Can't see all tables in datasource - oracle

I'm using Birt 3.4.1. I was able to create a datasource.. but I can't see all the tables in my database. When I try to create a database I see 1/3 of my tables in the Oracle 10g database.

Are all the tables in the same schema?


SSMA - How to see the new Tables created on Oracle Schema?

I have a project to migrate Oracle schema and its objects to SQL Server on SSMA.
I created a new table on the Oracle schema I am migrating, but I cannot see that table on SSMA.
I tried "Refresh from Database" on SSMA and it doesn't show up either. I receive the message: Nothing to process by this operation, because all objects are equal
When I open the schema on SQL Developer, I can see the table under the schema on Oracle

Parent(Customer) and Child(Order) entity tables are created in MySql database but can't see the records on those tables

I have created Parent(Customer) and Child(Order)entity tables in the MySql database using hibernate and I have created one customer and some orders in those tables I can see those tables data in MySQL using MySql 8.0 command-line client but can't see on the database.
Could you please help me with the query?

How to copy an Oracle DB Schema in Oracle Cloud

I'd like to copy a schema to a newly created one in Oracle Database, in Oracle Cloud.
As far as I know, these databases are managed ones, so I can't run expdb / impdb on them.
Any other idea how to copy (~clone) an entire schema?
As #dmitry shared above-
1.Extract DDL…. 2.Extract data csv… or insert sql. 3. Create tables in cloud. 4 Load data into tables(sqlloader or sqlplus). 5Create other objects(indexes, procedures, packages,etc ).6 Recompile functions, procedures, packages, views.
Please see #dmitrys response above

Can Someone explain the database concept difference between mysql an Oracle?

I have started working with mysql earlier, where different database meant completely different database, and I can create delete databases.
but when I started to working with oracle, the structure really confused me, the 'database' term means the same in Oracle as Mysql? If not whats the difference?
Oracle doc explain the difference (and migration tips): Databases
When migrating MySQL databases to Oracle, SQL Developer maps each MySQL database to a tablespace in Oracle. Database objects, such as tables, indexes and views are stored in the respective tablespaces and are referenced from the Oracle schema for the user that owns them.

Connecting to Oracle from Teradata

I have to run a report based on the Teradata tables but I need to extract a field from table residing in Oracle database. Can somebody please help me how I can create a DBLink between these two databases?
Thank you in advance.
