History, etc. of Nodeclipse & Enide - nodeclipse

I'm an experience-zero Japanese newbie for Nodeclipse & Enide. Could anyone answer my questions below? I can't find anything related to them inside Nodeclipse & Enide homepage:
What is the difference between Nodeclipse and Enide?
When and for what did Nodeclipse community (or Joyent) raise Enide?
Thank you in advance.
Fujio Nakano

As Nodeclipse author I can tell that
Nodeclipse was started at Lamb Gao from China,
then Tomoyuki Inagaki from Japan integrated debugging (see Eclipse and Node.Js debugging) and did few more releases with small contribution from Paul Verest.
And after Tomoyuki went into non responsive state, Paul Verest(me) continued and for much longer time.
Initially Enide, was .p2f file to quickly install Nodeclipse together with some other found related plugins: like Markdown. Then I used Enide for something broader then Nodeclipse: general tools and tools for Java, full standalone Eclipse IDE packages as Enide Studio.
While using Nodeclipse for Node.js tools and organization name.
There is http://www.nodeclipse.org/history page that link to some issues, but all has been public in https://github.com/nodeclipse/nodeclipse-1 issues.
You can change the website as you would like by just making change to https://github.com/nodeclipse/www.nodeclipse.org

I dont know if its appropriate question for stackoverflow or not but i am answering for your understanding!
NodeEclipse is a Node.js development plugin for Eclipse IDE while Enide is a full IDE based on Eclipse and NodeEclipse. So if you install Enide it feels like you are using Eclipse may be thats why you got confused!


How to change intellij's gradle elephant icon to the classic one

The elephant icon of the gradle build-tool doesn't look professional to non-programmer high ranked entities (in my opinion) , the older icon looks much more professional .
My goal is to find a way to revert back to the previous gradle icon on my IDE.
tried to find this answer on the intellij's documentation without no success,
tried numerous google searches,
investigated plenty of intellij-idea options,
searched stackoverflow's related topics, With no luck.
I'm sure that eventhough this problem isn't code related,
It relates to every java/scala/kotlin programmer who would love to find a solution for this.
You can clone the Intellij Community edition repo, replace the svg icon. You can then run it from source or compile it into an executable. The location of the icon can be found here. Build instructions are in the readme.

What IDEs are available for jRuby?

I've done some googling and there seems to be a scarcity of IDEs for jRuby.
I've read about TextMate and Sublime, but they don't provide debugging or code completion.
Can someone make a suggestion (or is this technology still in its infancy)?
There are several options; I prefer JetBrains' IntelliJ (RubyMine).
Aptana has an Eclipse plugin. NetBeans used to have official support, not sure what the current state is.

firefox extension development

I am new to firefox extension development. Can somebody kindly tell me the languages which i should know and the tool which are required to be installed on my Windows machine.
It would be really helpful for me if you can refer me some good tutorial links.
Since Firefox 4 you have the "choice of weapon": Traditionally, extensions are written in Javascript and embedded in XUL. The new way still uses Javascript, but embeds the addon in classic HTML+CSS.
For XUL, there are good documents at the Mozilla Developer Network (start here). The newer techique is called Jetpack, website, and offers a Python-based SDK (zip file).
I am using this a bit old but still perfect solution;
Download Eclipse (I am using Helios - Eclipse IDE for Java EE
Install WTP : Help > Install new software > work with: The Eclipse
Web Tools Platform (WTP) software repository -
Download XulBooster: http://sourceforge.net/projects/xulbooster/ (Yes
a bit old but still works perfect)
File > New > Other > Xul >Extension Project etc.This creates a simple .xpi for you.
Dont forget adjust min and max version of firefox from install.rdf dependencies tab. From overview tab you can export your project by clicking "using the export wizard" link.
Sorry that is not detailed but you can figure it out easliy.

Can't make Ada work with Xcode 3.2

I've been looking around the web for an hour and I'm just giving up to ask it here...
I've got to work under Ada. I managed to make gnat work as a command line to compile my files.
But I want to be able to have proper projects in Xcode. My problem is that I've found some templates on the to make ada default templates, I've copy pasted them a bit everywhere (/library/developer/ application support etc) but they never appear in the list when I want to create a project.
My other problem is that when I create an empty project and add a .adb file to it I can't compile at all... How do I specify that I should use gnat with it?
I'm sorry for all these questions if they are stupid but I can't find the answer...
Two alternatives that may be of interest: the Ada plugin modules for NetBeans and the Ada 05 Language Module for BBEdit 9.x and TextWrangler 2.x .
FWIW, templates live in /Developer/Library/Xcode in Xcode 3.1.4.
If you are using the XCode Ada Plugin from here, it looks like it was made to work with Xcode 3.0. You might try downgrading to that and see if you have any better luck.
Personally, my IDE of choice is Emacs, so I can't go into any real detail about XCode past that. I'd suggest talking to the MacAda mailing list if you don't get a good answer here.

Preferred Ruby plugin for Eclipse? [closed]

Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers.
We don’t allow questions seeking recommendations for books, tools, software libraries, and more. You can edit the question so it can be answered with facts and citations.
Closed 7 years ago.
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RDT (Ruby Development Tool) seems to be the preferred plugin for adding Ruby support to Eclipse. However, I see that the main developer on that project has joined Aptana RadRails. Does this mean that project is no longer up-to-date for Ruby in Eclipse?
If so, which plugin is the preferred and best choice these days?
Try the Dynamic Languages Toolkit for Ruby. It's available from Eclipse's Software Updates panel.
Update May 2020: Ruby support was dropped in DLTK 6.0 in favour of Eclipse Solargraph.
Good question. I've used Aptana/radrails, and that's definitely one to steer clear of.
It writes a database in whatever directory you happen to start Eclipse from, and generally takes over Eclipse, changing a lot of useful key bindings.
One of the most irritating things is that Ctrl-1 stops working in Java files, and that's a hotkey I use all the time.
I'm looking forward to hearing people's answers on this one, because I'd like to know of a good one.
Looks like the update site is here: http://download.eclipse.org/technology/dltk/updates/
I found it on www.eclipse.org/dltk/install.php
I faced this problem after installing aptana studio plugin for Eclipse. So, I decided to try dynamic languages toolkit for eclipse.
If you want to uninstall the aptana plugin: Eclipse > Help > About Eclipse > Installation Details > Installed Software tab > Aptana plugin > Uninstall. This should do a clean, frustration free uninstall.
Now, lets install the DLTK plugin.
Go to link - http://marketplace.eclipse.org/content/ruby-dltk. Press the green down arrow. copy the link from popup.
Eclipse > help > install new software > work with = copied link.
Now you see a list of plugins. In that list,expand the Programming Languages > check the box: Dynamic languages toolkit - Ruby Development Tools > press button: next > obvious steps.
After this, install the RubyInstaller for windows at http://rubyinstaller.org/
Find the location of ruby.exe created by this installation. You will need this to set the ruby interpreter when you create your first eclipse ruby project.
Once you successfully create a Ruby project, eclipse asks you if you want to open the ruby perspective. Say ok. To test if it works, create ruby project, then create an empty ruby script inside this project. Then execute this command puts "hello ruby" as a ruby script. Enjoy sparkling ruby !
I have used Aptana/RadRails in the past and thouroghly enjoyed it. I suggest giving it a try. There is a standalone Eclipse plugin available that supports non-Rails projects decently as well if that's what you're going for.
My only experience with Eclipse was through Aptana, however, so there may be other considerations.
Dynamic Languages Toolkit (DLTK) is the preferred. step-by-step installation in eclipse:
Open eclipse
Go to Help -> "Eclipse Marketplace..."
Type DLTK on Find text box and click Go button
Click Install button under Ruby (DLTK) section
Follow the instruction in eclipse pop-up
Verification of installation after successful installation:
Go to Window -> Preferences and you would see "Dynamic Languages" and "Ruby" are enlisted on the left panel
