How to install Umbraco on VS2015? - installation

I'm following the guide oninstalltion Umbraco here. It seems that they don't mention VS2015but I followed as closely I could by installing it into an empty MVC 5 project.
However, as I install UmbracoCMS via NuGet, I see this error (and a bunch of alikes, all nagging about DNX 5 being not supported).
NU1002 The dependency Microsoft.AspNet.WebHelpers 3.2.3 in project PocUmbraco does not support framework DNXCore,Version=v5.0.
c:\users\chamster\documents\visual studio 2015\Projects\PocUmbraco\src\PocUmbraco\project.json
I'm very unclear what to do about it. I've googled but didn't find anything helpful, likely due to ignorance and limited experience with Umbraco.

You actually installed into a ASP.NET 5 project (which has MVC6).
You should not use the ASP.NET 5 template, but something like 4.5.2 or 4.6. DotnetCore is not supported by Umbraco. Not sure about ASP.NET 5, but according to this, it does not sound very supported to me:
Also, leave out azure if you just want to get a POC running.
Then after you created your empty ASP.NET project, install nuget package UmbracoCms, and hit that F5 button and go from there :-)


How to convert NetFramwork 4 code to NetCore 2?

I have a C# project which was created using NetFramework 4.6. I want to convert it to using the NetCore 2.1.
I checked the network, and people say I can just change the Target Framework value in the project's properties page. But on my computer, I cannot see options for NetCore.
I already have the NetCore 2.1 SDK installed.
Is there another way to convert the project? Is there something wrong with my project that prevents it getting converted?
People are wrong, there is no such "one step" approach.
Remember that .NET Core is not a higher version of .NET Framework, it is rather a rewrite from scratch. So it does not work like retargeting .NET Framework version form 4.0 to 4.5.
Porting to .NET Core from .NET Framework is a good place to get started.
Edit: This page lists some differences between .NET Core and .NET Framework.
You can't do this simply like this; because of their totally different frameworks, not different versions of same framework. You have to port your project to .net core; there is one of the nice extension for visual studio that generate a report for you about how portable your code is between .NET Framework and .NET Core.
This is also one of the article about the issue that may be useful for you. core copy solution from another computer

I have ASP.Net core 2.0.0 MVC solution.
I copied the solution from another computer.
Now the solution error, could not find reference for "Controller" and others, even I installed ASP.Net core MVC from Nuget.
I guessed that we should change reference for the solution.
Can anyone tell me how to resolve this?
Thanks a lot.
I don't know how familiar you are with .NET Core, so I'll start from the beginning.
First, make sure you have the latest SDK from here:
You can check and make sure your SDK is installed properly and you have the correct version by opening a command prompt and running the command dotnet --version
Next, in the command prompt you can navigate to the project directory and issue the command dotnet build (This is new in .NET Core 2.0, the dotnet restore command is executed for you if packages need to be restored)
Unless there is a problem with the repository you downloaded, this should result in a successful build.
Also, if you haven't done so, I highly recommend reading up on the .NET Core CLI: Next you'll need to familliarize yourself with the .NET Core CLI :

Azure Service Fabric in Visual Studio - hresult : 0x80131500

I'm currently trying to work on Azure Service Fabric in Visual Studio 2015 but I have a general exception (hresult : 0x80131500) when i create a new service fabric project.
For example, I got this error when i create a stateless service project, or anything else coming from service fabric... Can't post screenshots of the process for now... Thing is that when I installed service fabric packages, there were errors (already installed package but not, couldn't access the package)...
Spent hours trying to resolve this problem, I tried to uninstall everything, to change from a version to another, I searched a lot for an answer but not found.
Maybe I didn't understand what is happening there, and maybe someone could help me !
Service Fabric Tools: 1.4
Visual Studio: 14.0.25431.01 Update 3
.NET framework: 4.6.1
Thank you everyone, Microsoft updated their packages, it seems that it was coming from them, i tried to reinstall packages again and it works now !
I don't know how this post can be marked as resolved, if someone could do it, it would be great !
I was able to repro this when the 3.5 .NET Framework was missing. Specifically project creation is looking for targets files under the C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727 folder triggering the exception. Need to investigate why the tooling has a dependency on the older .NEt framework.
For now to try to fix the issue, can you enable the .NET Framework 3.5 (includes .NET 2.0 and 3.0) feature in "Control-Panel->Programs and Features-> Turn Windows features on or off" and see if it also resolves the issue for you.
Microsoft updated their packages, it seems that it was coming from them, i tried to reinstall packages again and it works now !
Launch Web Platform Installer (type it in Windows run menu).
Select Microsoft Service Fabric package.
Install it, or update it.
Should work.

Running ASP.NET 4.5 site on host that does not support it?

I use crystaltech for my sites. Yet they have not installed 4.5 and as far as i can tell have no plans to do so in the near future. Is it possible to run a ASP.NET 4.5 site on a host that does not yet have it installed by uploading ALL the needed DLLs? Apologies in advance if not seen as constructive and closed.
It is not possible to do this. Much of the new 4.5 functionality is provided by the .NET Framework itself, and these binaries (mscorlib.dll, System.dll, System.Web.dll, and others) need to be installed on the machine. They cannot be dropped in the bin/ folder.

Starting a ASP.NET MVC3 project in MonoDevelop? Steps to do so?

I'm using MonoDevelop on the Mac with the latest Mono version installed.
What steps do I need to take to start using MVC3 in a project with RAZOR syntax (.cshtml files)?
I've read but it doesn't spell it out. How do I create my first .cshtml file? How do I tell my application to point to Index.cshtml, and not the default Index.aspx file when creating an MVC (2) project in MonoDevelop?
I started a new MVC2 project in Mono. I started a new MVC3 project in VS 2010. I copied all the required DLLs over from the MVC3 to the MVC2 project in Mono. Now I build and get a "The compiler has appeared to crash" in Mono.
I thought there was MVC3 support? What am I doing wrong here?
I'm not sure how deep you're diving into Mono or what enviroment you're using, but here are three pretty useful blog articles about using MVC and Mono:
Get MVC3 Razor Running on Mono
Setting up Mono 2.8 with Asp.Net 4.0 and MVC2 on Ubuntu with MySql
Installing OpenSuse 11.2 with Mono 2.6.1 and Apache Using Text Mode Configuration – Porting to Mono
The second link has a downloadable MVC application that has already been setup to run with a version of Mono and uses MySql with the membership provider scheme scripted into it.
I hope these links help you, and good luck with your project.
If you are getting the "Compiler has appeared to crash" when trying to cut over to MVC3, you should set your project to .NET 4. You can do this by right clicking on the project->Options->Build->General and selecting Mono / .NET 4.
This gentleman seems to have had some success in getting MVC3 running in monodevelop on a mac.
I managed to get MVC3 and razor to work in xamarin studio on MacOS by following the solution here:
Monodevelop MVC3 razor - what is the trick to get it to work?
