Order by relationship column - laravel

I have the following query:
$items = UserItems::with('item')
I need to order it by item.type so I tried:
$items = UserItems::with('item')
but I get Unknown column 'item.type' in 'order clause'
What I am missing?

join() worked fine thanks to #rypskar comment
$items = UserItems
->join('items', 'items.id', '=', 'user_items.item_id')
->select('user_items.*') //see PS:
PS: To avoid the id attribute (or any shared name attribute between the two tables) to overlap and resulting in the wrong value, you should specify the select limit with select('user_items.*').

Well, your eager loading is probably not building the query you're expecting, and you can check it by enabling the query log.
But I would probably just use a collection filter:
$items = UserItems::where('user_id','=',$this->id)
->sortBy(function($useritem, $key) {
return $useritem->item->type;

You can use withAggregate function to solve your problem

I know it's an old question, but you can still use an
"orderByRaw" without a join.
$items = UserItems
->orderByRaw('(SELECT type FROM items WHERE items.id = user_items.item_id)')

For a one to many relationship, there is an easier way. Let's say an order has many payments and we want to sort orders by the latest payment date. Payments table has a field called order_id which is FK.
We can write it like below
$orders = Order->orderByDesc(Payment::select('payments.date')->whereColumn('payments.order_id', 'orders.id')->latest()->take(1))->get()
SQL Equivalent of this code:
select * from orders order by (
select date
from payments
where order_id = payments.id
order by date desc
limit 1
) desc
You can adapt it according to your example. If I understood right, order's equivalent is user and payment's equivalent is item in your situation.
Further reading

I found another way of sorting a dataset using a field from a related model, you can get a function in the model that gets a unique relation to the related table(ex: table room related to room category, and the room is related to a category by category id, you can have a function like 'room_category' which returns the related category based on the category id of the Room Model) and after that the code will be the following:
This will get you the rooms sorted by category name
I did this on a project where i had a DataTable with Server side processing and i had a case where it was required to sort by a field of a related entity, i did it like this and it works. More easier, more proper to MVC standards.
In your case it will be in a similar fashion:

->join('address', 'users.id', '=', 'address.user_id')
->orderByRaw("address.email $sortType")

you can simply do it by


Unique query for one record

I need to turn off the "where" for one entry that I know of. I don’t understand how to do this. To understand the general problem: I need a collection with all the records + a unique one for which the "where" has not been applied. They should be displayed in the usual manner. Perhaps there is a solution to add this entry to the collection after querying sort the new collection?
$reviews = Review::query()
->orderBy("id", 'desc')
//But don't apply whereNotNull ('published_at') to a record with id = ...
$reviews = Review::query()
->orderBy("id", 'desc')
->orWhere('id', $your_id_here)
Is it what you are looking for? It will get all records where published_at is not null or where the id is $your_id_here.

Laravel - Get records between two dates from second table

I have something like this:
Table 1: Training Name, created_at, user_id (Plan_Treninga)
Table 2: user_id, created_at, expire_at (InvoiceUser)
I want to pull all from Table 1 where created_at is between Table 2 created_at and expire_at.
This is something what i am trying to..
$plan = Plan_Treninga::whereBetween(function($q) use ($id){
$inv = InvoiceUser::where([
I haven't finished it yet, but my brain stopped working so I have to ask here.
If I understand what you want clearly is. you want to query all from table 1 which created exist between table 2 created and expire_at right? if so you can use where exist query to achieve this.
// assume your table name is plan_treningas & invoice_users
Plan_Treninga::whereExists(function ($query) {
->whereRaw('plan_treningas.created_at BETWEEN invoice_users.created_at AND invoice_users.expire_at'); // add more query depend your logic
for more you can take a look at docs
or if you want to use raw query
FROM plan_treningas
SELECT 1 FROM invoice_users WHERE plan_treningas.created_at BETWEEN invoice_users.created_at AND invoice_users.expire_at
Take a look at joins https://laravel.com/docs/7.x/queries#joins
I am not saying this is the exact solution but I have something similar that I have changed to point you in the right direction.
With joins you can do lots of things.
$results = DB::table('table1')
->join('table2', function ($join) {
$join->on('table1.user_id', '=', 'table2.user_id')
->where('table2.status', '=', 'paid')
->where('table2.created_at', '>', 'table1.created_at');
Also look at relationships. There is some good answers for setting up many to many relationships.

Laravel Order by in one to many relation with second table column

Hi i have tables with one to many relation
I just want to select all seat plans order by sectors.position. I tried
$seat_plans = SeatPlan::with(['sector' => function($q){
but it is not working. when i check The SQL it is generating query like
select * from seat_plans
can anybody please tell me how to do this?
I don't think you need a custom function for your use case. Instead try this:
$users = DB::table('seat_plans')
->join('sectors', 'seat_plans.sector_id, '=', 'sectors.id')

Laravel Eloquent orWherePivot Not Returning Expected Result

I have an eloquent query where I am not getting the expected results and I was hoping someone could explain to me what the correct way to write the query.
I have three tables:
records (belongsToMany users)
users (belongsToMany records)
record_user (pivot)
The record_user table also has a column for role.
I attempt to get all the records where the user has the role of either singer or songwriter:
$results = User::find(Auth::user()->id)
->wherePivot('role', 'singer')
->orWherePivot('role', 'songwriter')
Below is how the SQL syntax is generated:
select `records`.*, `record_user`.`user_id` as `pivot_user_id`,
`record_user`.`record_id` as `pivot_record_id` from `records`
inner join `record_user` on `records`.`id` = `record_user`.`property_id`
`record_user`.`user_id` = '1' and `record_user`.`role` = 'singer' or
`record_user`.`role` = 'songwriter'
The results for singer role are what is expected: All records where the user is the singer. The problem is the results for the songwriter: I am getting ALL songwriters and the query is not constrained by the user_id. For some reason I was expecting the songwriter role to also be constrained by the user_id - what is the correct way to write this using the eloquent syntax?
Hmm..I think you need to use an advanced where clause.
$results = Auth::user()
->where(function($query) {
$query->where('record_user.role', '=', 'singer')
->orWhere('record_user.role', '=', 'songwriter');
It is Laravel issue. In my case I solve it like this:
$results = Auth::user()
->wherePivot('role', 'singer')
->orWherePivot('role', 'songwriter')
->where('user_id', Auth::id())
Or use advance where clause
If your trying to get records I would do something similar to this:
$q->where('records.role', 'singer')
->orWhere('records.role', 'songwriter');

Laravel Eloquent: Ordering results of all()

I'm stuck on a simple task.
I just need to order results coming from this call
$results = Project::all();
Where Project is a model. I've tried this
$results = Project::all()->orderBy("name");
But it didn't work. Which is the better way to obtain all data from a table and get them ordered?
You can actually do this within the query.
$results = Project::orderBy('name')->get();
This will return all results with the proper order.
You could still use sortBy (at the collection level) instead of orderBy (at the query level) if you still want to use all() since it returns a collection of objects.
Ascending Order
$results = Project::all()->sortBy("name");
Descending Order
$results = Project::all()->sortByDesc("name");
Check out the documentation about Collections for more details.
In addition, just to buttress the former answers, it could be sorted as well either in descending desc or ascending asc orders by adding either as the second parameter.
$results = Project::orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->get();
$results = Project::orderBy('name')->get();
Because it's fast! The ordering is done in the database.
$results = Project::all()->sortBy('name');
Because it's slow. First, the the rows are loaded from the database, then loaded into Laravel's Collection class, and finally, ordered in memory.
2017 update
Laravel 5.4 added orderByDesc() methods to query builder:
$results = Project::orderByDesc('name')->get();
While you need result for date as desc
$results = Project::latest('created_at')->get();
In Laravel Eloquent you have to create like the query below it will get all the data from the DB, your query is not correct:
$results = Project::all()->orderBy("name");
You have to use it in this way:
$results = Project::orderBy('name')->get();
By default, your data is in ascending order, but you can also use orderBy in the following ways:
//---Ascending Order
$results = Project::orderBy('name', 'asc')->get();
//---Descending Order
$results = Project::orderBy('name', 'desc')->get();
Check out the sortBy method for Eloquent: http://laravel.com/docs/eloquent
Note, you can do:
$results = Project::select('name')->orderBy('name')->get();
This generate a query like:
"SELECT name FROM proyect ORDER BY 'name' ASC"
In some apps when the DB is not optimized and the query is more complex, and you need prevent generate a ORDER BY in the finish SQL, you can do:
$result = Project::select('name')->get();
$result = $result->sortBy('name');
$result = $result->values()->all();
Now is php who order the result.
You instruction require call to get, because is it bring the records and orderBy the catalog
$results = Project::orderBy('name')
$results = Result::where ('id', '>=', '20')
->orderBy('id', 'desc')
In the example the data is filtered by "where" and bring records greater than 20 and orderBy catalog by order from high to low.
Try this:
$categories = Category::all()->sortByDesc("created_at");
One interesting thing is multiple order by:
according to laravel docs:
->orderBy('priority', 'desc')
->orderBy('email', 'asc')
this means laravel will sort result based on priority attribute. when it's done, it will order result with same priority based on email internally.
As #HedayatullahSarwary said, it's recommended to prefer Eloquent over QueryBuilder. off course i didn't encourage using QueryBuilder and we all know that each has own usecases.
Any way so why i wrote an answer with QueryBuilder? As we see in eloquent documents:
You can think of each Eloquent model as a powerful query builder allowing you to fluently query the database table associated with the model.
BTWS the above code with eloquent should be something like this:
Project::orderBy('priority', 'desc')
->orderBy('email', 'asc')
