SonarQube - specific dashboard for projects - sonarqube

is there a way to set different main-dashboards for projects in SonarQube 5.2?
I want to see a different dashboard for project 'a' as for procect 'b'. I know there is a way to have more then one dashboard but I want to set a project-specific main dashboard.
Old Jira-Ticket:
Is it possible or not? Thanks.

Nope, sorry. In fact, from 5.3 the primary project interface is standardized, and not customizable.


Question: It's possible to use Angular version without authorization?

I want to use Abp as base for my company projects, actually we use Oracle for Database.
The problem is all bussiness logic including Users, Roles are managed by the database, in my case I don't need to use authorization.
Really I need a clean version of the framework wihout any table. I know I can download the framework like this If I don't mark the check "Include login, register, user, role and tenant management pages." but this template is for MVC and I need something like this but for Angular.
My question is
Is there any way I can get the framework like this for angular?
Any way to clean It and how can I do it?
I hope you can help me, I will appreciate it.
If you unslect Include login, register, user, role and tenant management pages, it does not include most of them and gives you a clean project. Did you check that?

Problems with users authorization in Sonar 6.2

We have a running instance of Sonar 6.2 that's been upgraded from sonar 4.5.x and since the beginning we have used the LDAP plugin to recover user data.
Once upgraded to the 6.2 version we have noticed that we can't authorize new users and groups to projects, because we can't see them.
If we select a project and go to the users tab on the project's permisions section we get this, in spite of having this users list. And if we select the groups tab we only see the previously groups assignated and not the rest of the existing ones.
Help is appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
By default, the list you see on project Administration > Permissions > Users is the list of people with permissions on the project. Since you haven't assigned any users permissions on the project, the list is blank by default. Why not show everyone by default? Imagine a SonarQube instance with hundreds of users. You certainly wouldn't want to see them all there by default. Instead, you only want to see the ones relevant to your current context; the ones with existing permissions on the project.
To find your missing users, try entering a username in the search input. Matching users should appear in the list area so you can enable permissions for them.

Findbugs and FindSecBugs in Sonar

I wanted to have an extensive static analysis of our code so chose FindBugs as the Sonar profile. However I also want to have a good security analysis too for which I can see there's a profile called Findbugs security Audit in SonarQube. Is there a way where I can use both of them to analyse our code without having to create a custom profile?
There is not a way you can apply two different rule profiles to the same project at the same time. You can choose one or the other but to have the rules from both you'll either need to edit one of them or create a 3rd profile.
Note that this is not hard too do.
create a new profile (it's empty at this point)
go to the Rules page
Use the Quality Profile facet to search for the rules active in the first source profile - click on the profile, and 'active'
Use Bulk Change to activate them in your new profile
repeat steps 3 & 4 for each source profile.
There's no need to worry about overlaps - rules active in multiple source profiles will be activated once and only once in your target profile.

SonarQube 5.2 Quality gate name for module in multi modules maven project

I have a multi modules project.
On the parent, I specify a new Quality Gate, which is not the default one.
On parent project dashboard, the Gality gate is correctly displayed.
On child module, the quality gate seems to be applyed, but the default one is displyed on the dashboard.
Did I miss something ?
This is a bug, and I created SONAR-7107 to fix it.
The most important here is that the correct quality gate is applied on the modules - which is actually the case. So this is just a UI bug.
Thanks for reporting it!

Entity Relationship not seen under Look For in Advanced Find for CRM 4.0

I have the following issue.
I have a custom entity which i have imported in 2 environments. In environment 1, the entity got imported without much difficulty and worked as I had created it.
In the 2nd environment, the entity got imported but i can not see Created By relationship for user under Related label in Advanced find view. However, in the 1st environment and the environment that I had developed in, I can see this relationship.
I do not know why this is happening and the only way to correct it is through unsupported update to CRM Metadata Table.
Can someone please tell me what am I doing wrong?
If you go into the customizations and open the attribute there is a property there that determines if a field shows in advanced find or not. Can you check to make sure that Searchable is set as Yes?
