Our SonarQube Server Version is – 5.1. we have two dashboards (Main Dashboard & Custom Dashboard for specific project) was created by one of our X colleague.
Now we have requirement to add one project from Main Dashboard to Custom Dashboard. So for the same could you share the steps to complete this.
Thanks in advance.
First, you should use latest SonarQube LTS version, 5.6.
Then, you need to know that Dashboard have been removed since SonarQube 6.2
I need to implement AWS open search in laravel 8 did any one have idea how can we get this? any reference link or tutorial ? does any one have doing same before ?
I've implemented OpenSearch with a couple of projects on Laravel 9 recently.
Here is the instruction on how to install OpenSearch:
And this is the really simple custom Laravel Scout engine you may use:
For AWS open search in Laravel 8.x you can refer my custom package based on Laravel Scout engine.
It's work well for my project with Amazon OpenSearch Service version 1.2
I am unable to see the mini cart on top right corner after creating a new project using demo-store.all-0.9.0.zip from latest release here https://github.com/adobe/aem-cif-project-archetype/releases and installing it through package manager in my AEM 6.5. Do I need to install it separately? I am following this integration through https://www.adobe.io/apis/experiencecloud/commerce-integration-framework/getting-started.html
Cart will not be even visible until and unless you do not setup a dispatcher as shown here in this video. The mini cart is actually a react component which directly communicates with Back-end Magento and to avoid CORS issue you have to set up proxy through a Dispatcher.
I am working on a moodle project. I have created course categories on moodle but i want to display this course i have created using webservice (REST to be precise). How can I do this please?
You should use the Moodle webservices to do this.
Please read the docs to see how to enable this for your Moodle instance.
After it's been enabled, you can use the test client available from Github as base for development: https://github.com/moodlehq/sample-ws-clients/tree/master/PHP-REST.
You should see if you are able to add this as library in CI, shouldn't be that difficult though.
is there a way to set different main-dashboards for projects in SonarQube 5.2?
I want to see a different dashboard for project 'a' as for procect 'b'. I know there is a way to have more then one dashboard but I want to set a project-specific main dashboard.
Old Jira-Ticket: https://jira.sonarsource.com/browse/SONAR-2486
Is it possible or not? Thanks.
Nope, sorry. In fact, from 5.3 the primary project interface is standardized, and not customizable.
I am developing custom component Joomla 2.5 version.
Now I am trying to create update script / server, but it does not work.
Check out Joomla docs on this topic:
J2.5:Developing a MVC Component/Adding an update server,
Deploying an Update Server
Akeeba Release System for advanced package management
It's really hard to find out what's wrong from your description of problem.