Clearcase installation - installation

Can somebody let me know the best way to installation clear case application on a AIX server.
Clearcase version 7.1.2
If we have the method for uninstallation , it will be highly appreciated.

This should follow the general rules for ClearCase installation on Unix.
I have detailed one in "How do you install ClearCase 7.1 on a Unix-based server with no GUI and no internet?".
There are only a few of feature issues with AIX.
The silent uninstall procedure for ClearCase is covered in "ClearCase 7.1 Silent Uninstall by example on UNIX or Linux".
CD to the directory /var/ibm/InstallationManager/uninstall on the installed system.
Download the appropriate operating system response file from the following technote:
Sample uninstall response files for IBM Rational ClearCase
Run the following command in the above directory:
uninstall --launcher.ini silent-uninstall.ini -input /root/clearcase_uninstall_response_sol_x86.xml
In the previous example the response file is
This will uninstall ClearCase from the system.
The following will uninstall Install Manager from the above said directory:
uninstall --launcher.ini silent-uninstall.ini


Websphere application server on Bluemix — install APAR fix

How can I install an APAR fix (temp fix) to the WAS on Bluemix?
Is there any documentation to teach me how to do it?
I cannot find the installation manager in the Linux OS, but even if I have it, how would I install the fix using ssh mode?
You should be able to find the Installation Manager in the /home/virtuser/IBM/InstallationManager directory [1]. Any fixes must be installed as virtuser. Once you're in the appropriate IM directory, it should be business as usual for using the imcl install command. The link below should reference additional IM documentation.

How to remove Installanywhere installation from registry

I'm trying to install a tool that was packaged by installanywhere,
The installation doesn't start because the install is detecting a previous version of this toll.
I removed any installation of that tool from: "Add\remove program"
and removed any folders containing this tool , But I can still see it's registered in the Registry.
How can I remove it from there so I can install my tool?
I managed to find this tool,
Which is great for uninstalling:
Revo Uninstaller Pro

How do I install XAMPP to another directory on Windows 10?

I'm having the hardest time installing XAMPP on C:\Development\xampp on Windows 10. I would like my C drive to be as clean as possible so I'm moving as many dev tools to the Development folder as I can to achieve this. I get an error towards the end of the XAMPP installation about a problem running the post-install step. It then suggests I install Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable, which I already have the 2012 version installed. Originally XAMPP was installed on C:\ with no problems.
How do I install XAMPP to the above directory or any directory other than C:\?
I have tried installing XAMPP portable and now receive the following error
I'm no longer on Windows so I can't re-test, but as I recall, the easiest way I managed this was to use the portable version of xampp.
Make sure to run the shell setup script so that it recognizes it's location properly.
You can get it from Apache Friends
Or from

How to uninstall Trac on Windows?

I installed Trac on Windows 7 using Trac-1.0.1.win32.exe.
How do I cleanly uninstall this? My reason for uninstalling is that I installed it with Python 3.4, and then discovered that it actually requires Python 2.7. So I would like to remove the existing install, and re-install it for Python 2.7 .
Nothing appears for Trac in the Windows 7 "Add/Remove Programs" area. There is a program RemoveTrac.exe that was created under the Python34 directory, however when I run that it pops up a MessageBox with title Runtime Error and text This program is normally started by windows, and it does not uninstall.
I'm not sure but to me it seems that installer just checks your environment, detects some pathes and sets them in the installed Trac environment. Trac should be on top of Python and SVN. So likely, you can just remove the installed Trac directory.

Installing Subversion on top of already installed Apache?

I have a working WAMP environment (Apache Friends). I decided to try Subversion and downloaded CollabNetSubversion-server-1.6.9-1.win32.exe. On the download page there were packages including Apache server which I did not use - because I didn't want to replace my current Apache installation.
I just installed the one that did not include Apache, and now I want to configure it to work with my current Apache. What should I do?
Is there an easy step by step tutorial to explain this?
There's lots of tutorials such as the XAMPP (apache friends) version and the WAMP version
If all you want to do is create a repository and do checkins and updates locally on your windows machine then just install TortoiseSVN. Tortoisesvn only installs the shell extension for windows explorer, not any command line svn executables. To get those you have to download them separately and make sure they're the same version of svn that tortoise uses or you'll get errors about version mismatches when using the command line svn.
