API to get course category in moodle - codeigniter

I am working on a moodle project. I have created course categories on moodle but i want to display this course i have created using webservice (REST to be precise). How can I do this please?

You should use the Moodle webservices to do this.
Please read the docs to see how to enable this for your Moodle instance.
After it's been enabled, you can use the test client available from Github as base for development: https://github.com/moodlehq/sample-ws-clients/tree/master/PHP-REST.
You should see if you are able to add this as library in CI, shouldn't be that difficult though.


Question: It's possible to use Angular version without authorization?

I want to use Abp as base for my company projects, actually we use Oracle for Database.
The problem is all bussiness logic including Users, Roles are managed by the database, in my case I don't need to use authorization.
Really I need a clean version of the framework wihout any table. I know I can download the framework like this If I don't mark the check "Include login, register, user, role and tenant management pages." but this template is for MVC and I need something like this but for Angular.
My question is
Is there any way I can get the framework like this for angular?
Any way to clean It and how can I do it?
I hope you can help me, I will appreciate it.
If you unslect Include login, register, user, role and tenant management pages, it does not include most of them and gives you a clean project. Did you check that?

How to share users data between multiple subdomains in joomla?

Today I came across following situation
I have a joomla and jomsocial site (http://www.mydomain.com) hosted on server. It has several custom (third party) components installed on it.
Now I want to upgrade this site to latest version of joomla and jomsocial. Hurdle is some third party components are not yet compatible with the latest version.
So I am planning to host these components on subdomain (http://mycomponent.mydomain.com)
Now the conditions I have are
User must be same for both the site.
If user logs in to main site and then opens subdomain (using link provided on main site), he should be logged in to subdomain and vice versa (i.e. Single Sign On)
Database can be different for both sites.
I am not getting a idea, how to proceed with this. I am thinking about using web services to communicate with main site.
Any suggestions or links to guide will be appreciated.
There are Extension on JED which provide Single Sign On functionality to joomla. If they work may depend on your versions of Joomla...

membership website codeigniter

i am newbie here in codeigniter. i was asked to build a-dooid-like-site or a-aboutme-like-site for my local college so they can make their own identity card. i plan building this website using codeigniter since i heard codeigniter is the most easy to understand and i dont have more than 2 weeks to complete the task.
my questions is :
if the dooid build up with codeigniter, how could i make a function
that allows people choosing their direct url. i mean, if i have a
class "User" and there is a "show" method that need
"username" as a parameter. the URL should seems like this one:
how could they make a their own url like this one:
i plan to restrict some "method" guest and it will
be enabled when user login into site. i mean if i have a class
"user" there is a "edit_profiles" method. guest can see the
"show" method but logged in users will be able to
"edit_profiles" after login. on the same class.
can you tell me how the codeigniter session library class concept? i confused with native session php. is there anybody that can show me some links contains session class tutorial that stores session into databases?
Yes this is possible, look into the documentation for custom routes:
For access control it is simplest to use a prebuilt login library
such as ionauth or tankauth both or which provide the
features you'll require.
The sessions used by CI do not use PHP native sessions. The best guide is in the dosumentation: http://codeigniter.com/user_guide/libraries/sessions.html Where the data is stored is determined by the sessions in the config file and is described in the documentation.

Is there a way in Joomla to have public user profiles?

I installed Joomla 1.7 and I noticed that you can have user profiles with the user profile plugin. However, is there a way to publicly access a user's profile (without loging in)?
For instance, I noticed that you can go to:
However, that seems to pull up my own profile, If I am logged out it always redirects you to the login form. I have tried adding additional variables like "id=1", "user_id=1", or "userId=1".
Is there a way to do this? Or will I have to develop a component to pull in this information publicly?
Even though it not possible with clean Joomla website a lot of useful code come with it, which you could include to your component if you prefer to create one.
But... there is a great extension Community Builder with a great team behind it. Having used it in the past, I would highly recommend it as a solution for community based sites.
It changes the login form to a much better & bug-free form, enables more fields to be created for registration, and allows special pages for individual users, plus, community builder has extension-specific plugins.
EDIT: This answer needs an update as since it was added more extensions have been introduced like JomSocial or EasySocial. I cannot recomment CommunityBuilder any more
This post is tagged with Joomla 1.7 however I wanted to mention that if using Joomla 3.7.4 you now have the ability to show the User Profile plugin data from the core Contacts component. You can also add more custom fields to the Users component and they will also show from the Contacts component. You can set the display of the Users Profile info by going to the Admin panel -> Contacts -> Options. Turn on the option under; Contact -> User Profile -> set to "Show".

Codeigniter expressionEngine

I just started working with codeigniter and i found it easy to work with. I recently came across expressionEngine and seems like a great add-on for codeigniter. My questions is, after i install expressionEngine, will that change the way i work with codeigniter where code goes in controller and view in the view folder.
Apples and Oranges,
Codeigniter is a framework that allows you to create a Web Application like an admin system. The customer does not add any content or touch anything. You can add CMS functionality to your codeigniter Web Application however in this sense you are actually building your own CMS on top of your Web Application.
ExpressionEngine, built with codeigniter, is a CMS that allows clients to add content without actually giving them access to your HTML - That is not to say that you can't give them access but this would defeat the purpose of a CMS.
Because expressionEngine is built on top of codeigniter it is possible to access it's functionality (I've seen posts on this but haven't tried it yet myself).
I think you would use the two together if you had a Web Application with a Website around it. In this way the client would be able to add content to the website and even some of the Application information areas but you would use Codeigniter to build the Web Application's functionality.
I don't think it would be a waste of a week to get into expressionEngine. LevelUpTuts has some great video tutes on expressionEngine 2 and try Nettuts+ CodeIgniter from Scratch for, suprisingly, codeigniter.
(For those who are new to CMS) The general process of development is:
- Translate your website design to HTML/CMS/jQuery
- Translate your HTML to expresionEngine Templates
- Define your Channels which your clients will add content to
- Embed those Channels into your templates to display that content dynamically
- In administration, assign permissions to who can add content to which channels for your clients
It will start to make sense once you try it.
You can't layer ExpressionEngine on top of CodeIgniter since CodeIgniter is extracted from ExpressionEngine. It's EE all the way, or use CodeIgniter to build your own thing.
ExpressionEngine supports PHP code inside it's templates if that's what your asking.
EE(2.0) is a CMS built on the CI2.0 framework.
If you are familiar with CI you will be able to hack, modify and extend EE with ease, as well as develop your own plugins etc.
You can of course, have an EE installation and a CI installation on the same server, but the two do not interact directly - CI is a framework, EE is a CMS.
Not sure I would call EE an "add-on"...
EE is it's own standalone Content Management System. Generally EE and CI are not meant to be mixed. While EE is built on CI, it is not meant to be extended/changed etc... They (Ellislab) will tell you, If EE doesn't fulfill your requirements, then you need to use CI exclusively.
Plus, a 300$ license is pretty expensive for something that you view as an "add-on".
I would reccomend looking into PyroCMS, which is also a free (beer and speech) CMS built on CI that directly allows for "Module" development which is straight codeigniter development with a few added meta/installation files that would allow you to build the extra functionality you need within the Codeigniter structure.
There are four files for expression engine.
For Example i have module named "Products"
1)mcp.products for admin end or admin control panel just admin controller in pyrocms
2)mod.products front end code is placed here 3)tab.products tabs are here 4)upd.products installation code. There are views in "views" folder and model is in "model" folder in our case "products_model". Just copy your controllers methods and paste them in mcp.products.php on admin side. and copy your controllers methods and paste them in mod.products.php on front end side. in udp file place the table structure.and it will treat as you are in Pyrocms.
