How to find administrator panel path in Joomla project - joomla

A few years ago I've created a site using Joomla. For security reasons I changed the path to the administrator panel using some module (e.g. Akeeba's Admin tools, but I'm not sure) and I don't remember this path nowadays. In which file this path is written?

My best guess is that the administrator folder is defined in the file your-www-root/defines.php, with a line like
So try looking for a defines.php file in your www-root.

Actually, I solved this problem from different point of view. Instead of trying to find hashed path, I just disabled plugin that modified this path, so it became /administrator (standard path). For those who struggle with the same problem but don't want to disable plugin, I recommend to look for this path in db, instead of static files


Apache treatment of symbolic links under Windows

Does +FollowSymLinks work with Windows shortcuts? It seems it is completely ignored by Apache under Windows 10.
The importance of this is that, some web frameworks, like Laravel, use this directive to access storage folder (or any other folder outside the public directory) throughout symbolic links. Then, these features are simply ignored in Apache under Windows.
Could anyone, more experienced than I, conform or explain me that? Could you also tell me if there is any workaround?
Thanks for any help!
Shortcuts aren't symbolic links, that's not the same. In order to put a filesystem reference to a file or directory on Windows, you need to use mklink command in either CMD or PS console.
As for Laravel, it ships with no outside dependencies, meaning everything Laravel needs to work aside from PHP itself should be located in the served directory, minding the path in configs. As far as I know, Laravel doesn't use any kind of symbolic links as it is platform-independent, meaning that as long as you have PHP properly configured and compiled with needed extensions, it will work anywhere. It even ships with a default .htaccess used for routing inside /public directory, at least in Laravel 8.
The way Laravel files reference each other is rather simple, check relative paths. Mind they are also implemented as a part of filesystem in any Windows or *nix systems and behave similarly if not identically.
I propose to store the project as is in the config-defined directory and work on your code from there.

Joomla:: File image does not exist

I am working on a Joomla project where I am new to Joomla.
i have problem that cannot open my site, the error is :-
File images/stories/zamalek/s3201221131442.jpg does not exist.
my link :-
i am use joomla 1.5
Since your website doesn't display anything, I would guess that you have a problem with your template. Try using an IDE like eclipse for searching the path it tells you it's not finding in your code. Maybe it's a typo.
Your system is asking for an image so you should go to images/stories/zamalek/ and make sure that file is actually there. Remember that if you're working on a Linux server, it distinguishes between lowercase and uppercase letters.

Where does TeamCity place the build files?

I am setting up TeamCity with a VS 2010 web solution and VSS.
I have it working and building automatically when someone checks in.
I am unable to find where the built bin folder is placed though.
Any ideas?
Like Ales has given you the information in that link, your bin folder will be 'somewhere' under the build agents home directory, something like c:\BuildAgent\work\????? - the reason I use the question marks is from memory the directory name is not a constant and this may make it a bit harder to find if you want the files used for the build.
You can however override this behavior and tell TeamCity the checkout\build folder:
Edit the 'Version Control Settings' (step 2) of your build Configuration and change the checkout directory from auto to custom.
Before proceeding you should read the docs regarding Custom path as there are some caveats

Can you Define $home as 'C:/user/%username%/' property for an installer

I've been looking through Property References and I cannot find anything that relates directly to 'C:/user/%username%/' or $home so I can install files to a folder generally in the "downloads" folder. Simplar to [AppDataFolder] but not to the roaming folder.
You will not find a predefined property for that folder, you need to create the path at install time. The following article explains how you can do it with Advanced Installer, I don't know what tool you are using but maybe you can get the same done with it too.
Also, this should be possible to achieve with the free edition of Advanced Installer too, i.e. "Simple" project type.

Move the whole joomla site to a different directoy/subdomain

I am currently developing a joomla 1.5 based site in a temp subdomain (which points to a subfolder on ther sever where all joomla stuff is installed). Currently I am using plugins joomgallery an kunene 1.0.9 (legacy mode).
Once the development is done I would like to move the whole site into the root directory and delete the whole subdomain. How would this ideally be done? Can I just move the files or is there more to it? Any common pitfalls to watch out for? E.g. Are there absolute paths referenced somehwere?
In your configuration.php file, the base path might be defined, something like this:
var $live_site = '';
...though I think by default now, it automatically detects this value for you.
Check in the configuration of your custom components to see if they have got the paths "hardcoded" in there too.
Another thing you could do is set up a .htaccess file with some RewriteRules so that any call to gets redirected to
There is a free Joomla! extension for this called Joomlapack. Just make a backup with Joomlapack, move the backup files that was created to the new site/folder and run the script that also was created in the backup. Done!
Joomlapack makes a complete backup on both the DB and site files so you can move your site anywhere if you wanted. Joomlapack can be found here:
Make sure to edit your configuration.php file as per these instructions.
