Connecting to Oracle from Teradata - oracle

I have to run a report based on the Teradata tables but I need to extract a field from table residing in Oracle database. Can somebody please help me how I can create a DBLink between these two databases?
Thank you in advance.


How to remove database name from the user/schema name in oracle after migration from SQL Server to Oracle?

We are migrating our database from SQL Server to Oracle using the SQL developer tool. While migration, the schema name in SQL Server is "schmdw". This schema is used in our datawarehouse or OLAP database AdvworksDW. After migration we were expecting the schema/user name in oracle will be schmdw. But it is coming as schmdw_AdvworksDW i.e. schemaname_databasename. How can we get rid of this and get the schema/user name in Oracle as schmdw only? Can anyone help me in this regard?
In Oracle, there's no supported way to rename a schema/user. The best solution for you is to create another user, SCHMDW in your case, and give it grants on all objects of the SCHMDW_ADVWORKSDW plus synonyms. Have a look at the second comment on this post, it gives a pl/sql script to automate that.

Can Someone explain the database concept difference between mysql an Oracle?

I have started working with mysql earlier, where different database meant completely different database, and I can create delete databases.
but when I started to working with oracle, the structure really confused me, the 'database' term means the same in Oracle as Mysql? If not whats the difference?
Oracle doc explain the difference (and migration tips): Databases
When migrating MySQL databases to Oracle, SQL Developer maps each MySQL database to a tablespace in Oracle. Database objects, such as tables, indexes and views are stored in the respective tablespaces and are referenced from the Oracle schema for the user that owns them.

How check from where(sources) data come to table Oracle 11g

How check from where(sources) data come to table Oracle 11g.
I have table. Some sources insert data to it. I need find all sources.
Check the grants on the table - which database users have the rights to INSERT or UPDATE or DELETE. Check all software that can connect as those users. Good luck.

Access Oracle Table from Sql Server

I have two different databases, one is in sql server and one is in oracle. i create a linked server between those two. how can i get data from oracle without the option "openquery".
Please help me out this.
You can create a connection link in oracle and then you can access the sql server database
see: Oracle connection link

Can't see all tables in datasource

I'm using Birt 3.4.1. I was able to create a datasource.. but I can't see all the tables in my database. When I try to create a database I see 1/3 of my tables in the Oracle 10g database.
Are all the tables in the same schema?
