Why is the titlebar overlapping view controller content? - xcode

Can anyone tell me why this is happening and how can I fix this? I thought the content is suppose to display after the titlebar, not under it. The only way for me to fix this is to create a new project.
The Button on top is being overlapped by the titlebar. Not sure how that became possible. There's a lot of room for the window to adjust the view controller but not sure why it's not doing that.

Check window properties. You might have enabled “Full Size Content View” property.


NSToolbarItem and Auto Layout

I have a window with a programmatically created toolbar, which is populated with an NSToolbarItem that has a custom view defined in a xib file. If I check "Translate Masks into Contraints" for the view, then it doesn't resize itself correctly, so its content gets squashed even though I set its compression resistance priority to 750. If I uncheck that on the other hand, then I get a "Detected missing constraints" error at runtime. Also, the content of my view then resizes itself correctly, but it ends up clipped like so:
So it looks like the toolbar sticks my view into a container view and, in order to get the correct behaviour, I should set up layout constraints that allow my view to position itself correctly. However, I don't see how to access that container view... Any idea what I am doing wrong?
I am probably missing something obvious since one would think that this is a very standard setup, but Google didn't come up with anything.
Answering my own question, I opened a support request with Apple, the outcome of which is that this is now being treated as a bug by Apple.
In case anyone else runs into this, a good workaround is to create an intermediate view which contains the toolbar view as a subview with constraints #"H:|[toolbarView]" and #"V:|[toolbarView]", has translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints=YES and to use this view as the toolbar item. It then suffices to listen for size change notifications of toolbarView and to adjust the size of its superview accordingly.

How to deactivate click event on Unity Slider UI?

In Unity, I would like to use the slider in my canvas but only the handle.
A default behaviour is that if the user clicks on a certain point in the slider , the handle will jump right to that point. I would like to disable this behaviour, allowing the user only to drag the handle to move it.
How can this be done?
Thank you.
Simply uncheck the Raycast Target property of the Image component located on the Background GameObject.
Otherwise you could always override the Slider class to fit your need but i guess this would be a bit overkill in your case.
Hope this helps,
Disable interactable checkbox in inspector. This option added with new versions.

How do you create NSWindow title bar to be transparent, but not the content of the window itself?

I am in the process of creating a small image editor.
What I aim, is to create a window with transparent titlebar, but not what contains inside the window.
I have check HUD Window, but it's really is a panel, not a window. And I am missing the regular close,maximize and minimize button.
Is there anyway to create such window?
Or can we modify HUD to hold regular close,max and min button?
Thanks so much in advance!
Use a standard borderless window approach and provide a content view that draws something. Even if the content view's bounds rect is just filled with [NSColor whiteColor].
Update: Re-reading, I see you seem to be asking for just a transparent title bare but still with the window controls. See this StackOverflow question for an approach at customizing a window's title bar. Careful, though - I'm not sure this would be accepted into the App Store. Best to have a backup plan in case it's not.
Here is what I found that match to what I want : window trasparency
The trick is making the main window transparent, but not the content by creating a special view for this.

Dynamically removing and attaching the border on a nswindow

How do I go about adding/removing the window border after it has been created? the window was already designed in interface builder and I would prefer to avoid writing the window purely in code as I am still a long ways before i can say i am experienced with objective-c/cocoa.
Example Program:
a single window with the border initially, a button on it. If you click the button once it makes the boarder disappear and if you click it again then the boarder reappears.
As far as I can tell, you can't. You might be able to fake it by taking the content view out of one window and making it be the content view of another window.

Autosizing boxes and positioning in Cocoa

I'm creating an application, from which a part looks like this:
boo http://img188.imageshack.us/img188/7808/schermafbeelding2010021y.png
I all dragged them to a window in IB, but the problem is that the NSImageView, Action Buttons (Suggest, Send, Poke etc...), Information NSBox, and Friends NSTabView can all vary in height. They should always be placed below each other, with a margin of 8px. Just like on Facebook. I thought of a very modified NSSplitView, but maybe there are easier ways. Can anyone help me out?
Edit: I have placed the action buttons in a Custom View with class NSView.
You'll have to manually resize the views yourself. Cocoa does not provide Java-style LayoutManagers. However, I don't think it would be too hard to recreate one...
