How check from where(sources) data come to table Oracle 11g - oracle

How check from where(sources) data come to table Oracle 11g.
I have table. Some sources insert data to it. I need find all sources.

Check the grants on the table - which database users have the rights to INSERT or UPDATE or DELETE. Check all software that can connect as those users. Good luck.


How to remove database name from the user/schema name in oracle after migration from SQL Server to Oracle?

We are migrating our database from SQL Server to Oracle using the SQL developer tool. While migration, the schema name in SQL Server is "schmdw". This schema is used in our datawarehouse or OLAP database AdvworksDW. After migration we were expecting the schema/user name in oracle will be schmdw. But it is coming as schmdw_AdvworksDW i.e. schemaname_databasename. How can we get rid of this and get the schema/user name in Oracle as schmdw only? Can anyone help me in this regard?
In Oracle, there's no supported way to rename a schema/user. The best solution for you is to create another user, SCHMDW in your case, and give it grants on all objects of the SCHMDW_ADVWORKSDW plus synonyms. Have a look at the second comment on this post, it gives a pl/sql script to automate that.

How to query tables and pull data into an Oracle APEX application from another schema?

I am working in an Oracle APEX application and am trying to query tables in another schema (that another Oracle APEX application sits on) to pull in data to my application.
The applications are hosted within the same APEX workspace and on the same Oracle 11g instance. Our application have tables that are structurally the same as the tables we're trying to query in the other schema.
Using the schema prefix (SELECT * FROM "SCHEMA2".TABLE1;) when querying is throwing an error that the tables do not exist (ORA-00942: table or view does not exist)
The second thing I tried is creating a database link between the two schemas, but when trying to establish the connection I'm getting the following error: ORA-01031: insufficient privileges
Can someone identify where I'm going wrong here / help me figure out how to query the other schema?
Database link is used when there are different databases involved; your schemas reside in the same database which means that the first attempt was correct: prefixing table name with its owner, e.g.
However, first connect as schema2 user and issue
grant select on table1 to schema1;
Otherwise, schema1 can't see the table. If schema1 is supposed to do something else with that table, you'll have to grant additional privileges, such as insert, update, delete, ....

How to use tables from database in apex 19.2

I've installed Oracle APEX 19.2, on database 12.2. And I don't know how to use tables which exist in database. For instance, I have table 'test' in database and I can't use this table in app builder. I searched in google, but I couldn't find appropriate answer.
Thanks in advance
When you create a workspace, you have to "pair" database users (schemas) with your workspace. It is done in administrative part of Apex (you have to log in as ADMIN).
Once you do that, you'll be able to see tables owned by that user.

Oracle Global Temporary table - Privileges for other instances

I have created Global Temporary table in oracle and inserting the data through my application, and its working fine for me when i connect to database with "system" as the username. Where as i have created one more user in the database with "user1" and have given "Grant all" privileges to this user also. Now when am connecting to database with "User1" as the username and running the application, the data is not inserting into Global temporary table.
But when i try to insert data from sql developer tool its inserting.
With system user through application also working, whereas with user1 its not inserting. Am not getting whats behind going as am not that much DB expert.
Please have any idea suggest me. I have all privileges also. Thanks in advance.
Fist, the table MUST be in other schema than SYS or SYSTEM. Create it on "User1".
Second, you must be sure that you select from the same table. Prefix the table with the schema when inserting and also when reading.
Also be sure that you are not in the situation of table created with ON COMMIT DELETE ROWS and some AUTOCOMMIT ON in Sql Developer.

Oracle XE Suit - Where's the ON switch?

I'm not a DBA, but I have some basic understanding about how SQL Server is supposed to work. I'm having trouble translating this knowledge into getting a working Oracle XE database, so my girlfriend can play around with her bookstore coursework.
So, I installed Oracle XE database, and downloaded Oracle SQL Developer. I supplied a password, during installation, and using this password in conjunction with sys login in sysdba-mode, I'm able to connect and browse the database, which I can only assume is the master database, since there are numerous tables that have nothing to do with future bookstores.
I want to create a new - empty database, and I don't much care about how it's configured. It's a playpen for coursework. So I happily stab with:
create database bookstore
and recieve an error to the effect of:
ORA-01100: database already mounted
I just want to create a new database, so that if something goes wrong i can do a drop database bookstore instead of manually deleting tables and such. In SQL Server Management Studio you execute these statements on the master database, and then connect to the specific database you want to play with.
A SQL Server database is roughly equivalent to a schema in Oracle. And a schema in Oracle is a collection of objects owned by a particular user.
Given that, it appears that you want to do something like
Create a user
CREATE USER bookstore IDENTIFIED BY bookstore;
Grant privileges to the user
Now, you should be able to connect to the bookstore schema in the XE database and create whatever tables, views, triggers, etc. you want.
You just need to create a schema in the database you already have. A schema in Oracle is sort of roughly equivalent to database in SQL Server, in some ways. Your girlfriend would use that schema as her playpen and you could drop it and recreate it easily. You should also create a user for her, which I think automatically creates a schema with same name as the user. But I would still create a dedicated coursework schema.
Oracle has extensive online documentation. Here's the master index for 10g. It's a bit daunting but you'll get to know your way around it.
