Access Oracle Table from Sql Server - oracle

I have two different databases, one is in sql server and one is in oracle. i create a linked server between those two. how can i get data from oracle without the option "openquery".
Please help me out this.

You can create a connection link in oracle and then you can access the sql server database
see: Oracle connection link


How to remove database name from the user/schema name in oracle after migration from SQL Server to Oracle?

We are migrating our database from SQL Server to Oracle using the SQL developer tool. While migration, the schema name in SQL Server is "schmdw". This schema is used in our datawarehouse or OLAP database AdvworksDW. After migration we were expecting the schema/user name in oracle will be schmdw. But it is coming as schmdw_AdvworksDW i.e. schemaname_databasename. How can we get rid of this and get the schema/user name in Oracle as schmdw only? Can anyone help me in this regard?
In Oracle, there's no supported way to rename a schema/user. The best solution for you is to create another user, SCHMDW in your case, and give it grants on all objects of the SCHMDW_ADVWORKSDW plus synonyms. Have a look at the second comment on this post, it gives a pl/sql script to automate that.

Migration access to Oracle using SQL Developer

I have to Migrate Access Office 365 database to Oracle 19c using sql developer 19.2 but when I open sql developer connection there is no option for access. Only all I can see for Oracle where I successfully connected to Oracle.
Can anyone help me how can I connect to access database and successfully migrate database to Oracle?
Thanks for your help in advance!
Perhaps it would be better to migrate Access database to SQL Server first (also called "upsizing"), and then to migrate the SQL Server database to Oracle.

SQL Server Migration Assisstant (SSMA) doesn't see my schema in Oracle

I can connect to my 12c Oracle database using Oracle's Sql Developer and see my schema, but when I connect via SSMA I can't. I see a bunch of other schemas in SSMA, which I assume came with Oracle because I've only created two users on the box and I don't see either of them in SSMA. I'm connecting using the System account, so I don't think it would be a permissions issue. As you might be able to tell I don't know much about Oracle. Where could my schema be hiding?

How to create a database link from Oracle database to DB2 on system i

I'm trying to establish a connection to a DB2 database using a database link in Oracle.
The final objective is to be able to do a "create table XXX as select * from YYY#DB2"
I can connect directly to the DB2 database using SQL Developer and the db2jcc.jar connector but i can't create the database link.
Additionaly, when i use the feature "Migrate to Oracle..." on SQL Developer it just dump a java exception.
Thanks in advance,
One way of doing this is with "heterogenous services", ie, Oracle takes via ODBC to a remote non-oracle data source.
There's a manual for this in the standard doc set:
but in a nutshell, the basic steps are:
1) have an ODBC driver for DB2 on your database server, or on a machine that your database server can reach.
2) Configure an ODBC target for that DB2 database. Lets call it "MYDB2"
3) create a file initMYDB2.ora in $ORACLE_HOME/hs/admin. Configure it as per the sample (init4g4odbc.ora). It points to your MYDB2 target.
4) In that directory, you'll also find samples for listener.ora and tnsnames.ora.
So you'll end up with a tnsnames entry called "MYDB2". It will reference the initMYDB2.ora, which will point to the MYDB2 odbc target, which will be your DB2 database.
Then you create a database link in the normal way:
create database link blah
connect to my_db2_user
identified by my_db2_password
using 'mydb2';
Hope this helps.

Accessing SAP Pool Table A016 from Sql Developer

We have two divisions in our company, one uses E1 on Oracle 11g the other uses SAP on Oracle 11g.
We also have a SQL Server system we use to data warehouse information once a night from both system to run our report server against.
The question I have is for pooled tables in SAP, such as A016, how would I get that information out of SAP?
Currently we have SSIS's setup with a linked server to the two Oracle servers which pull the data we need I just don't have the knowledge of SAP to find the Pooled tables.
if I can't pull the pooled tables because they don't physically exist is there a tool I can use in SAP to find out what tables the pooled table is getting it's information from? This way I can rebuild that table in SQL using a open query and some fun Joins.
You have to access those tables using the application server. They can't be accessed directly from the database.
You'll probably want to write an ABAP program to extract the data you need go from there.
