What IDEs are available for jRuby? - ruby

I've done some googling and there seems to be a scarcity of IDEs for jRuby.
I've read about TextMate and Sublime, but they don't provide debugging or code completion.
Can someone make a suggestion (or is this technology still in its infancy)?

There are several options; I prefer JetBrains' IntelliJ (RubyMine).
Aptana has an Eclipse plugin. NetBeans used to have official support, not sure what the current state is.


Using Visual Studio Code for Grails development

IntelliJ IDEA is pretty amazing for Grails development work. It is rather demanding on resources (particularly memory), though, and takes a long while to start up, so occasionally I like to use Visual Studio Code instead for light editing. I'm trying to tune it most effectively for Grails development. Any tips would be most welcome. One thing I'd particularly like to know is if there is some way of setting up a beautifier/formatter for .gsp files.
First of all, you'll have to setup VS Code for java. You can follow this page https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/languages/java
Then, you'll have to install of the groovy language extension. Currently there are three such extensions in the library. code-groovy has more active users than the others and it provides good gsp support. I do use VS code for quick editing or just viewing source code occasionally but its still not the replacement of Intellij. I can't use VS Code for hardcore java/grails development yet.

eclipse - how to make required gems auto-completable

I'm using eclipse for ruby development and I have installed the Ruby Development Tools plugin. Seems eclipse doesn't auto-complete required gems, for example
require "gemA"
a = gemA.new
a. # no auto-completion
Is there a way to make it work in eclipse?
You may want to check out JetBrain's Ruby Mine. It's not free, but I've heard it's worth the money.
Also, I doubt eclipse has auto-completion for that plug-in. To make sure, check your IDE preferences that auto-completion is enabled.

Rails 1.9.3 Syntax Highlighting in Eclipse

I'm new to Rails and need to get my Eclipse DLTK highlighting working.
It is occasionally giving syntax error, unexpected ':' for hash colon notation. Though the application runs fine.
I'm using Eclipse Indigo and the Ruby Development Tools.
So, unfortunately, this is still an issue in Eclipse, and it's driving me crazy.
Both the Eclipse DLTK project (for both Indigo and Juno) and the Aptana Studio plugin for Eclipse -- all have this issue.
Here's the relevant bugs, still open and unaddressed:
1) https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=386350
2) http://jira.appcelerator.org/browse/APSTUD-4405
It's enough to make me overcome the usual switching IDE inertia, so I'm currently evaluating RubyMine (it does not have that syntax error problem, as I just tested, and is an excellent Ruby IDE from everything I've been able to read).
[edit] For what it's worth, I also just submitted a patch for this issue on the dltk.ruby github repo.
As of today, I like Idodds answer best: use DLTK 5.0 which appears to be the only option both (modestly) maintained and (modestly) functional. I had to crawl through some nasty internets to find the answer to "how to actually install DLTK 5.0" since all the search results send you to update sites which gives you DLTK 2.0 at best. I finally found this, which was the best I encountered for getting 5.0 on newer eclipse luna (newer than Kepler which Idodds detailed):
When I used that update site (and de-selected "show in groups" since they've misconfigured this plugin). Then I just selected the two options I wanted: "Ruby Development Tools" and "Ruby Development Tools SDK" (which in turn required the core plugin). PLEASE NOTE: I also made very sure to confirm the "Version" looked something like "5.*" which it did in this site (and definitely did not in the others).
PostScript: the other two:
RDT: I've been using RDT for almost a year now with ~0 success. it does a modest job of syntax highlighting, but it does a comprehensive job of crash-and-burning on ruby 1.9 syntax. I wish internet/google would flag RDT as deprecated: a plugin which supports ruby 1.8 and prior really should not be listed in current "ruby" search results.
Aptana gets some very good press, and some very bad press. I should try it, since I need Rails not just ruby, but the bad press seems pretty comprehensive, so I've avoided it. I tried a few times and failed, but of course any non-java eclipse plugin will probably take a few days to make work.
This seems to be mostly resolved now. The main problem I encountered was with the new hash key syntax.
With Eclipse Kepler and DLTK 5.0 there are less errors. The syntax checker seems strict, but now works.
Using the Kepler release make sure you add the following as a Repository in "Install New Software":
Then install DLTK 5.0. The repositories that come bundled with Kepler don't seem to refer to the latest DLTK version which is why this issue looks like its not fixed.

Can't make Ada work with Xcode 3.2

I've been looking around the web for an hour and I'm just giving up to ask it here...
I've got to work under Ada. I managed to make gnat work as a command line to compile my files.
But I want to be able to have proper projects in Xcode. My problem is that I've found some templates on the to make ada default templates, I've copy pasted them a bit everywhere (/library/developer/ application support etc) but they never appear in the list when I want to create a project.
My other problem is that when I create an empty project and add a .adb file to it I can't compile at all... How do I specify that I should use gnat with it?
I'm sorry for all these questions if they are stupid but I can't find the answer...
Two alternatives that may be of interest: the Ada plugin modules for NetBeans and the Ada 05 Language Module for BBEdit 9.x and TextWrangler 2.x .
FWIW, templates live in /Developer/Library/Xcode in Xcode 3.1.4.
If you are using the XCode Ada Plugin from here, it looks like it was made to work with Xcode 3.0. You might try downgrading to that and see if you have any better luck.
Personally, my IDE of choice is Emacs, so I can't go into any real detail about XCode past that. I'd suggest talking to the MacAda mailing list if you don't get a good answer here.

GUI based debugger for Ruby?

Is there any GUI based debugger for Ruby? Just a debugger. I do not want a full IDE like NetBeans because they tend to get your project dirty with extra files.
Check out Mr. Guid, which uses GTK+ and is cross-platform.
In netbeans you can tell it to put the netbeans project files in a separate directory or you can easily ignore the nbproject directory with your project's vcs. Netbeans has by far the best integrated debugging I have seen and there are many other great reasons to give it a try. Don't worry about netbeans using a project folder. I highly doubt you'll be able to find a better free GUI debugger.
If the code completion stuff gets in your way with netbeans it is easy to turn off and only request code completion when you want it (ctrl+space). That was my biggest gripe with netbeans.
I haven't used it in about a year, but I liked Arachno Ruby
