firefox extension development - firefox

I am new to firefox extension development. Can somebody kindly tell me the languages which i should know and the tool which are required to be installed on my Windows machine.
It would be really helpful for me if you can refer me some good tutorial links.

Since Firefox 4 you have the "choice of weapon": Traditionally, extensions are written in Javascript and embedded in XUL. The new way still uses Javascript, but embeds the addon in classic HTML+CSS.
For XUL, there are good documents at the Mozilla Developer Network (start here). The newer techique is called Jetpack, website, and offers a Python-based SDK (zip file).

I am using this a bit old but still perfect solution;
Download Eclipse (I am using Helios - Eclipse IDE for Java EE
Install WTP : Help > Install new software > work with: The Eclipse
Web Tools Platform (WTP) software repository -
Download XulBooster: (Yes
a bit old but still works perfect)
File > New > Other > Xul >Extension Project etc.This creates a simple .xpi for you.
Dont forget adjust min and max version of firefox from install.rdf dependencies tab. From overview tab you can export your project by clicking "using the export wizard" link.
Sorry that is not detailed but you can figure it out easliy.


Android Development Tool (ADT) Plugin is not showing in Eclipse

The Android Development Tool (ADT) Plugin is not showing in Eclipse 4.4.0 on Ubuntu Linux, despite being installed.
I have tried:
sudo /opt/eclipse/eclipse -clean
and several complete re-installs of Eclipse.
On my several retries, the ADT sometimes did show up in the preferences, and asked for the SDK Location. Which I don't know, since I used Eclipse's Install new software interface. I've never been pointed to any install location. I can't find any file named android-sdk*.
1) How can I make the ADT show up?
2) When the ADT shows up in preferences, which directory is the SDK Location?
I've searched far and wide on Stackoverflow and elsewhere, but question 1) was always answered with 'un-install and re-install the ADT', which doesn't work, and question 2) was always considered a given; no actual directory was indicated in anything I found.
So much kudos to who can tell me!
One common problem is being in an Eclipse perspective other than Java. For example, if you are in perspective Java EE, Android ADT menu won't show.
Not sure about the SDK location when installed from ADT but it is probably an android directory in your home directory (/root/android or /home/user/android)

How to install UIBuilder on Pharo

I'm learning Smalltalk for my graduation (Computer Science), and got started using Pharo.
I've read and watched that there is a nice framework for UI building, called UIBuilder tool. But I'm confused on how to install it on Pharo.
Note that this unfortunately only works on old versions of Pharo.
The install instructions are what the registration section gives e/g/
In a transcript paste
location: ''
user: ''
password: ''
Select that and choose DoIt from the menu.
This will then download the classes and install in the image. The tool that does this is Monticello for more on this see the Pharo By Example Monticello chapter
The old "UIBuilder" project seems to be dead/discontinued. The Squeaksource page says:
"Failed attempt of develop a UI builder for Pharo-Smalltalk."
There is now a new "UI Painter" project developed as part of GSOC 2013
for Pharo based on Spec. More information can be found here :
If you can get away with it, build your UI with Glamour. That is included in Moose. Otherwise the supported (but very much in development) way to create UI's for Pharo is using Spec.

Where are the sample projects in Xcode 4?

In older versions of Xcode they have been in the developer folder, just wondering where they are available now, do I have to download them from somewhere?
If you find the name of the project you want from the Documentation tab in Organiser you can simple choose "Open Project" and it will be downloaded to a folder of your choice.
Make sure you have downloaded the documentation first via xCode/Preferences/Downloads/Documentation/Check & Install Now.
There a lot of sample codes. Just a simple search in google.
raywenderlich iPhone Tutorials with source code
Github - search for repos
Apple's own sample codes
The Open Source iPhone Apps List in maniac dev
Cocos2d samples
I bet this is a good start.
Hope this helps. Have fun.

Cannot Install Aptana plugin on Eclipse 4.2

I've installed Eclipse 4.2 Juno. Now I want to install aptana for developing ruby, but I get the following error,
Unable to read repository at
Unable to read repository at
Read timed out
I assume that by now you have probably solved the problem, but I had exactly the same problem and found the solution after many searches, so for the sake of any others searching here...
The URL you need to enter in the 'Install New Software' dialog is
The following answer was correct. I just tested it with Eclipse Juno.
Open Eclipse
Help -> Install New Software
Add (on the top right)
Enter the following link for Aptana Plugin with Eclipse Juno:
Click OK
Put a check mark for Aptana Studio 3
Next -> Next -> Finish did not work for me. I am using Eclipse 4.3 based STS 3.4
Instead I got the appropriate update site link from this site Aptana Update Site
This is the link for Eclipse plugin update site
There is also a link to download the plugin and install through archive. I have used the above update site link and no problem at all.
Hope that will help others.
Adding this answer in case somebody still gets this error while using the correct URL from JonB's answer ( )
Restart Eclipse and try again.
This appears to be a transient issue, as mentioned here:
Aptana studio 3 cannot contact
It worked for me after a retry.
I also gone through same problem. But Following solution works for me,
In Eclipse, go to "Eclipse Marketplace" and search for Aptana 3 and hit the Install button.
Help -> Eclipse MarketPlace
Eclipse Market place - Aptana 3 Studio plugin
I wondered myself whether to install the standalone or the plugin. I tried the plugin based on aptanaès instructions and it failed on the first try.
As usual SO respondents reported this problem.
I restarted Eclipse, and then did the install with Aptanaès URL
and it worked.
My environment was Eclipse JUNO,
As of 01/29/18 and Eclipse Photon, none of the URLs listed as answers here work in Eclipse's built-in software sources panel. However, after some trial and error mashing up Aptana's old download URLs with the ones Appcelerator (which bought Aptana in 2015) uses for its own software, I got:
This works, is totally plug-and-play, and is obviously official - no need to go off to some shady 3rd party hosting site. I just wish someone at Appcelerator had spent 15 minutes to post it somewhere.

Turning a browser plugin into an XPI

I have a very old (1992) browser plugin for a mac that works in several different browsers. However, since Firefox restricted its plugins to XPI files in Firefox 3.6, the plugin no longer works.
I haven't been able to find a useful document describing what I need to do to my plugin to make it an XPI, or at least loadable by firefox, can anyone point me at such a document? or just explain to me what I need to do? I'm using Xcode.
Brain; the problem is most likely that in Firefox 3.6 they removed support for XPCOM interfaces on npapi plugins. you need to use npruntime instead.
You could also consider using FireBreath to rewrite it with, as that abstracts a lot of the details.
So if this is an NPAPI plugin, you can just create a simple XPI (it's a ZIP file):
This follows from the page I linked earlier.
You can create the install.rdf by reading and following the install.rdf reference page on MDC or just generate a stub extension using something like
Extension Wizard (here's a "more official" version on, but I haven't used that) and take the install.rdf from it.
You should probably limit the extension to Mac in your install.rdf (for that you'll have to read the install.rdf reference).
[original answer was:] What technology does the plugin use? XPI is a packaging mechanism; the answer to your question depends on whether the technology you use is still supported in Firefox 3.6.
I didn't think there were cross-browser plugin technologies, that worked in 1992 and are still in use now, so it's hard to guess what kind of plugin you're talking about.
