Joomla:: File image does not exist - joomla

I am working on a Joomla project where I am new to Joomla.
i have problem that cannot open my site, the error is :-
File images/stories/zamalek/s3201221131442.jpg does not exist.
my link :-
i am use joomla 1.5

Since your website doesn't display anything, I would guess that you have a problem with your template. Try using an IDE like eclipse for searching the path it tells you it's not finding in your code. Maybe it's a typo.
Your system is asking for an image so you should go to images/stories/zamalek/ and make sure that file is actually there. Remember that if you're working on a Linux server, it distinguishes between lowercase and uppercase letters.


Images and Video not loading on Github Pages

I'm working on a website with Github pages. My code has been reviewed and it said to be correct, but my images and video do not display when I look at the site on my browser. I've read a bunch of similar questions on this site, but the answer was always that the file path was case sensitive. My case is the same, it still doesn't work.
I've tried to use the "raw" url from github. Tried with a ./ and just a / no luck. My email is verified.
Any other suggestions? Thanks!!
The top level of your site is at
That means that an image located at resources/images/camp.jpg has a full path of
However, you're using /resources/images/camp.jpg which is relative to the top of the domain, in other words relative to That means /resources/images/camp.jpg references, which is wrong because it's missing the excursion subdirectory.
The easiest way to fix your problem is to just use /excursion/resources/images/camp.jpg instead of /resources/images/camp.jpg.
Or you could use a custom domain and get rid of the excursion subdirectory.
There are fancier options if you need something more specific, but hopefully this gets you going in the right direction.
I have also found that the file extension names are case sensitive. For Example, if the files are named *.JPG, the file path must also be in all caps.

How to find administrator panel path in Joomla project

A few years ago I've created a site using Joomla. For security reasons I changed the path to the administrator panel using some module (e.g. Akeeba's Admin tools, but I'm not sure) and I don't remember this path nowadays. In which file this path is written?
My best guess is that the administrator folder is defined in the file your-www-root/defines.php, with a line like
So try looking for a defines.php file in your www-root.
Actually, I solved this problem from different point of view. Instead of trying to find hashed path, I just disabled plugin that modified this path, so it became /administrator (standard path). For those who struggle with the same problem but don't want to disable plugin, I recommend to look for this path in db, instead of static files

How to make Sass watch css if files are being edited on the server?

I understand how to make a sass file watch a css file through the terminal.
But this is only the case when the files are on my computer.
How to set up the same process if I'm editing files directly on the server.
When creating a website (I'm loading the files from the server on Sublime Text3) and I don't have any files on my computer and I don't want them on my computer either. I have no idea how to make sass watch my css file if the files are loaded directly on my text editor and saving everything directly on my server (so without saving anything on my computer).
If this is done through the terminal or any other way,, how is this done?
After many hours and having squared eyes now, I managed to find a blog with a solution.
Here is the blog:
(1) .
Long story short: I got it to work and to do what I want it to do! smile
I went through the steps as mentioned in the blog. In order to make it work I had to download a php file, which can be found here: (2) .
In addition I had to create another php file and add some code into it (which can also be found in the second link).
Afterwards I had to link to the php file I had created and specified the .scss file to load (normally you don't link it to any php and you would specify it to the .css file).
The blog in link one explains everything in clear steps. Hope this helps others as well as I didn't see this question being answered anywhere before on StackOverflow!

How to add files to a PrestaShop theme without "hacking" the core

I am working on an web built in PrestaShop that needs some re-design. I have made a copy of their theme and I am working there. Now I need to add some javascript files and they need to be included in all my theme pages.
I have read similar questions here and looked for info and basically I have found two solutions proposed:
1) Add the file directly into your HEAD.tpl using something like {$base_dir}
(explained here: Prestashop root directory)
2) Add the files in the FrontController.php (overrides/classes) with a new setMedia() function
(explained here:
The second solution seems the most recommended one but when I open the FrontController.php I see the following warning:
* Do not edit or add to this file if you wish to upgrade PrestaShop to newer versions in the future.
So I'm a bit confused now. Is it safe to edit this file? How about future upgrades, will they overwrite any changes made there? Isn't it safer to add them to your themes header.tpl and not affect the core of the cms?
(This is my first question here, I tried to follow the guides but I would appreciate any comments on how can I improve it, thank-you!)
It is totally safe to use the override file, and that's why they exist. I have used them in every Prestashop I made and they've never had been replaced in an update. The text they put is for the license, they probably just copy/paste it everywhere.
I wouldn't recommend manually adding the files to the header.tpl. It will work, but the advantage of adding it with the Tools::addJs() method is that the script will be concatenated with all the other scripts.

Something strange happens with resources files

Something strange happens to me today.
I’m working on a Multilanguage application using global resources.
I have several files, one for each language. i.e., companies.en.resx, etc.
Nothing special or different from any other ordinary Multilanguage app.
Today, the app fail and I traced the problem to be that HttpContext.GetGlobalResourceObject didn’t find the resource file.
After scratching my head for a while, I remember that yesterday, before I closed my Visual Studio, I delete a resource file that was garbage. This file was unused and in fact it was empty.
Just for “You never know” I create a new empty resource file, and Walla!!! Everything begins to work perfect again.
The ONLY difference with this file, is that is named without the language like test.resx.
I don’t get it, It is so weird.
Another funny thing is that when I try to access the resources with “Resources.” Test is the only resource I get.
Any Idea what is happening?
I’m using visual studio 2010 with MVC 3.
Default resource file (without any language extension like companies.resx) is required with other language based files (like or when working with resources files for multilingual project.
Reasons: When no file exist, matching with the current culture then default file is used by .net. For example you have two language based files
.fr.resx for French
.es.resx for Espanish for instance
And if current user's language is other than these for instance Arabic then the default resource file will be used. i.e. .resx without any specific language extensions.
I had problem with resources in VS2010 too. After trying to reference non existing resource in the resources table Visual Studio was crashing. It didn't even let me to correct the wrong reference because it was crashing all the time.
I fixed this problem by deleting the wrong line in the file with regular text editor and after that running the VS again.
It seems that VS2010 has some issues with resources.
