Joomla custom Component Update Server script Issue - joomla

I am developing custom component Joomla 2.5 version.
Now I am trying to create update script / server, but it does not work.

Check out Joomla docs on this topic:
J2.5:Developing a MVC Component/Adding an update server,
Deploying an Update Server
Akeeba Release System for advanced package management
It's really hard to find out what's wrong from your description of problem.


Laravel e-commerce project using Aimeos package

I'm trying to work on a Laravel e-commerce project where I'm planning on using the Aimeos package for a multi-vendor platform with a front-end custom theme. However, I'm not able to find the proper documentation to follow, and I'm kind of lost. Is there is any resource that I can use for reference or any guidance from the experts, please?
To customize laravel aimeos to your needs, you can create a theme extension:
Tool to generate a theme extension:
You will be able to make changes to the client views and components as well as to the administrative panel without losing the changes when updating the laravel aimeos package.

API to get course category in moodle

I am working on a moodle project. I have created course categories on moodle but i want to display this course i have created using webservice (REST to be precise). How can I do this please?
You should use the Moodle webservices to do this.
Please read the docs to see how to enable this for your Moodle instance.
After it's been enabled, you can use the test client available from Github as base for development:
You should see if you are able to add this as library in CI, shouldn't be that difficult though.

How can you fix server error 500, received when upgrading from Joomla 3.1.5?

While attempting to upgrade joomla using the button, I receive the server error 500. I have read this joomla forum post which related to my problem, but the update_site table in my server doesn't have any blank entries.
probably your hosting server is weak. So it can not handle this kind of process.
I suggest:
1) Make a full back-up and restore on localhost, then upgrade to 3.3.4. Make a full back-up and override your old joomla also database.
2) Change hosting company.
By the way, after check those tips:

how to make email templates in Joomla?

I want to make a email template to use in Joomla back-end. does it possible? how?
I looked up at Joomla docs and didn't find my answer. I use Joomla 2.5.7.
Firstly upgrade your Joomla version to the latest 2.5.x version
As for the e-mail template, you will need to install a component that allows such a feature, like a Newsletter component. I personally would recommend JNews, however more can be found at the following link:
Hope this helps

How to move custom template form Joomla 1.5 to 2.5?

I am migrating form Joomla 1.5 to 2.5 version. I need to move template.
I installed it with Extension Manager. It displayed in Template Manager. But when I am assigning this template to site- the site respond with HTTP Error 500 (Internal Server Error): An unexpected condition was encountered while the server was attempting to fulfill the request. This template worked fine on Joomla 1.5.
Your template need a Joomla 2.5 (or 1.7) compatibility!
I'm facing the same inconvenient at this time, so i want to publish here my answer to help anyone who has to do this task to convert templates 1.7 to 2.5, the instructions can be found in, specifically in the section "Alternate Method Using a Version 2.5 Template".
I've tried different tools to convert them automatically without success, this method really helped me.
