn't this project maintained anymore? I love this app, however not updating it seems like a crime against all .Net developers. There are several items that I would love to add to it given the chance of a future release.
Can anyone share something I don't know?
The NUnit 2.5 Alpha 4 Release was released on September 14, 2008.
Do you consider 16 days as not being maintained? shows that the latest release is 2.4.8, released on July 21, 2008. It looks like it's still an active project to me.
You are right. NUnit is a great app (or rather a system).
But since it is a open project, everyone is responsible for maintaining it. The people who originally started the great work might have some personal constraints stopping them actively taking part in development...
